You would think Blizz would issue a Game wide bug Alert and ticket that affected players could add themselves too … Or at least let everyone know there is a Game wide Bug !!!
I agree with this opinion.
Best to read the blue posts before posting as there’s info there.
Deleted my Character then restored, logged back in and had to get “re-invited” to guild. After getting back into guild, I could see the guild tab now… but after logging off and back on again, still experiencing problem.
So in the end… it didn’t work.
But according to the blue posts, they don’t know what’s going on, but they are “fixing” it?
They really should give us an update
Been like that for 2 days on both my guilds
Good morning folks,
Looks like there were some updates last night. The process they began in order to “heal” affected guilds had some higher than anticipated resource costs on game databases and it needed to be paused.
We held off on this because we were under the impression that the repairs were in progress. With the updates we received we’ll revisit this today and likely have something posted on the support website for folks so they’re aware.
I do want to reiterate though that opening a support ticket will not help with this. The Game Masters are unable to make changes to fix this. The WOW team is actively working on it. If this changes for any reason, I’ll be sure to update here.
Thanks again everyone for your patience.
Just started having this issue this morning, my whole guild cant see their guild info, or guild chat. Wish we had some good recent news on this.
We’re also having problems with a Bnet community that may be related. We recently switched from a character community to a Bnet community cus our group of mythic+ runners got too large for character community. However, we can’t seem to invite each other to groups and we don’t know why. The option is there, but grayed out.
Are we missing something or is this part of the same guild & communities issue?
I made a community of blizzard battlenet for our guildies that can’t see guild chat.
This morning I can’t see the community neither in game or in the app. I used the link to try to join thinking I got removed… nope I am a member of the community. Just…doesn’t show at all.
so now we have people that can’t see the gchat and people that can’t see the community
Guilds and Communities are mostly the same systems - Bnet communities are just a bit more open on who can join but they run on the same backend services.
Ok, so this seems to be working on all of my characters, except a Troll DK I Level-Boosted to 50. He was in the Guild before I used the Boost, could that have meseed something up?
I’ve been having this issue on ALL new characters I make, regardless of Realm Selection, Race, Class, Faction, or Character Level. I’ve tried EVERYTHING! I’ve had this issue since Thursday! My only characters that are NOT affected by this bug, are my Blood Elf and Void Elf Hunters, on the Moonrunner Realm. All future characters I have made since then, have all been affected by this bug, so I couldn’t keep infected characters. I’ve tried doing the /resetchat and /reload ui command, I’ve tried uninstalling Overwolf, I’ve tried deleting my Cache and WTF folders, I’ve tried a clean reinstall of WoW…nothing. Nothing works!
2 days 2 diff guilds still going on some of my toons can use guild chat others cannot despite being in guild with the permissions, Feed the hamsters
Not sure why you would go through all that of deleting add-ons, uninstalling and reinstalling wow with the multiple blue posts in this thread stating it’s something in the back end systems on their end that they need to fix.
Just need to be patient and wait for them to fix it.
Because that’s what I was told to do. They told me to uninstall Twitch, which I haven’t had since the year of 2020. I opened a ticket last week, BEFORE there were ANY Blue posts made on this issue. That, and I didn’t have any addons to uninstall anyways.
I don’t have anything new to share right now, I just wanted to stop in and assure you all that work to resolve this is ongoing.
uhh… yeah. I read that. He had posted it 13 hours before I posted my response the next morning. But thanks for the unhelpful quotes.
and when I say “they” i mean blizzard. Shouldn’t be reliant on just 1 person conveying a game wide problem
Shouldn’t be reliant on just 1 person conveying a game wide problem
They’re not though. There are several Blues in this particular forum and even more employees working on the issue behind the scenes. There have been several updates as available here in this thread too.
That said, this particular forum isn’t staffed 24/7 and is primarily a place for players to help other players.
uhh… yeah. I read that. He had posted it 13 hours before I posted my response the next morning. But thanks for the unhelpful quotes.
and when I say “they” i mean blizzard. Shouldn’t be reliant on just 1 person conveying a game wide problem
As Perl said, there are multiple posts with multiple Blues. Perhaps you’d rather there be more people here on the forums parroting the exact same information over and over again rather than working on the issue? Rather than being snide, perhaps be a little bit grateful? They’re trying to get it fixed. They’ve said umpteen times that it is a work in progress.
When there are updates, they will be posted. If there are no updates, then nothing much has changed and they’re still busting their butts to find the issue and get it resolved.