High elves aren't the most popular choice for an alliance allied race

23% sethrak
16% saberon
14% high elf
13% jinyu/ankoan
8% mogu
8% Night elf worgen

And then 16% of random one offs that only 1 or 2 other people supported

If you disagree speak here Alliance: Pick your last allied race - #251 by Zaleos-quelthalas and get your answered added to the results

The Alliance wants Sethrak first.
Then Saberon.
Then in 3rd place are High Elves mentioned.


That would signify a desire, though. It might not be the largest desire, but it’s there.

Saying they’re not wanted is like saying that no one wants mac’n’cheese because it’s not the top favorite food.


Can I ask what your actual number of voters was? We don’t need 10,000 voters, but a few hundred is necessary to get a proper sample. I believe 300-500 is usually the minimum for a proper data set.


So 1/8th of participants in the survey wanted high elves and that’s your conclusion?

Was consideration given to those that want Void Elves to have High elf customisation for the same cause?

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I will admit the title was more clickbait.
But they are 3rd place so its worth remembering they are not the top billed demand.

See above.

No because that was not mentioned and if it was it was mentioned it a “give us a different race because they could be customisation” way.

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Why do so many people want so much customization and transmog, and hardly any push this hard for the game being better and more engaging?

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if more people want to respond I will happily add them to the results even if all for High elves. Then I will amend this thread to say High Elves are the most demanded.
But we can only go off what people will say.

Twice as many people viewed than commented so I can take that to mean they dont overly care

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Stop making High Elf thread.


High elf’s wont happen anytime soon

when was this survey?? q-q i missed it didnt i q0q

I wasn’t really suggesting that the data is wrong, just incomplete. I want to clarify that saying it’s not a large enough data set isn’t an attempt to a different hypothesis. It’s just saying that we need more data to support any conclusion at all.

its not a survey as in a direct poll as those aren’t allowed.
Im counting comments here

Yeah right girl. This is fake news.

I was always under the impression that the HElf community was like 5-6 people cycling through alts cause they all write and behave the same way.


Strictly for the alliance allied race or also for horde?
I think as a match up system jinyu alliance mogu horde saberon alliance ( because maghar are on our side ) horde Krokune Broken ?

im not disagreeing but we can only go off what people are happy to say
as of right now it was the most open thread ive seen and had lots of different opinions
And as I said im happy to amend results if more people answer

In that case it’s probably cause we’re sick of repeated threads about them. Results may vary externally.

or its that theyre not that wanted

Response is as bait as the title lmao

Sadly it’s the direction it’s going with a lot of other games too or at least I see it is. There is a big shift to fluff, cosmetics, mounts and other collection stuff… might as well call this world of neopets :rofl:


ironic coming FROM the bait.
as i said, if people comment to the contrary I will update