Guild Bank Missing Items

I’m having the exact same issue. Absolute SWATHES of random items vanished, like copper ores, assorted foods, & old items that are no longer obtainable. I’ll give the GM credit, they tried to be helpful, but there was nothing they could do. Submitted a bug report, as I imagine everyone did. But it’s making playing going forward rather hard, because no I have no idea if I can trust even TOUCHING the guild bank in question. So sorting and storing stuff if out of the question until this get resolved.

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Literally every item on 6 pages is gone from our build bank. No one from the guild removed anything. Every single item is gone. Has been for several days now. Will we ever get all those items back?

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Ironically enough, it’s in the EU bug forums that some sort of communication exists. Fwiw, they’re aware and working on a restore, but it’s not done yet.


i had the same thing happen, one day i had issue pulling out items, i ignored it thinking lag with server & forgot about it… next day or 2 90% or more of my items was missing in all my tabs…
a few days later the rest was gone so now im missing 100% of all my guild bank items
on top of that support basically said they could do nothing for me… will i ever see my items…
that guild was a personal bank no logs of them being taken even.

i dont know if i can ever trust this bank ever again now… i kind of want a refund of all the gold i put into it lolz

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I lost 100% of my 7 tabs within 2 days of August 13. No gold was missing, since I had already removed all 3m of it after not being able to remove any gold on alts from a previous patch’s bugs.

The MAIN NA Servers bug thread for this issue for is:

The MAIN EU Servers thread (EU doesn’t have a Bug Report Forum) for this issue is:


Is this just going to be swept under the rug?

I’ve told all my guildies to avoid using the guild bank just in case. It’s raid week, everyone wants to chip in for mats for food and flasks etc…what are we meant to do?

I don’t trust the bank at all now!!

Blizzard how have you seriously not formally responded to this yet? As a sub game where we pay to play, do we as Aussies need to contact the ombudsman to get any sort of response? Or you just going to continue to sit in silence?

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Oh, thank goodness I’m not the only one!

Mats, recipes, lockboxes, gear, years of collective work, SO MANY THINGS JUST GONE!!!

The only thing untouched is my gold!

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Just came back to say that I am still affected by this issue and am still missing items from my guild bank. I have yet to see a reply or any progress update to this problem. Making sure that this issue isn’t just swept under the rug.


Nothing has been fixed for me either. I wanted to check here to see if there had been any changes, I guess not

I have 4 guild banks alts only and was completely full and now i have a few items left and one of the guild’s bank is completely empty. Dear Blizzard are you looking into this as nothing i have found is comforting. Also read the GM (me) can make an In Game Petition but there are no avenues to start it. Hoping for help soon Thank you

Still empty on my end as well.