How Much $$ To Fix Troll Heritage Set? GOFUNDME FOR BLIZZ

What, you don’t like your Red Hot Chili Peppers sock on the nose?

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I thought the forsaken one was pretty awesome, all my forsaken pals loved it and they don’t usually love anything.

I didn’t care for the human set but atleast they got like 3 totally different sets, someone atleast tried


Forsaken set was sick, this set is a hosed down elephant butt.

They will pull a better set but will put it in the shop.

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Anyone in Blizzard associated with that Heritage set should be ashamed of themselves.


I seriously hope not but at this point I’m so let down I’d seriously consider coughing up the cash if it was really good. But if they besmirch Vol’Jins legacy in the quest chain today I might withdraw my funding all together that and the bad set would be personal.

Stand your ground brother. 50 bucks for an xpac every two years + a sub is more than enough. All that cash flow and you get a thrift shop cosplay mog. Cmon. At this point they just give the bare minimum in order to keep the playerbase engaged. Just check the War Within tier sets. :smiley:

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Exactly we’ve seen what they produce when they care about what they’re making this. is. not. it. Who ever made this either doesn’t know, doesn’t care, or isn’t human.

I’m gonna write a rough ballpark estimate for the fix here and I could be way off since I don’t work in the online gaming industry but lets say $70/ Labor Hour - 6 hours of research, 8 hours of concept art design, 20 hours to create the digital render or coding to make the concept into the game, 4 hours to trouble shoot, and $700 for unforeseeable expenses, $400 for overhead (material, data storage, material transportation, plus markup for profit.) Overall I’d wager a set like this costs about ROUGHLY $3,760 to make an implement. Maybe I’m wrong and someone else can provide some insight. This is what I estimate a proper set would cost the company to produce. Considering we already funded most of the project and the whole set doesn’t need to be scrapped I think we can work something out.

We could raise that much on a go fund me or atleast close enough to justify the repairs. Like I said Blizz lets have this conversation, if you’re not getting paid enough to make a good set lets talk about it.

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Dude, no! Just stop. Acti-blizz already has more money than they could ever spend. Don’t give them any ideas for more cash-grabs.

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Actually seems like a pretty fair estimate on what it takes to make an armor set. Then you gotta think, is this going to generate that amount of revenue? I’d say if you consider what the whole array of Heritage sets costs and what it adds to the game and the number of players it’s likely to cause to renew their subs just to get it the profit being raked in more than justifies each set. Even if the cost were triple what you came back with it would still be profitable, less so if the set is awful.

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Three words
One demand
Say it with me
Loud as you can




Anytime you don’t like something you act like this?

Love it, the whole shpeel did you come up with that yourself?? That’s gotta be our rallying cry

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I’ll donate $15 to the free the nose fund

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bout tree fiddy

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Nah. Aside from the helmet, I like it.

Yeah just got it in game #Free The Nose! This set ain’t done cooking

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That’s just one weekend at the bonfire.

Disgraceful, Free The Nose!!