How do I drink as a Earthen to get Mana Back?

I feel as Earthen this would make sense. for just water/food to regen it’s not a massive gold different if you had a racial that Earthen just like ‘Reboot’ or go into a Hibernate mode to regen. Much like SWToRs regen abilities.

This needs to be fixed ASAP!! As resto shaman I absolutely need a solution to this before M+ goes live or it will train wreck everything. Just put a new type of water on the Dornogol innkeeper that sells Earthen only “water” for the same price as inn keeper food, problem solved. But this needs to be addressed asap. Sometimes I run out of mana in heroic dungeons if the tank pulls large. NEED A SOLUTION BLIZZARD


Yeah they literally could just make an item called sweated rock or something and Earthen could use it. Literally costing 2kg per drink is idiotic

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Yep, the only class on Earthen that is viable right now is mage.

Honestly this is the best idea. It preserves the racial flavor, but still lets them have food/drink like everyone else. Let them use normal drinks. For food, put a special gem “food” on the vendor, for the same price as regular food.


Do the earthen inn keeper sell special food that is named after rocks and minerals are they edible for earthen? has anyone tried?

Yes we’ve all tried – no dice. None of the food or drink sold by inkeepers is consumable by an earthen.

Yep…hopefully Blizzard realizes soon that Earthen (outside of mage) are not viable in any group content. Then again, it could be intentional. It can’t be coincidence that the race change sale ends JUST when this “issue” starts.

Wow im all for keeping in lore reasons but legit making classes gimped is just wrong…

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It’s not just gimped. They are straight up not viable in any group content except follower dungeons. And even in questing they’re severely handicapped except for mage.

They could be planning on everyone levelling one, realizing they’re not viable, and hoping they sell a lot of race changes. Guess we’ll know if they fix it before M+ goes live or not…

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Blue response, just in.

Like it’s obviously a bug yet people freak out like the world has ended…

No, the well fed buff disappearing on death was a bug. This was not a bug, it was an outright design problem. That fortunately the many threads about it made them acknowledge. Until the blue post, there was no guarantee Earthen would ever be playable.


Exactly. I updated my thread too. Thanks for commenting there btw <3

For those reading this thread? get familure with Belga. She sells flavored Gems and is in game NOW. Her gems are just not editable by Earthen YET.

This is Begla

My only concern now is, going forward will there be an NPC that sells Earthen food in the next expansion and beyond. I assume yes but we’ll see.

Maybe Belga can move with us, the same way the Dracthyr item upgrade NPC’s moved.

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idk about anyone else but my earthen mage can use the mage food just fine

Its the only food they can eat. Other than that just gems. Problem is they were cut Gems that sell for 1k a pop

does anyone know how much of the campaign has to be completed to unlock the race ?

I got a message on Monday that it was all unlocked from the game but thinking that was a bug as I in reality still haven’t unlocked it

not sure if it is the earthen race unlock quests that are messed up for me or campaign or what …

I beat up on some guy in Ringing Deeps for the guy from Donagal (the shady council member) and NO further quest appeared and I can’t locate the NPC or that quest chain now … shrug

Yeah, no mage portal to Dornogol for Heritage armor set quest at level 50 and no way other than spending a lot of gold on 1 gem for health/mana from the auction house. The portal for Dornogol doesn’t appear at the capitals until level 69 now. Why would a new race not be able to get to their homeland when you have to 1st unlock said race with another character. Then create a new Earthen at said homeland but can’t walk out the building?
By the way the auction house should not be required to feed your character what kind poor planning is that? Food/Drink behind a random priced Auction House paywall.

Hooray, I’m popular! If any earthen would like to ask for summoned food, I will now entertain your pleas.

All of it is required.

They’re usable now – you can eat them now, in other words, they must have hotfixed it in overnight.

There are some issues with it, still, because the three gems only cover 3/5 possible colors, which doesn’t cover all of the potential buffs (which means that drinking to restore mana using a Belga gem of a color that doesn’t match the preferred buff will overwrite it, apparently).

Some of the details are in this thread, towards the end: What are your thoughts on Earthen racials? - #142 by Pandamns-bleeding-hollow

Still, it’s definitely a big step in the right direction.