Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Since the bug report thread was locked, I’m posting some answers here from there that I had wanted to respond to.

It would completely gut me if that happened.  This character I’m posting on is the very first character I created on my one – and still only – account back in Nov 2004, and have mained ever since.  That would be, for me, over 621 days lost.  And if my alts were taken into account, the total /played would be just shy of 1K days.

There well and truly would be no coming back from that.

My Horde rogue alt – who was and still is the only one that got any mail – has not received any more restoration mail beyond what little was sent out on last Friday.

Both.  All my personal guild banks are single-faction & single-realm (even when Connected Realms was a thing), while my raiding guild is both-factions & multiple-realms.