High elves aren't the most popular choice for an alliance allied race

They’re not wanted as the next allied race, ticklr, you’re lying, you tallied up the scores in a question of what the next allied race is, not whether or not someone wanted a race.

Fix your title.

the question was what allied race do you want for the last slot.
Not what do you think is most likely.
Yes my title is wrong but your assessment more so.
I changed the title though now.

73.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

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my statistic comes from what people have said when asked.
Think of it like a poll before an election.

With a tiny sample size.

Who would have thought the alliance would want an identical race to the most popular race in WoW.

Fortunately they got void elves, and the devs described in great detail why they chose void elves over high elves. “If you want to play a fair skinned, blonde haired, blue eyed elf, the horde is waiting for you.”


Is this a total from NA/EU, Reddit and Mmo champ?, cause a lot of other forums are hugely active too for High Elves…

Gotta remember WoW is global not just NA/Oceanic

But I want all those Allied Races you’ve mentioned be so awesome! High Elves are my ongoing fav since like 2005 though. Well Realistically back in Warcraft RTS Days…

as said.
if more speak results will be amended.
Until then your argument means naught

Love it. Hope more people vote, data is so nice.

Thinly veiled High Elf For Alliance thread.

I hope more people vote too.
Its a shame that people that don’t like what has been said are deciding that the results don’t count because it doesn’t meet their arbitrary number of total votes.

Not at all.
If anything this is a Sethrak for the alliance thread telling High Elf fans that they are not even second place in popularity.

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Just another bait thread.

its always bait for those that do not like the topic :stuck_out_tongue:

Fixed that for you.

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Void elves?


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they are indeed an allied race

I reckon people should just be happy with them.

im happy with them.
I main one.

Mine alt. I reckon it’ll come to a halt if they compromise somehow. Maybe skin but not hair or something