Horde needs to change its culture

Well horde players tend to show that they dont understand the setting or writing

You mean…horde players refuse to accept that they’ll be the villains in any event? Yeah how dare we :wink:


It’s not worth it lol

you already are the villians with genocide and all that stuff under the hordes belt, its literally time to them to change, otherwise the story starts to get dumb with the only way to justify the hordes existance is the 15 dollars they pay.

You always act like we the player have any voice in changing the way our faction is portrayed? I don’t understand why, we hold literally less than 0% of the power to make the call.

Blizzard wrote the horde to do these things not the players, nobody really knows what blizzard will do next, I don’t even think blizzard knows they have proven that time and time again.

Everyone on this forum comes in fangs out at the other faction due to what? The story some guy in California writes? :+1:


you do and dont lol, Sure blizzard is gonna do what they want utlimatly but you can defs choose what you say on these forums. If horde players want to be a evil faction I am pretty sure blizzard is going to make them that.

No alliance players attack horde players cause horde players defend the hordes actions. You can cry all you want about how you didnt have a choice but you do have a choice in defending what the writers made the horde do. you do have a choice in defending a war meant to make the other side extinct

Nonsense. They do whatever they want and they couldn’t care less what people on the forums say.


right thats totally why they are gonna make a new city for nelves and undead when they dont have too.

Sometimes I think the story would be better off than it currently is if they did listen to players more often.

Alliance would be a lot more aggressive instead of always-forgiving milquetoasts. Horde would likely have Thrall back as Warchief so they were more like what they were at the end of WC3 and start of WoW. The two factions could simply go back to smashing each other on an equally gray footing.

Instead of…
/glances back at BfA
whatever that was. :confused:

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A mass majority of horde players don’t want to be evil. You’re assuming based on a handful of posters from the forums which a small amount of players come to, care about, or even know exist.


We need to change.

But in the opposite direction. As it stands, the Horde is turning into everything that makes me pretty much unable to seriously play the Alliance. Boring, morally righteous, “GEE GOLLY GUYS LET’S ALL HOLD HANDS AND WORK TOGETHER” sticks in the mud. Just listen to any of the inane dialogue from Baine (ugh) and Gazlowe (uggggh) post 8.2.5 in Orgrimmar. I already roll my eyes every time an Alliance character speaks when playing my alts on that faction, let’s avoid making the Horde like that as much as we can.

Why stop at just one city every two expansions? Let’s make it two cities, or maybe just one city and a few small towns as a compromise?

Orcs need to start industrializing their war machines, like their AU cousins did. We have the Mag’har now, so let’s put em to work with the Goblins and make even bigger bombs and tanks to obliterate the pestilent nesting grounds of all the Alliance rats in this world.

The Forsaken definitely need to re-up on their Blight, especially with Lordaeron gone. It’s by far their best weapon, and improvements still need to be made to refine its deadliness and get past any of those pesky countermeasures. Maybe even start capturing Alliance soldiers to try and create a strain specifically deadly to Alliance races, while passing over the Horde ones. Maybe even a magic-suppressing compound could be synthesized to reduce the risk of enemies using portals or teleportation to bypass it or escape. And with the lack of Val’kyr, we’ll need to look elsewhere to fill our need for new bodies. I’d like to see some Cult of the Damned members captured and interrogated, maybe they can help us develop our own Necromancers to just cut out the need for anymore middle men.

The Trolls are now more united than they’ve been in millennia with the inclusion of the Zandalari in the Horde, it’s high time we start utilizing some of that cunning and savagery. Let’s start laying hexes down on villages and disrupting their food supplies. Call upon the Loa for a well timed drought or to whip some wildlife into a frenzy to tear their farmhands to shreds, and soon the Alliance farmers will be too scared to even leave their homes.

The Tauren… Yeah, I got nothing. They’re kinda just useless. You get the idea though. We will need some pretty heavy course correction to get rid of the current errors of the Horde as of the end of BfA, but I believe we can still save our Horde from the rot currently spreading to its heart.


Translation - “The Horde would be better if they acted more like the Alliance.”

No thanks. If I wanted to play the Superman fantasy, I’ll hop onto an Alliance alt. What really needs to happen is Blizzard to stop throwin’ the story out the window every time Ion has a “cool idea” and keep things consistent.


I’m not interested in being Gray and i was actually pretty pissed off at the damage Arthas did to the Alliance. If anything the Alliance is finally back to what it should be and while I dont expect Blizzard will let the Alliance totally white, I expect any dark things we do to be incidental at best, infrequent at worse.

That makes for a good story. Superman Jesus.

Each to his own I guess :man_shrugging:

Perfect is definitely a well known human trait…

Blizzard has backed themselves in a corner with any future faction conflict. Horde players are beyond sick of being the “evil” ones and ally players want to remain “perfect”. The next catalyst should be interesting, probably not though.

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Constantly? Really?

I mean, I can look on the front page of the story forum and find any number of variations on “what is wrong with the Horde” by Alliance posters. I can’t find any on the topic you suggest.

Doesn’t seem that comparable.


You are failing to account for the races recent history.

Orcs were savagely oppressed and mistreated by the ogres up until they banded together and fought back. That was only a generation or two ago in game. The violence allowed them to finally be free of that oppression, it was empowering.

Up until cata, the forsaken were huddled in dilapidated buildings and the sewers of there old home haunted by the memories of all the did while under the control of the scourge. They were looked at as disgusting, pitiful, monsters. They shouldn’t even exist in the eyes of most races. They flipped that script a bit, they won’t hide in shacks anymore.

I’m not sure how long ago this happened, but goblins were slave labor by the zandalari. They got nothing for that labor. Now there culture revolves around getting as much as possible for what you put in.

Many alliance races had periods of prosperity, to build their giant kingdoms and reflect on themselves to grow. Those ideals were born of privilege.


Both topic attempting to try to paint the Alliance as either villains/future villains or something it current is not but want it to be.

Well, I think it’s time for the Alliance to change and just finally surrender to the Horde already.

There’s your REAL status quo shakeup!


I think the opposite. If this council thing fails it will be a sign the Horde was always a failure and deserves to be dismantled.

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Fixed that for ya :smirk::wink:

If the council were to fail Blizzard would have to reach sooooo far to make it happen. Now with every remotely evil Horde racial leader gone it is setting itself up to be a good council.

Thrall (maybe Eitrigg too I hope), Baine, Lor’themar, Gazlowe, Rokhan, Lillian (her story is kind of a mashup and confusing at the moment), and all the allied race leaders. This council seems like it would work good, but who knows…I’m sure one of them could magically turn evil.

Watch it end up being the Vulpera.