High elves aren't the most popular choice for an alliance allied race

i suspect most helfers have either given up and are either happily playing some version of wow minus high elves or gone elsewhere to get their high elf fix. i say this seeing as how the main high elf thread has been locked for nearly 2 months and new helf threads in support are rarely visible. seems there’s only 1 and it’s hardly ever in view.

final conclusion: people surrendered. i will always want playable alliance high elves, but currently i’m playing classic and enjoying it enough that i dont really care if retail gets high elves or not.


I think if their intention was a compromise in the first place, it was a really poorly handled one ((Wouldn’t be the first time a “Compromise” of theirs was poorly handled).

Agreed. It didn’t really quell the community.

thats not exactly fair since there was a new one made in its place and it gets updated at roughly the same rate as the main one did.

where? i dont see anything.

They’re sick of their own spam too.

thats because the old one got maybe 3 posts a day as well

It don’t matter, really how many ppl even post on the forums vs those who don’t, I would think allot more don’t post vs those that do.

It’s almost as bad as them news polls that go out and question 6 ppl, and call that a real poll 3 said this the other 3 that = 100% of the population

it got pretty circular. only so many ways the same subjects can be argued.

Could be right. Could be wrong.
No way of knowing that at all.

I got nearly 100 different results so a bit more than 6

I know. I think the current high elf thread got derailed for like a day because they were arguing that polls were only good in a highly specific way. Lol

It’s not speculation there is def more ppl in game than on forums that post actively

And 100 results is not that many ppl unless you think there is only 150 ppl that play wow

PS i don’t care about high elfs in wow

for them it will never count unless they win.
If they want to win then let them vote.
As I keep saying I will change the results if people vote.

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sethrak didnt use to be the most popular option. many high elf fans gave up. there were people from different parts of the world, paying additional sub fees just to be able to participate in the request threads for high elves, on usa forums. many polls were taken, and every time, it was high elves alliance, ogres horde. every time. example after example. eventually, people lose interest. pretty sure fans of any potentially playable race, will lose interest if the thing doesnt happen. i mean its been 14 years of nope.

I don’t but it comes down to if you think the people who use the forums form any type of representation at all

Majority of the players do not read the forums much less vote in links in forum posts. I would say it is impossible to know what the most popular choice for the next Alliance allied race would be. That said the most vocal is the High Elf and while that does not make it the most popular it is definitely the most asked for at least openly.

if the thread does not count then neither does any high elf thread ever made so…

Hardly scientific.

However you are probably close, since the Alliance has High Elves already, but some don’t see it.

If we get another race, jinyu/ankoan are most likely, this isn’t a want, it’s just a statement of what’s logical for Blizzard.

My Wants revolve around pale skin options on my Void Elf, and Paladin for Night Elves. Because lets face it, that solves all the issues with High Elves.

Nigh Elf Worgen are not actually a good choice as a race, as we already have Worgen. Saberon would fit the Horde better, but as they are on another planet and are not politically tied to any faction doubtful.

Sethrek is a Horde Race, the Alliance does nothing for them, the Horde Player has a quest to save them. So yah, also not happening.

Of the list of wanted Races/Allied Races only jinyu/ankoan are feasible, wanted, and have lore reasons to join.

p.s. Naga also, but lets face it Naga fit the Horde better.


actually they followed the maghar orcs through the portal so they are on azeroth now

If any did, they would join the Horde not the Alliance.

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