Guild banks missing contents with no withdrawls listed

Because GMs don’t fix bugs. They used templates because handwriting every reply will skyrocket wait time.


Fair enough, but in this case it’s serious enough that the more visibility, the better, as far as I’m concerned at least.

A ticket might at least be run up the chain to someone who MIGHT be able to do something.


I imagine if the issue, or reports, are new enough that the GMs just aren’t caught up on this particular topic.

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That’s not really how it works. GMs are only able to do what the devs green light. They can’t mess with something without the risk of something else breaking if the GMs try to fix something without it being tested beforehand.


Even if they can’t mess with something, they could notify someone else who can.

That’s my reasoning for a ticket at least.


No, that’s not what the GMs are for - the bug reports would be the place for it and the QA will handle it. GMs take tickets for ALL blizzard games. THey don’t have time to write up a report for a player because they think a GM is able to pass it along for them.


But they don’t. That’s not their job. The only notification that happens is QA receiving bug reports, which doesn’t happen via any GM mechanism.


Regardless, to me the ticket is more visibility, and a better chance the issue might get to someone who can actually help.

It also feels better to try all avenues. My ticket WAS a bug report, and I posted on that forum as well.

Folks, this is on the radar, it’s been reported and sent up.

I don’t have any more info or ETA on this, but this is NOT something a GM will be able to address on an individual basis. Tickets really aren’t going to be helpful.

That post in bugs is the best place to add any info you think might be helpful.


If there are a lot tickets about a specific game bug, that’s going to get sent up as an emerging issue. The GMs aren’t going to personally be writing the reports, and won’t be able to do much about them, BUT as a trend it’s important to HAVE the tickets.

Tickets are appropriate. Not in terms of getting the issue resolved on a personal basis, but just to get it on the radar.


Now we know it is being paid attention to; hopefully it can be resolved.

Fingers crossed.

Precisely the opposite of what Orlyia just said, and has said multiple times in this thread:


I’m not actually disagreeing with Orylia though.

Please read the rest of what she said: