That could be construed as bribery.
Sending you hugs. It hurts!
Thank you so much! I still feel sad. It blows! >,<
Afraid what else may get deleted. Ugh.
edit: The concern truly is that if anything does get deleted, Bliz may not care or be troubled to fix it?
In the back of my head, I’m thinking we might get more mails on Monday?
Here I am again feeling like I’m in limbo.
Pardon my bitterness, but with how this all unfolded, to the endless reports, to the radio silence, to the time this took, to the joke of a restoration; it’s crystal clear that they do not care.
Had a look on the GM of my “Private” alts only guild,…and no in game mails at all. So still lots of things missing. Nothing replaced, and nothing in game mail at all.
Also looked on my horde guild, which was the one that last pretty much everything across 7 tabs (and that one I have “before and after” screenshots, of everything missing)…and no in ima mail there either.
So yeh,…not good enough.
I hate to sound pessimistic, but I don’t think hoping for much will do any good in this circumstance. They kind of said themselves, in more professional words, “Tough $h!t, you stuff is lost. Good-day.”
I think the only way players affected can get any kind of resolution is to keep posting about it. Here, socials, wherever. This isn’t some small mistake, this is potentially TWENTY YEARS worth of stuff for some people. If guild banks can get wiped out of nowhere in an update, what else? Achievements? Characters? Whole accounts??? It’s ridiculous that such a huge company wouldn’t have logs, backups, literally any way of restoring or even checking what went missing. But I bet they have perfect backups of their system for payments huh. More likely it’s just too much effort to go through, and with no media reporting it, they think it’ll just blow over and everyone will just get over it. People have lost tons of items, the “partial-restoration” is a total joke, and the best they’ve got is a month of ghosting followed by “oops we broke it lol good luck”??? What about the blue post saying it was just a visual bug and we couldn’t see our items, but they could?
Given that people have lost items paid for with real world money, plus it’s not exactly like WoW is some free to play game by a small indie dev, I’d be curious to see how this would hold up in a legal sense. Small claims, class action, etcetera. I bet Blizzard would change their tune on this pretty fast if they thought it’d tank their business. As long as people keep posting, unsubbing, and submitting tickets, they’ll have to acknowledge it eventually.
Even if they can’t restore everything, players have screenshots, I can see the log of things put into my guild bank that are now missing. I’ve already unsubbed, and I can’t see myself coming back for a long time until they make a serious effort at fixing this or compensating players. Complain, complain, complain. Vote with your money. There’s a limit between annoying bugs and a blatant disregard for your customers.
I’m sure it could be. That’s why I don’t think any of the influencers “noticed” anything though…they were restored before they could even notice.
If you have a long subscription (e.g. 6mo/1yr) I recommend you cancel it and put precisely why in the reason.
Mine expires in two and a half months. I will be mailing a hand written letter to Blizzard, explaining why I will never purchase anything from them ever again, and will encourage others to do the same. Obviously, this situation and how they just wrote it off, is going to be the central reasoning.
Here’s the text of what I wrote when I just cancelled my sub.
“I am cancelling because of Blizzard’s atrocious response to the recent Guild Bank deletion bug/issue. Losing such important data is strike 1; keeping silent about the problem and not maintaining communication with players is strike 2; lying about not being able to fully restore is strike 3. Either you have proper backups, can restore and choose not to or you do not have backups and you are incompetent.
Either way after more than 20 years of playing your games, I am done with Blizzard.”
They only gave me 500 characters to use, so I couldn’t write everything I wanted to…
Its worth noting that this is a pattern in Blizzard completely deleting progress.
Many reps have been reset to Neutral after 2 months with no communication from Blizzard. They don’t care if they delete your progress.
Oh, I’m well aware of this. Also, not just reputation; achievement progress, missing mounts, etc. TONS of stuff is being reported as missing. The only significant difference is, those are not as broad as the guild bank problem; they are in fewer numbers. Even still, the fact that it is even happening at all is frightening to say in the least, and the apathetic canned responses from officials is disheartening. I am not blaming ANYONE for unsubscribing and boycotting at this point. I have dealt with horrendous customer service in my lifetime, but I think this company takes the cake.
It’s already been happening, besides the guild bank bug people have been complaining about:
- bugged/missing reputations (previously Exalted reputations are suddenly Neutral)
- bugged/missing honor levels in PvP
- missing quest NPCs here and there in old-world content, literally “gamebreaking” for the old campaign storylines specifically
- mysteriously missing gold
- certain abilities causing DCs/bugged abilities
- etc
Even with some of the “current expansion” stuff people have been reporting bugs, for example just the other week people were reporting weeklies didn’t reset for them - causing them to be “behind” non bugged players
TWW/patch 11.0 has to be the most bugged and glitchy expansion in WoW history
What’s next? Will we log in one day to find “0” achievement points? Will some of our mounts mysteriously start to disappear? Maybe entire characters with months/years of “/played” time on them will suddenly poof and vanish from the character select screen?
I mentioned on another forum post, the same place you report bugs in game also has a feedback option. Don’t abuse it, but there’s nothing wrong with using it.
I’m so disappointed by the way this has been/is being handled.
Checked again today, still the only thing recovered was 9 darkmoon faire quest items.
Absolutely trash tier response and remedy by blizz.
Altoholic and hoarder here. 5 total guild banks. All 5 sole member as guild leader. All 5 affected to varying degrees. From unobtainable crafting patterns to random transmogs, various pets, various holiday mounts, stacks and stacks of crafting mats all collected over the past 18 years of playing. Have received nothing in the mail aside from all my tickets being marked RESOLVED. So very frustrating.
The official blue response thread has been invaded by trolls accusing us all of being either cry babies or liars, or both. I’m honestly surprised it took this long to happen… Makes me realize the player base at large really had no idea this was (and continues to be) happening to us.
Should we feel lucky they responded to us at all at this point, because I don’t feel lucky. I feel betrayed.
I feel betrayed by how much time and money I put into a company that disregards the player base with such obvious contempt.
How this was, and again, CONTINUES TO BE, handled is pathetically unprofessional. They spent 6 or 7 weeks IGNORING us - because why? They are embarrassed, or they just don’t care. Either way, how dare they? How dare they refuse to say anything, and when they finally do, they refuse a dialogue. We are just as much in the dark as we were before. They won’t answer our questions, Why? Because they won’t own what happened. A dialogue would catch them out. A static response lets them downplay it to death.
And it’s silly, right, it’s just pixels in a game. Nothing I had was really all that expensive. But I’m not a raider. I don’t have a crap load of gold just being sat on like I’m Smaug. What I did have is a collection of mats from every expansion, that I earned. Time sunk into herbalizing, skinning, mining… I’m a Wrath Baby, I’ve been at this a long time.
We all signed the TOS that says they own everything and can remove items from the game at any time but… They didn’t remove items from the game, they just removed items from US. .
But I can’t quit - sunk cost fallacy is killing me. And I mean, honestly, I didn’t leave when the allegations came out (which I am actually ashamed of), so it’s obvious I’m not going to leave over this… But man, do I feel hurt. And I will continue to make noise until they listen.
That statement makes it so the following statement doesn’t mean jack-all
Continuing to pay them a sub and buy their expansions tells them it’s ok, they can treat you poorly, and you will just take it.