Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Missing items from Guild bank, only person in it is me.

i just opened my guild bank, a personal storage space with 6 tabs specifically for all my gems, almost 98% items disappear … just put up a ticket for help. almost get a heart attack when i went into my guild bank

I am having the same issue, specifically with my Alliance guild bank, Starlight Dragons, Cenarion Circle realm. I checked my Horde guild bank, Sunburst Phoenix, also on Cenarion Circle, and it looks fine. My Alliance guild bank looks to be about 75% wiped out, all random.

One thing of note is that I really haven’t done much with my Horde guild bank or characters for a while but I have been depositing some items in my Alliance one for the past week or two as I’m shifting stuff around in my Warband Bank and personal banks, but only on Alliance characters. I was able to deposit and withdraw an item in my guild bank with no problems about an hour ago when I saw this issue.

Hope this gets fixed soon.

Adding my own. Ad Meliora on Whisperwind, I’m the only member. Many items missing.

Missing items include but are not limited to:
Dense Hide(t2).
Bubble poppy(t1).
Serevite ore(t2).
Draconium ore(t1).
Illimited diamonds(t2).
Khaz’gorite ore(t3).
Awakened earth.
Rousing fire.
Awakened fire.
Awakened frost.
Awakened order.

Single stacks are missing, in the case of herbs others of the same type & quality are still present.

No records in the log show anything finnicky but the log also looks very incomplete; one entry today, one yesterday, four entries 4 days ago, and then nothing until 11 days back. I’m requently depositing and withdrawing materials for crafting especially rousing/awakened essences which appear nowhere in the log at all.

Many other items are missing as well but I don’t want to guess here and there where I’m not certain.


Oh the log is page specific. But that gets even weirder. All the top entries say they’re deposits from my druid 12 months ago & correspond with many items that are now missing.

77 dampscale basilisk eyes from tab 7; pattern: bracers of havok, pattern: netherdrake gloves, pattern: cloak of the black void from tab 6; and all this random stuff from tab 1

However those log entries also can’t be complete as there’s things missing from tabs that don’t show peculiar log entries.

I also want to note that my personal and Warband banks seem to be intact, for now.

Should we be putting in a ticket for this? Any word from Bliz?

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i ticket immediately after logging in and out several times and the items did not appear … hopefully they are able to restore it

Reporting same thing on my end as well. Did a bank clean out of unnecessaries yesterday so I knew exactly what was in here and my “treasure tab” for social event rewards only accessible by me has been wiped of about half its stuff. Plus some other random stuff in other tabs, this is wild!

Edit: I opened a ticket and I suggest all GMs with this issue do the same.

Edit2: Dark Descendant of Light - Durotan

^ Suggesting bug reports > tickets

after ticketing the first guild bank missing items, i went on to check my other guild banks (storage banks) and found a second one affected

Two of my guild banks are affected, with one missing 3/4 of the items, and the other missing absolutely everything. One just had dragonflight stuff (and some assorted reputation/archeology stuff), and the one missing 3/4 of stuff had a tab per expansion as well as a tab full of battle pets. I don’t have enough time to even list all the stuff missing even if I had an eidetic memory to do so. This really needs a resolution. I saw that tickets are pointless as GMs won’t do anything. They need to fix this fast.

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I run three guilds and it only happened to the guild I created on Sisters of Elune. At least 95% of my items across 8 tabs are gone. I’m the only active player in a family guild. As an example I can verify for sure concerns the log for one tab showing me depositing about 7 bags on one tab over a few months, removing 1, and depositing another type yesterday. ALL bags except the bag I deposited yesterday are gone. This was in a bank tab that had at least two columns of bags made by my tailor.

I just had to put in a ticket. I am missing a LARGE amount of pots, mats, gear, etc from my guild bank. Logs show no one took it.

Same. 90% of items / resources stored in my GB are gone. Bank logs don’t show evidence of hacking.

FYI - automated full regression testing are a good thing before patch deployments, Blizzard.

Also really important to note Blizzard - there is NO log of the items which are missing, so no one can provide an accurate summary of everything missing unless they just put it in and haven’t removed anything. For those who’s banks were full especially - the logs won’t track all that. So please make sure that everything is resolved and all items returned. That’d be good.

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I have two guild banks affected as well, chillenwithmygnomies on Firetree and Helpful Wow Addict on Malorne

hopefully they have a backup that can restore back to the previous version before the patch, otherwise this is gonna be really really really bad

Just adding to the bug reports:
I have 2 guilds where it’s just all my alts using the guild bank.
My Nagrand alliance guild has no issues, but my Barthilas horde guild bank has 7 tabs worth of items missing, with nothing unusual in the logs.
The tabs were full of items that have been hoarded since the end of the Pandaria expansion when I’d switched to Oceanic servers, and dragged over large amounts of items back to Burning Crusade days. I really hope it gets fixed, because it’s so disappointing seeing years and years of hoarded materials just go “poof” and disappear into the nether.


The same thing just happened to me. This is also my personal guild and ninety percent of the items I had stored are missing.

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Happening to me as well. One of my guild banks appears fine for now, while another one is missing about 90-95%. Saw it happen to a couple friends’ guilds too. I wonder if this is related to the bug people were hacing withdrawing gold or items. I hope it gets resolved, because I stand to lose millions.

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Capsule Corp guild bank on Kargath is missing most of the items. Could not remove anything from the guild bank yesterday