High Elf Hate Thread!

They refuse to do what was necessary to survive after Arthas’ attack. They became traitors to Quel’thalas, and the few that remain should be destroyed.

Also, all High Elf playable threads should be treated as the spam that they are.


I hate everyone and everything equally.


Go home, illegal alien !

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But I thought you are a High Elf. You elves confuse me with your politics.


We are Sin’dorei, due to the loss of our brethren. I’m also 1/2 Illidari.

Kaldoria lives matter!

They do? Since when did this become a thing?

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A high elf hate thread. What did we ever do to deserve hate? But anyway. If you are gonna do a hate thread, then might as well do it right. Few critisms:

  1. Lacking Angry face emote.
  2. Lacking large discord of supporting haters with groups of people to keep bumping the thread.
  3. Lacking a central hate thread that goes in detail about why you hate high elfs, complete with anti high elf propaganda.

Not that I encourage this of course.


Watch out, if you start doing fresh things, you might accidentally create a whole new subrace of elf.

I can fix that.


I support this thread.


So if all High elf threads should be treated as spam, this too should be treated like spam, correct?


Ah yes. What what would high elf threads be without antis consistently spam reporting them down. Alas though. Before you can ascend to that level, you need a discord with people consistently bumping the thread.

I vote for more High Elf npc’s…I do love how Blizzard trolls people with them :smiley:

(karma will get me for this one day)


They’ve also got bodied by Orcs, Trolls, Goblins and Worgs, do I have to speak about them being Humiliated by Humans as well?

But than again, it is much more Humiliating when 90% of a population was wiped out by one of the Weakest classes.

What annoys me no end is that it’s High Elves this , and High Elves that , and High Elves this and that.

When High Elves are near - indistinguishable from Blood Elves , and are near as rare as Dark rangers or Black Dragons in anthropomorphic form.

Meanwhile , the Alliance already has , always has had , an absolutely drop - dead beautiful Elven race ; the Night Elves.

Those crazy long and big ears are crazy - delightful.

The bouncing up and down on their toes is somehow cheerfully , endearingly cute .

And they have the absolute best hips and posterior in Azeroth. I’m familiar with Sylvannas genealogy , never the less , somehow she stole her butt from the Kaldorei.

They have the only religion in Azeroth you can keep straight in your head , or is worth remembering.

But where are the Night Elf love threads ? :frowning_face:



Because you bringing it up for no reason is so much better and totally not annoying.

Well currently I’m dressed for Winter Veil . Any other time , though , I’m flying the colors of the Forsaken.

But I get , by far , the most grief from you people.

I would guess you wouldn’t see what is really funny in your kicking the one friend in a thousand that you do have corpse - girl.

I love Night Elves, and I definitely think Blizzard is blind to not think of them as tall and majestic, but I do think something was taken from us when Blizzard decided to give Horde their own tall, beautiful, majestic purple elves as well that carry a lot of similar themes, aesthetic, and story that Night Elves do. People can say Nightborne are biologically or aesthetically different from Night Elves all they want, but they still absolutely give the Horde their own flavor of beautiful nocturnal elf with moon and nighttime symbolism, and lots of the color purple.

I think that’s where the rub lies, the Horde got lunar elves on top of having solar elves now, whereas the Alliance got lunar elves and were told “no” when they asked for more of a solar type of elf with brighter colors and features. To say nothing that they don’t really know what to actually do with Void Elves, because next patch shows they just want the Void to be evil and not more ambiguous in morality.

Personally in hindsight, if they were going to be this picky about which race goes to which faction… I can start to sympathize with the notion that Nightborne and Void Elves probably were a bad idea and have just opened a can of worms on the subject of blurring faction lines.

Hate is a very strong word.