Guild ui not showing up

Maintenance down time shouldn’t be necessary.* The extension this morning is unrelated to the work being done on guild issues.

I just want to make sure to set an appropriate expectation. Guilds will likely not be repaired by the time realms come up.

*Edit: When will I learn my lesson. I should say, based on the current information I have it should not be necessary. If this changes, I’ll be back with updates


Thank you for your patience and for being with us on this matter :slight_smile: we really appreciate your updates. Keep the good work.


Well, nice to know it’s not just me at least. It’s happening to only one of my characters, which is an alt that joined the guild only two days ago which I suppose makes sense based on the timeline.

Thank you CS team for the frequent updates and attentiveness, you guys rule.


Thanks for all the info. Glad I’m not crazy.


nevermind… didn’t see the blue post literally 3 above this one… oops.

I was panicking because I thought it was my files that got messed up, happy to see that others are in the same boat. Looking forward to the fix and thanks for the help.

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You’re doing God’s work, Kalviery. This level of communication is fantastic. Thanks for the regular updates.


I am having the the same issue it has been downed since i joined my new mythic guild. the workaround seems to work until you log out but it requires you leaving and rejoining as the gm did this once and suggested it. The only way i have been able to talk with anyone is through the /groster and i think its cause the gm is on my friends list. I hope this is fixed soon.

I am having the the same issue it has been downed since i joined my new mythic guild. the workaround seems to work until you log out but it requires you leaving and rejoining as the gm did this once and suggested it. The only way i have been able to talk with anyone is through the /groster and i think its cause the gm is on my friends list. I hope this is fixed soon.

It did not get fixed today. Still going on for me.

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Same here. Irritating as hell.

Sure hope this gets fixed soon…

Thanks for the update on this. You might want to merge all the threads about this together if possible, I had no idea this was being worked on or even acknowledged until someone else posted a link.

Thank you for giving us some contact about this though and letting us know it’s been identified and is in the process of getting fixed. Feels much better!

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19 posts were split to a new topic: Guild UI issue - March '20

Hi has this issue been solved? It happened to a week ago where the guild tab is all black but I can see my guild members coming online and stuff. If a solution has been found please let me know ^^.

I cannot see my guild on this toon, but this toon only. Addons or not.
Every other toon can see the guild and manage it but i cannot see it at all


Same here. It’s driving me nuts.

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You not alone. Same.

I’m having the same issue.

Same issue here. Glad it’s not just me. I even tried rebinding it to another keybind.

Same. I relogged thinking it would fix it and now my entire social chat interface with my communities says it is ‘Unavailable’ in red when I try to click on ‘J’.