Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Same issue of several missing items from guild bank. Appears very random. This is very distressing.

Just spent 2 days moving items from alts into a personal guild bank to organize and now most if it is missing.

Exact same issue. Personal banks fine, Guild bank missing half the items/stacks - no logged withdrawals and the activity logs are 6 months old (despite using the guild bank just this morning on multiple characters).
I’ve only gotten a canned response from Blizz about Item restoration - despite the items not showing up in those lists. Frustrating.

Same here. At first I thought one of 2 other guildies besides my 40+ alts grabbed items, but looked at bank log saw that everything was deposited. No withdrawls except gold for repairs.

Same issue here, lots of items just gone from my guild bank

Same issue - all 7 tabs worth of items are gone save for 2 stacks of random mats. Big yikes.

Server: Earthen Ring
Guild: Holy Fries
Guild Leader: Torx
I submitted a ticket a few days ago (of which I can now find no record) because I am unable to withdraw any meaningful amount of gold from my guild bank. This is a personal guild bank as there are only 7 characters in guild and 6 of them belong to me, including guild leader. The 7th is not only a long time trusted friend but has no guild bank privileges.

After I submitted the ticket for this issue, I noticed that some items in the guild bank could not be interacted with.   For instance, I could deposit cloth but not add it to an existing stack, or items could not be withdrawn.  I became aware of this while adding items to the bank and trying to withdraw 800 zaralek glowspores (which are one of the now missing items).. I began trying random items in the bank.  Some worked as expected and others reacted in the way I have described. There seemed to be no rhyme or reason as to which items were affected.

Tonight I logged in and MANY of the items in the guild bank are gone!  No record of withdrawal , but empty spaces which were occupied before.  I see similar complaints online so it isn't just me.  I have disabled addons, reset UI etc  when I was  just unable to withdraw gold, nothing changed.  Now I can't withdraw gold and half of my stuff is gone!  Please help, this is not how I want to start the new expansion.

Everything was fine earlier today, just checked guild bank and *poof * from regents to gear all gone! Every tab of my guild bank are…well were full and now it’s gone and no track of withdraw only deposits from 2 days ago rest has disappeared.

Yep, only person in the guild and loads of stuff is just missing. I’m not gonna hold my breath for it coming back but it would be nice.

Same issue here.

Strange that it seems to be targeted at single account guild banks…

It’s not … I’ve just checked my guild vault - we have over 100 active accounts in the guild.

I posted this on the EU forums (as I’m based in the EU), but perhaps worth mentioning here too:

So just as an added bit of info, which may help narrow things down.

I saw these posts yesterday, panicked, checked my guild vault and thought “phew, everything is there” … never thought anything of it … came back this morning, and several tabs are now empty, and one has been 25-50% cleared of contents, seemingly randomly.

Not long ago, I used an Addon called AltVault which kept a record of what I had in my various banks and bags on my alts and, usefully in retrospect, my guild vault. So I could see what was there when I wasn’t actually THERE.

I had removed it, thinking I no longer needed it, but removing it did not remove it’s stored data. So I’ve reinstalled it and, without actually opening the guild vault (which would update it), I’ve checked what it shows in my guild vault.

I don’t think I can post an image here (but I’ve raised a ticket so will try to add it to that), but the tabs where there are missing items … those ICONS for the missing items are now missing. However, I can hover over the individual icon areas and it will give me the item tooltip. Which is useful for most items - not so much for our battle pets tab (they’re all “Pet Cage” :stuck_out_tongue:

Perhaps a lot of the icons have had an update which has glitched out the vault?

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Tabs half cleared in my guild bank, gold missing, multiple people / accounts in it but no log of the items gone. My war band bank is also wiped this is outrageous!

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Anyone know if Blizzard has or is working on this issue it became a major issue. Has blizzard blizzard made a blue post yet?

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Rather astonishingly, and unusually, this has actually had a blue response on the EU thread:


Here is the blue post on the US forums


I’ve just gone round in circles lol. Weird that they posted that there, rather than on this thread that they’re actually redirecting everyone too. I wonder why they don’t just merge all those threads into this one to make things tidier.

It happened to our guild. Just noticed today our Guild bank is also missing items.

Missing random items. Full tabs no longer filled. No logs of anything withdrawn. Besides the newest tab which was empty nearly all others were full. Now it’s swiss cheese, afghan blanket, with lots of open empty slots on all tabs.

I hope I can locate screenshots of each guild bank tab for review of missing items. I know what several stacks were but I did not deposit everything.

I have a couple examples attached to my bug report. I show multiple entries for items deposited with no withdraw log entries yet there are ZERO of the items that were deposited in the guild bank tab or any others. JUST GONE. ZERO. NO CORRESPONDING LOG ENTRIES.

Add me to the long list. Same thing, alt guild, only members are on my account, no log of anything being withdrawn, mostly full tabs are now mostly empty. Been playing this game on and off since Vanilla and collecting things just as long. This is game breaking. How is anyone supposed to play the game the way they want when items they need have disappeared? I sure hope Blizzard will offer free game time for however long it takes to resolve this issue or I’ll never spend another red cent with this company.


This morning I noticed 5-10 items missing from each tab of my personal guild bank. It seems to be older items from past expansions, but who knows.


Add me to the list.