Guild bank missing items - what happened?

To repeat what others have stated already:

Venting your spleen over your frustration is very human, but does not help Blizzard solve the problem.

They acknowledged it, and asked for details and information that can help them in their search and resolution.

“I submitted a ticket and it was marked resolved without a response.” does not help.

“I logged in today and everything was gone.” does not help.

“My bank was working fine until I used my level 70 boost on my Guild Master, then things started disappearing.” may be useful.

“I cannot add stackable materials to a bank tab where that item was already present.” may be useful even though it is contradicted by other people’s experiences.

“My Guild Banks logs stopped working three months ago.” may be useful.

Provide details of what you were doing before your guild bank went kerplooie.

Provide details of what you can and cannot do now in your guild banks tabs.

And as hard as this will be for many of us, be patient.

I am not a fan of how Blizzard has chosen to acknowledge this problem, but they have acknowledged it and are working on it. Respect that and help them help us.