Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Same here, many random slots are just gone. Seven tabs almost completely full now almost half gone!

Blue posting on this one Guild banks missing contents with no withdrawls listed

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Add me and my personal guild bank to the list. Tabs 1 - 5 and 7 were completely full with items. Tab 6 had 10, maybe 15 free slots. Now its over half gone. No log details, nothing. Fine a few days ago, half empty today. This is scary stuff… hopefully this can be reverted???

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It seems that just the stuff is missing, the gold is still there.

Same, missing stuff from my personal guild bank as well. Suramar-Horde

Wild. I have 2 personal guild banks, 1 has all of the items missing, and the other is untouched. Make that make sense.

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Realm: Arthas
Guild: Ghilbank
Bank was reorganized 16 days ago, after the 11.0 prepatch. 10 days ago and things were fine. 10 hours ago is when I noticed items missing.

“Royal” Tab was filled almost exclusively with Heavy Junkbox. ~30 Heavy Junkboxes are missing in seemingly random spots.

“Trashcan” Tab is missing at least 6 Electroschock Mount Motivator and at least 2 Elementium Toolbox.

“Mounts and Pets” Tab is missing pets but I don’t have the names of those. Also missing at least 8 Xiwyllag ATV mounts.

“Meat and Fish” Tab missing Creeping Crawler Meat, Iridescent Amberjack, Pocked Bonefish, Spinefin Piranha, Aethereal Meat, Tenebrous Ribs, Raw Seraphic Wing, Shadowy Shank, Protogenic Pelt, Sorcerous Earth. Those are the only ones I remember.

“Old Gems” Tab is missing many gems. The ones I know for sure were in there that aren’t there are Elvin Peridot, Deepholm Iolite, Shadow Spinel, Hesselian, Chemirine, Florid Malachite, Labradorite, Argulite, Azaharine, Lava Lazuli, Sand Spinel, Sage Agate, Dark Opal, Sea Currant.

“Library” Tab is missing Cooked Book, An Exotic Cookbook and Nat Pagle’s Guide to Extreme Anglin’.

It doesnt seem to be a visual bug as i can deposit and withdrawn items from slots that were previously occupied with now-missing items.

Gold seems unnaffected.

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Happen to me here on Mal’ganis. My guild name is Broken Soul. Lost an entire tab of memory items. Gray, white, green items with flavor text given to me as gifts over the years.

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I can confirm that Broken Soul on the realm Mal’Ganis is missing items. Some of the items are very sentimental and given to us from friends who aren’t around anymore. I hope there is a solution for this.

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I’m a hoarder with my own personal guild, almost maxed out 7 tabs with mats from classic-dragonflight and i came in today with 80-90% of it VANISHED. This is gut-wrenching. I had items from the warband bank vanish when it was released so I immediately stopped using it (they were never found/returned and I got a canned response from customer support) and now this. Please tell me this will be fixed, this is a subscription game… :weary:

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Hello, I noticed a lot of items are missing from all the guild bank tabs, On withdraw tab nothing is listed there as in who took out anything, and I know for a fact no one has access.

Same here, I have a personal guild of just my characters, so it’s not like anyone could have taken the stuff… even if that was the case it would show in the log, nothing in the logs and a bunch of items are missing.

I started to notice stuff couldn’t be moved or taken out of my GB yesterday. I sent in a bug report. Today I log in to see the GB is completely empty. 7 tabs of stacks of stuff just gone. I sent in a ticket, and they wanted me to list the ‘item’ and that I could use the restore item feature. lol did you even read the ticket? if you are going to make each item missing an individual recovery that would take years. 1000s of items. I am the GM and the only member, and nothing was shown as withdrawn.

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I submitted a ticket a few hrs ago & got this extremely unhelpful canned response:
Due to a sudden influx of contacts, ticket reply waiting times may be higher than expected. In an effort to get you back into World of Warcraft faster and saving you some time this reply was created with some handy resources to solve some common situations:
Support Articles:
Game Info and Guides:

For additional troubleshooting, try to check your situation in our Forums, where Developers and Players alike share their input on all kinds of situations:
If the issue persists, please let us know and get back to us whenever convenient!

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I’m glad I’m not the only one with this issue, but at the same time extremely worried this won’t be resolved. Like many of you am the sole member of said guild that seems to have had their guild bank casually remove items that doesn’t show in any logs.


there has.
they’re not going to give running updates.

My mistake~ I didn’t notice anything being directly mentioned prior to posting. Thank you.

Having this issue as well. Items got stuck days ago and now some items in both my personal guild bank as well as my friend’s guild bank (that I’m in) have items missing. Thankfully some of the items that were still in my personal guild bank did not get lost as those items are irreplaceable. I took everything I could out of both banks to leave in my inventory until further notice. I don’t wanna lose what we have left because who knows if the rest of the items will even get returned. Ugh.

Between this issue and the gold withdrawal issue, I’m done trying to use a guild bank right now.

i just logged on to my rogue/ engineer to learn a good 20 to 30 engineer plans that i had bought off another realm put them in my guild bank last night i had everything in the tabs it was all fine.then found out about the bug and hurryingly logged back on to see if i could get to the back on any character and found nothing in all of the tabs today it cost me close to 1m gold buying these plans i hope blizz can fix this or reimburse me the gold / engineer plans that i lost to their problem

I have collected items in the game for almost 20 years an deposited them in a personal guild bank which only 1 Character of me has acces to. Some of these items are unobtainable anymore.

The entire bank is empty as of today.

I have proof in the guild bank logs that I deposited some of these items recently. And the logs don’t show anyone taking them out.

I also am 100% that no one has hacked the account because the personal bank of the same character is stil fine.

I am also sure that it is not an UI issue because I tried putting items into the bank parts that were full and would not take anymore items and was able to do so.


Well what a bad day after login and checking my personal guild bank everything is gone too. everything in there are plan to make some gold before TWW and it’ll become useless and no value in TWW if I can’t get that back in time. what a worse thing.

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