The one true High elf solution

Kill them all off in lore. Then wam no more discussion.


Wouldn’t that make things worse?


All in the eyes of the beholder.

I’m down for that but I’d love extra customization too

It’s a necro but the message is still so pertinent.

(Mostly kidding, before you elves jump on me again.)

Holy necro y’all but as a pro HE, this is VERY true. If they had actually killed off the High Elves during the War3 and WoW gap, the issue would have been done.

Instead, they made them show up in BC, then gave them a faction of their own in WotLK, and they have just kept. showing. up.


No, they were in classic wow.
Their models were hilariously bad too.

Like, if you told me they just edited the warcraft 3 model, I’d believe you levels of bad.

That will never happen. There are High Elves who are philosophically aligned with the Alliance and they aren’t going anywhere.

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You say that now…

Hence why I’m saying they should have been killed off between the War3 and WoW gap.

Glad to see someone is keeping the dream alive.

Then we can have Alliance banshees! Undead Alliance High Elves fighting to avenge themselves against the wicked, wicked Horde.


Wont work.

We have time travelling and Alternative dimensions in this universe,
High Elfs supporters will find a way.


Easiest solution is to give both sides the cosmetic options to make high elves.

Velfs can toggle off voidy bits like alleria.

Belfs get skin and eye options to choose from.

Everyone wins.


Yes, we will. We demand the plot armor that only a High Elf waifu can provide. Look at Nathanos when he went up against Tyrande AND Malfurion.

I mean people were asking for a necromancer class in game but looks like we got in on the forums instead.

11 months!
I think that’s the longest dead necro I have seen.


The people who thrive on schadenfreude lose :stuck_out_tongue:

This isn’t my exact motivation for wanting them but meh, we want the same thing at the end so that’s all that matters.