Guild ui not showing up

Repeating the above, as there seems to be some confusion.

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I have this issue also still not fixed !!!

To add onto this, we are also continuing to convey these reports to the teams working on the problem. Game Masters cannot fix this, so please refrain from opening a ticket.

If I receive any further updates to share, they’ll be posted here.


I have this issue on my toons on the Teryalon server …

i too am having this problem i had transferred a toon to moon guard on Friday then Saturday morning bam can’t talk in guild chat i can see that i’m still in the guild by using /groster the old guild tab got invited to our community then poof couldn’t access nothing By using the J button . Finally today i use the J button but no guild showing still nor the community. hope they get it fixed. So folks try using the groster before you gquit your guild !!

I’ll be heading out for the day here shortly so I won’t be able to provide any further updates today. I’ll check back in tomorrow morning and see if there have been any further developments that I can share.

Thanks everyone for your patience, I know it’s pretty frustrating.


Thank you for the updates.


Just adding to the fact the problem is still going on.

I’m unable to see my guild

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Please look into this, and let us know with instructions …

Rokir — Today at 12:03 AM
I just had this and fixed it. Delete your character and then restore it.

If I delete my character, what happens to all my quests and inventory?

All mine came back

You would think Blizz would issue a Game wide bug Alert and ticket that affected players could add themselves too … Or at least let everyone know there is a Game wide Bug !!!


I agree with this opinion.

Best to read the blue posts before posting as there’s info there.


Deleted my Character then restored, logged back in and had to get “re-invited” to guild. After getting back into guild, I could see the guild tab now… but after logging off and back on again, still experiencing problem.

So in the end… it didn’t work.

But according to the blue posts, they don’t know what’s going on, but they are “fixing” it?

They really should give us an update


Been like that for 2 days on both my guilds

Good morning folks,

Looks like there were some updates last night. The process they began in order to “heal” affected guilds had some higher than anticipated resource costs on game databases and it needed to be paused.

We held off on this because we were under the impression that the repairs were in progress. With the updates we received we’ll revisit this today and likely have something posted on the support website for folks so they’re aware.

I do want to reiterate though that opening a support ticket will not help with this. The Game Masters are unable to make changes to fix this. The WOW team is actively working on it. If this changes for any reason, I’ll be sure to update here.

Thanks again everyone for your patience.


Just started having this issue this morning, my whole guild cant see their guild info, or guild chat. Wish we had some good recent news on this.

We’re also having problems with a Bnet community that may be related. We recently switched from a character community to a Bnet community cus our group of mythic+ runners got too large for character community. However, we can’t seem to invite each other to groups and we don’t know why. The option is there, but grayed out.

Are we missing something or is this part of the same guild & communities issue?