How do I drink as a Earthen to get Mana Back?

This is confirmed (is a joke for anyone that thinks otherwise). That’s why my Earthen Hunter is now Survival

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Right. I mean why didn’t they just add some earthen rock food to the Innkeepers, if they wanted to keep it separate from “normal food”? They still need a way to do normal regen that doesn’t cost 1000g each time they drink.

I can’t imagine leveling an earthen, really. There you are, level 20, and you need to regen mana and it costs you 1000g.

Silliest design ever in the game, bar none.


I want to know why people keep saying this, as I just tested it on my Earthen and 100% could not eat normal food lol


Because in beta you could.

It appears to bugged with only mana buns being usable.

Just like the well fed buff from gems is also bugged, no longer persists through death/etc and you have to relog/etc for it to pop back up. That’s not a UI bug either, stats do indeed go down.

This doesn’t make any sense to me. Are we absolutely certain this is a bug?

Because the passive very clearly states “cannot consume food.”


Only after level 60.

Which would be a real laffer, right?

I mean it would make yesterday a complete whiff – the two “new” things that came (the end of the campaign, and the earthen) both shipped with bugs that make each essentially unplayable. I mean what a disastrous day.

They fixed the campaign bugs. Issue is will they fix the earthen, or claim that it’s “working as intended”, and that the ability to eat regen food in beta was one of those things that was relaxed/accelerated in beta because it was beta. We will see.

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Well in beta you could and the passive said the same thing. So it would seem like a bug.

If Blizz expected people to bug mages/hit a folower rungeon to get mana buns every login just to restore mana then it’s poor design.

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We’ll see for sure. If they don’t change it to how it was like in beta, Earthen will be the least played race even under Mechagnomes.


I could on the beta, it seems like that is a bug on live.

Currently the buff falls off if you die or in my case accidentally eat food from an old expansion (which it lets you do) and get an old well fed buff.

This is actually kind of hilarious in a really bad way.

It has to be a bug right, these issues can’t be intended can they?

Something something small indie company.

It’s buggy, but I’ve died and had it return, I think it’s supposed to come back after death.

Delve food and mage food work.

Blizz haven’t tested any of their newly released content in the last 6 years and they certainly don’t listen to feedback. Definitely an oversight. The only way problems get fixed is if enough people complain about it

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I race changed as a healer, and im REALLY hoping this is a bug/oversight…

I think it’d be fine if they really couldn’t drink any water IF they also gave them substantially higher out of combat regen instead.

They probably won’t because then healers of other races would want that instead of having to stop to drink as well.

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It’s just easier to give them rock water or something and let them drink it. I mean the meadery produces stuff they drink, right? Why not use that as mana regen?


They also could have just given them a racial rest ability like how some games replace food/water with an ability. I think SW:ToR did that.


Rolled a new Earthen Holy Pally… Homage to my OG Holy Pally from MoP that is on a different server.

Didn’t realize I couldn’t drink… lvl 45 now… I hope it’s a bug, I kind of like the look of the earthen.

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