How do I drink as a Earthen to get Mana Back?

Am I expected to much down on super expensive gems everytime?


From what I’m reading…apparently you don’t. Unless I’m missing something. This can’t be right, it would be an extreme disadvantage as say a healer.


You just drink like normal.
At least its how it worked on beta.
Dont see why it wouldnt now.

It apparently won’t let you use any normal food.

Nope, that doesn’t work. Unless it’s only mage food…

The racial just means you cant get the well fed buff from eating as far as i know

Someone I talked to said normal food does not work at all, says you can’t eat it.

No, you can’t eat anything. It displays a messaging saying earthen can’t eat.

Yeah earthen can drink normal (non-buff) food/water.

You won’t be able to mana up via a feast before a raid boss pull, though. So just always have some normal water on hand.

No they cannot.

This is either an extreme oversight or we’re missing something. How are healers supposed to get mana back?


They can eat mage food… at least that’s good.

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Yeah but what if you aren’t a mage? Mage food isn’t something you can just keep around, it expires if you log out. Imagine having to bug a mage for food every login.

There has to be something we’re missing. Blizzard has put poorly thought out things in the game before but nothing this poorly thought out. Anyone that’s played the game for 5 minutes would know they need some way to restore health/mana if they can’t eat.


If earthen can’t drink any water other than mage water, that’s a bug and we aren’t missing anything - we are all quite well-acquainted with bugs this morning.

According to ivy veins, the tooltip actually states that, and that would mean it’s not a bug…also, water doesn’t help with recovering health.

Then don’t play any healer as an earthen, I would suppose rofl

That would make the entire race useless. As in, don’t group with one because their racial is a liability to the group. I don’t see Blizzard doing something this poorly thought out, which is why I think we’re missing something.

Ok, wait. They have a racial that says they can’t get a food buff? How is this a good thing? Why do they have that?

You consume gems. There is a racial that tells you which ones to use. Its called Ingest Minerals.


There’s no gem to consume for primary stat, which you get from the day/night feasts. It also doesn’t seem to persist through death like the hearty feasts/foods do now. Seems like a wild oversight and more of a racial hindrance than buff.