Finally an alliance civil war incoming

So with the scarlet crusade finally having the true hier to the throne a civil war is sure to happen.

Anduin can either vacate the throne but he wont as he knows it will start the 5th war we will see an inner conflict within the alliance.

The scarlet crusade will have the strength of the true hier to lay claim to the alliance, many will defect to the cause for this but not only that they will agree with the scarlets anti horde stance and the recent events of the 4th war.

We can easily tyrande siding with the scarlet along side with the gnomes after the events of mechagon and the hordes actions.

You might think that factions such as the kiren tor might aid anduin but they serve the throne and with the true hier being on side of the scarlets they will provide no aid leaving jaina in a tough spot too.

The easy option for anduin would be recruit the horde with baine to help end the conflict but doing so with just reinforce the stance of the scarlet causing more defections and even have genn question his loyalties as his hatred of the horde and forsaken greatly outways that of his friendship.

Did I miss something?
When did the scarlet crusade join the Alliance?

If there’s an Alliance civil war it should be the other leaders and races realizing that Anduin cares more for the Horde than he does for his own people.


Whew lad, there’s… a lot wrong here. Assuming this isn’t a late Sunday post…

The Scarlet Crusade has a boy. Calia’s child is/was a girl. They do not have the “true heir,” and even if they did, that child would have no claim to the throne of Stormwind - if anything (debatable, given that the Menethil monarchy is long since disposed of), he would have a claim to the throne of Lordaeron, which hasn’t been a part of the Alliance for years.

The First, Second, and Fourth Wars were wars between the Alliance and Horde. The Third War was both of them against the Legion.

None of them involved inner struggles between the Alliance, so assuming that this “true heir” actually posed any kind of threat to Anduin’s throne or would cause any kind of notable inner conflict in the Alliance to any mass of people with a brain, it would not be the “Fifth War.”

See above, and also, the Scarlet Crusade has spent the past couple expansions getting their teeth kicked in. At most, they’re likely just a haphazard group of racist conspiracy theorists. Having a kid they claim to be the “true heir” is not gonna change that or make them any more intimidating.

I have no idea what the hell you’re talking about with Mechagon and the gnomes - Mechagon featured the Alliance and Horde working together, culminating in a joint cooperative project between Overspark and Gazlowe during the rebellion. Why you would think they would be down for Team Scarlet is beyond me.

As for Tyrande, while she does hate the Horde, that doesn’t mean she’d be stupid enough to join up with an openly racist bunch of zealots, who in their propaganda, show hostility towards the Kaldorei as well in their mentions of the worgen curse.

So… no, that’s not something we can easily see on either account.

The Kirin Tor are a neutral faction who serve Dalaran, a neutral kingdom. The only “throne” they serve is the Council of Six, who have no say in Alliance matters since Legion.

Jaina hasn’t been a part of the Kirin Tor since Legion. She’s currently the Lord Admiral of Kul Tiras, a staunch ally of Anduin, and a close friend of Calia. I’m pretty sure Jaina would be firmly AGAINST the Scarlets.

No, the easy option for Anduin would be to handle the Scarlets how they’ve always been handled - send some adventurers to go play Kick the Zealot.

Assuming for a moment that this is true, and acknowledging that Genn is looking for more war, Genn loves Anduin like a son. If he were going to find an avenue to get it, betraying Anduin to side with a puppet leader in an organization that openly hates worgen is not the way to do it.

In summary, literally everything you just said was badly spelled incoherent babbling. I feel dumber for having read such a poorly thought out post.


What utter gibberish of a thread.


Firstly, we don’t even know they have a true heir.

Secondly, an heir to Lordaeron is pretty irrelevant. The Alliance was always that, an alliance. They rule together aside from their appointed High King (previously Supreme Commander).

Why would an heir to Lordaeron interfere with Anduin, King of Stormwind, keeping his throne?

The Scarlet Crusade has a lot of racist ideology, so that seems rather hard to imagine.

The Kirin Tor serves/rules Dalaran. They’re not even part of the Alliance.


It feels kinda like anyone with a brain who read “we have an heir to a defunct kingdom and we also hate every current Alliance leader” would know that it wasn’t going to garner much in the way of support, and yet here we are.


If the Scarlets have a heavy enough bludgeon then they can make whoever the hell they want king of Stormwind.

But I don’t see that happening unless they stumbled across some kind of cache of weapons or goods that can topple super powers like the Alliance.

However if the Scarlets are clever they don’t need to have a direct approach to get what they want.

I doubt it will be a meaningful “civil war”.

That’s a hell of a war to wage, to try and overthrow a sitting King, even if his forces are heavily depleted from exiting two back-to-back, bloody wars. Against a King who still has the standing aid of the remaining human kingdoms that haven’t fallen under the years. The guy’s dug in deep.

I am genuinely curious where this “true heir to the throne” information comes from though, if someone could share that with me.

I believe it’s from two books someone found on the alpha for SL.(Could be wrong) It contains mostly incoherent ramblings of a zealot, writing about a true male heir, though Calia has a daughter and something about worgens being evil or something. I’m almost positive it wasn’t meant to be taken seriously.

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The Scarlet’s book is basically a propagandist piece, if that wasn’t obvious.


Wait, Sylvanas and Anduin didn’t have makeouts?

But muh fanfic!


Won’t happen. The Scarlet’s describe the Kaldorei as a plague. As much as I’d love to Elune Vult my way through Stormwind and kill as many Stormwindians as I can.

Even if the Scarlet Crusade joined the Alliance, and, at the same time, the Alliance fractures into two major groups, those following Anduin, and those following Tyrande, I doubt the Alliance would go into a civil war. More like a civil divide. I dount that Anduin would raise arms against Tyrande, regardless of how thirsty for Horde blood she was.

Not sure why people want an alliance civil war so badly. Horde civil war sucked, why demand an alliance one?


This. All I can imagine is that they think it will be handled well, or people they want to be removed will be.

…none of that seems likely.

Now if it is one of those wackos who want the other faction’s player base to suffer, well, that’s another pile of stupid entirely.


I think some people want the ability to go do bad things.
Also, seemingly some want to spite Anduin as well.
Personally, I would like some inner conflict. But not to the degree of a civil war.

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Nah, don’t see it happenin’. The Scarlets will remain a non-threat and God-King Blanduin will bring everyone together in peace and friendship.

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Oh damnit, I was hoping something interesting was going to happen on the Alliance side and we would be forced to choose sides between Queen Anduin and the Scarlet Crusade. YOU GOT MY HOPES UP ONLY TO DASH THEM AS QUICKLY!

The Scarlet Crusade is entirely defunct. The Scourge obliterated Tyr’s Hand, and Voss put an end to any remaining leadership pretty thoroughly. The Scarlets in Stratholme have themselves become undead, and if anything should be absorbed by the Forsaken in the ultimate irony. It’d be a great excuse to make Forsaken paladins playable.

As of Legion we know the Scarlet Onslaught is still active in Northrend. But they’re hemorrhaging members. In the Priest Hall quests you rescue ‘heretics’ they aim to execute and then later see a bunch of escaped ex-Scarlets turning up in Dalaran.

So, they’re a shattered remnant that I don’t think could actually fight any nation one on one, much less insight a Civil War in the Alliance.

They’re fun bad guys though. Give them some shrieking fraud Televangelist of a leader and have them turn up to cause trouble whenever we need some enemy variety. They’re at best Azerothian Al’Qaeda. Bunch of deranged zealots living out in the middle nowhere. Maybe capable of launching some terrorist attacks but definitely couldn’t do much else.


That booklet is the Warcraft equivalent of that one aunt’s facebook post about making their favorite politician’s kid the next president. The only real response is to not engage.

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