Guild bank missing items. No log of missing items being withdrawn


TL;DR Blizzard is aware. There is no solution as yet.

Here’s hoping missing items in the Guild Bank are restored sooner rather than later. Whether locked out by UI visual bug only, or truly missing, or otherwise or all of the above.

Support Article - Guild Bank - Missing Items

Blue Post - Guild Bank - Missing Items

As the title states. Guild bank missing items. No log of missing items being withdrawn.

Only our seventh tab was empty for TWW. All other guild bank tabs were nearly full. Now it looks like swiss cheese with a lot of open missing items sporadically around each tab and no log entries regarding any withdrawn items from the missing tabs.

I am hoping I have screenshots of each bank tab to show before and after but how often do we screenshot our guild banks? (Need to do so now, eh? Oof.)

Anyway, very bad. Lots of missing stacks of items from the guild bank with no log entries listing withdraws for missing items.

Seems this is widely being reported by others. So here is yet-another bug report.

Paronaxia (all characters on Duskwood-US and Bloodhoof-US connected realms)


SAME…as of this morning each tab has 1-2 items showing. They should all be completely full. No logs of withdraws either.

Actually kind of relieved to see that it is not just me…


Hello Paronaxia, and Murkidan. I am having the same issue as well and it started 2 days ago. I did the usual tricks like clicking the wheel next to play on the bnet app and did the scan and repair and no luck.

I even disabled all add-ons, did the reload etc. I even searched other sites with no luck.

I did fill out a ticket and was referred back here. Only thing I can say is it lead me to you two. :slight_smile:

I own a couple of guild banks and it happend to all of them with random items missing in multiple tabs etc, basically everything you 2 have posted. Kinda frustrating to have to have screenshots oh well on that one.

I hope Blizz has a fix or something. I wish you 2 the best in your recovery of missing items I will check back and hope there is a solution. Thanks for the post and have a great day.



My guild banks are also missing all items except 2 items on random pages.

No log of withdrawals.
I had a ton of stuff in there two days ago.
Super concerning.


I located a Blue response. Apparently it was acknowledged as a problem. Regardless, I ask everyone impacted please submit a Bug Report ( as OTHER Not Listed Here) for missing guild bank items with no log of any withdraw.

“That post in bugs is the best place to add any info you think might be helpful.” so submit BUG REPORTS for OTHER with MISSING GUILD BANK ITEMS seemingly random with no withdraw log entries.

Best of luck to all. I hope we all get our guild saved loot back.


Same Im a broke player so when my guild left server I stay & took over during BFA since then I moved EVERYTHING proff items to the guild bank using each tab for a proff, every type of cloth full stacks of every type bolts & unbolted ext now a mess of missing items, I knew it wasnt a hack cause who would still random crap but not touch the 1mill in gold.
My fav part are the logs, all gone till “6 months” ago, I say this cause my money logs read 2 deposits 9 month ago then followed by deposits 10days ago.


Same for me… days of Guild Bank stupidity followed by 98% of my stuff just up and fracken gone.


I have at least several alt guild banks, two of which (so far) are missing numerous items as of patch 11.0.2.  The various epic items throughout the game’s history that I have as part of my collections were especially hard-hit on a rogue alt.

Until this is resolved, I am not touching anything.


I noticed the same problem today. Random items are missing here and there with no corresponding log entry.


My guild bank is completely empty. Nothing except the gold is left. The items are NOT hidden, they are gone. Did the bug report and sent in another ticket asking for eta. No response yet. Being checking everyday, even this morning but Guild back is still empty.
Hope its corrected soon like before the expansion comes out.


same issue for my personal guild bank. 90% of items are missing and nothing listed in the logs.


Well to be fair, logs haven’t worked in most of my guilds in 6+ months sadly. Almost like they were planning this.

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My main Horde, Keír, Holy Paladin on Dalaran server is missing everything from each panel in my guild bank; 7 panels. They are just clear, blank, guild panels, now. @_@ Guild name is “Atmospheres”. I’m the only one in the guild, at the moment. There were only my alts in the guild, before I transferred Keír. No info in the list of anything being withdrawn.

My Alliance bank on the same server does not have any issues, not that I’ve seen, yet. O,o Gosh, I hope they’re ok.

I had some grey stuff I’ve saved since BC that meant so much to me. :sob: This one book I loved that was so funny, about the 3 dwarf guys stuck in a titan-ish dungeon. I am so bummed.


Looked at each of the guilds I have characters in, and almost every one of them is missing some - if not all items.

  1. Rest In Peace (H) - all but 1 item gone
  2. Pandemönium (A) - all items gone
  3. Bank of the Horde (H) - some items gone
  4. Knights of the Rose (H) - some items gone
  5. World PvP is Back (H) - may have lost items, but cannot confirm

Just wanted to add to the list of impacted guilds for reference. Thanks.


Hi Just wanted to add that the issue has now gotten worst. From the previous week where about 50% of my items within guild banks tabs were missing. As of this morning it now is at 90% of my items are missing. From full to about a dozen items per tab remaining.

I have noticed:

  • A character NOT in 4 character select screen, doest have an issue with its guild bank tabs missing anything.
  • Another character within an “affected guild” does also have the same issue with missing items.

Hmm, yah my Hordey missing his GB stuff is #1, top of the list of my Favorites in Warbands.

My Ally bank that isn’t in Favorites, seems ok.

interesting… my bank alt that is not in favorites seems to be okay and not missing things.

I’ll check again and add that to the main thread.

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Feel like we’ve been patient on this but its long past time this got fixed!!! I have items in guild vault that were for selling this PAST WEEK when everyone’s Remix characters came over. I have items in vault that were for leveling TODAY during Early Access. All of which will have little value if this isnt fixed for another week cause I will have had to buy/replace them all. Grrrrrrrr… Not really acceptable to leave Guild Banks broken for this long.


Cross posting here as well.

Just noticed this a few days ago for my personal guild. No log of anything withdrawn, but tabs that were full have missing items – seems almost random. Since those tabs had trade supplies for professions for each expansion, I thought perhaps they may have nuked a bunch of old trade supplies. Alas, that isn’t the case it appears. Was so hopeing Blizzard might thin out the old trade supplies (consolidate the cloth from classic? etc.).

More things seem to continue to disappear since I first noticed this, but not sure exactly.


I noticed something strange about our guild bank before items started vanishing without being withdrawn: many of the affected items were stackable, and I have been unable to split stacks of them within the bank for at least several weeks.

I was also unable to ADD from my bags directly into the stack in the bank, and ended up putting a new stack in a separate slot. Right clicking items to transfer from my bags to the guild bank would go to my newly created stack, and right clicking to transfer affected items that I hadn’t made a new stack for just didn’t do anything (the item would remain in my bags instead).

Then, on a different day when I returned to add something else to that tab, I started seeing the empty slots/that items were vanishing from our guild bank.

EDIT: For reference, our backup guild that does not have a favorite warband character in it for either myself or the only other member has been completely unaffected.