Guild Bank Missing Items

In a guild bank that only I control, which all of the characters in the guild are characters on accounts I own. A multitude of items have disappeared. These items were not removed by me, there’s no logs of them being removed from the guild bank.


There are a couple other threads here reporting the same issue. You are not alone.


Same here. Not good


Same issue for me too… do you guys know if there is a time line for fixing this ?


They know about it… It sucks.

The main thread in Bugs: Guild bank missing items - what happened?

The thread with blues in Customer Service: Guild banks missing contents with no withdrawls listed


The same happened to me. There is a lot of Players but only I have controls to use the tabs (the first one everybody can, but noone use).

Almost eveything disapeared from all the tabs.


I’m having the same issue. Items removed, I’m the only account using the bank and there is no record of items missing in the log.


Missing multiple near full pages of stuff in gbank. Only 2 random pets remain.

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Glad to see I’m not the only one… not glad to see most of the stuff in my guild bank gone.

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Add our guild to the list. At least 50% missing from every tab, some are practically empty, and it’s super random what’s missing on each tab.

What can be done? I’m afraid to touch anything in the gbank right now in case it messes with an attempt at restoration from Blizz.



Best AI response I’ve ever seen, similar to the auto email responses I received…

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right? you can always tell when they don’t even read the ticket or come close to remotely understanding the actual issue.

I wonder if this is ever going to get fixed? My entire guild banks materials are all completely gone (except randomly 2 BOE’s).


So I have a bank tab dedicated to pets, it’s called The Pet Shop. Members can only take out 1 item a day, it’s just a pet swap tab so people can add their doubles and take out 1 a day they don’t have. 80% of the pets are gone…feels real bad man, a lot of rare pets are just gone :frowning:


Getting a little frustrated waiting for blizzard to restore all the items that have been missing out of my guild bank now for four days. Like others it’s random items on all five tabs, and not just one item here and there. Don’t ask us to itemize , not sure about anyone else but I don’t keep a list. I can tell there are about 30 to 40, maybe more, empty slots.

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                   DARK IRON HORDE

breathes fire dark iron guild master natural main horde guild bank with most of my characters in it.
man down dark iron guild master prowl, 1 item left in the entire guild bank of shadowlands gear.
anvil dark iron guild master lightkiss, many pieces of shadowlands gear missing.
the anomaly dark iron guild master druzlok, many items of all different kindas its my random old items guild bank.
breathes ice dark iron guild master nightly, many piece of gear missing dragonflight gear.
twisted destiny dark iron guild master zenok,many missing gear pieces pre shadowlands gear.

                 SARGERAS ALLIANCE

anvil sargeras guild master nalak missing gear pieces pre shadowlands gear.
special sauce sargeras guild master ronoril mis gear pieces dragonflight.
on the march sargeras guild master platt missing gear pieces shadowlands gear.
breathes fire sargeras guild master earlov missing meat and pets.

all these guild banks 80-90 % of items missing still not fixed about a week later and the responses i got from tickets were reset ui uninstall wtf folder the usual blame the customer for their problem type stuff.
If we can’t trust putting our items into our storage places on a live service game what exactly is the point of having any item storage if this could just happen at any time without a single response.
sorry for rant i am still a week later very frustrated that is 10 guild banks that were affected and there is 2 more that might be affected that i am not 100% sure about that i didn’t list.

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Anyone get a “real” response on what they plan to do to fix all the missing items from the guild banks? That was a lot of work and 2/3rds of it is just gone.


Such a frustrating response… no way we’re going to remember all of the items that went missing or how many were in each stack. Unless you were regularly taking screenshots of your guild bank (and why would you with the log - except the log isn’t showing what disappeared) … NO ONE is going to be able to name EVERY item gone missing or how many. I know in this one row that has random gaps that we had various health potions. Which ones exactly or how many exactly - no idea.


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This one stings. Sorry to hear this.

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Yes I have one g-bank that is completely empty nothing is there. Its been this way for about 2 weeks now. This is a known issue and they have yet to fix it. This is very upsetting as I use this bank all the time. My Hord g-bank is missing half of the items and I’m upset that they have yet to fix it.


My g-bank is completely empty. All the toons in it belong to me, so I’m the only one with access. I can withdraw gold, but haven’t tried to deposit any. There’s no way to remember how many hundreds in each stack of whatever. Lots of food items, potions of all different kinds. How can they possibly ask us to remember what is in there? They have the logs too. Just fix it already.