RDF: Fix PVP Flag annoyances

Currently it’s somewhat random whether you are PVP flagged or not. Or half your group is/isn’t. You don’t give each other buffs, etc. People don’t always speak the same language so getting everyone to do the same thing is either a massive headache or impossible. Can this be fixed?

Possibly …

By posting here would likely get better results than GD.


Actually I agree. You might get someone from a pvp server, or who was flying over Wintergrasp, etc. May as well just have the system unflag people on taking the teleport in for uniformity.


Its frustrating. Buffs don’t work properly. Beacon of Light doesn’t transfer healing appropriately. Prayer of Healing doesn’t heal appropriately. It’s frustrating.


Yea I’m always flagged as Tank from a PvP server. So I hear it a lot. Think the only solution is for everyone else to flag.

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PvP players want everyone to leave the toilet seat up, so they won’t be inconvenienced by having to lift the lid.

It’s extremely ironic because you can reword this exactly for PvE players and it would still apply.

PvE players don’t want to flag to solve the problem when PvP players literally can’t unless they spend all of their time in cities.

To be fair it just shouldn’t even be a problem at all, pvp flag on or off just shouldn’t even matter in PvE instances.


…You mean you DON’T have Dal laggy as a 10Mb/s download on a 1Mb/s connection because of the number of people within the city?

To be fair PvP players time spent in Cities is either attacking or defending.

Just have everyone flag. It’s the easier route and solves the issue.

INB4 “why should I have to change?” comments

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