Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Logged in yesterday (21 September) around 4pm MST. Checked both guild master characters, zero mails aside from what I’d previously sent them from alts, or the ever so helpful “Thanks for reporting!” messages.


Six of the seven banks I own that were affected received nothing back as of yet. The bank hit the hardest was full of every profession mat and a few random assorted items. The mats are about 90% gone and only two stacks of enchanting mats which didn’t disappear were returned. On the other hand I had stockpiled thirty stacks of the rank two DF bombs because the toys were a nice source of income, about half of those disappeared and they dutifully returned all of them right as the toys became worthless because you get eleventy billion of them from scrapping.



Might have been me. I mentioned it in Soulbreezy’s Tuesday stream like the week after it started happening, and Hazelnutty’s Saturday stream the same week. Both of them were like, “oooh, that’s bad”, said they’d heard about it, and moved on.

WowGrandma78’s stream had more discussion from her guild mates and others in the chat who said they’d been affected, but she’s not a “news” person like the others. (She’s also awesome, and everyone should watch her chill streams).


My guild lost pretty much everything on 7 tabs and nothing returned by mail.


The “restoration” was a lie. I think they just forgot that people can, you know, talk to each other and compare experiences.


Well I did get those 16 Leybloods back from 1 of my 21 guild banks. That totally makes it OK.

Nope, even Sarcasm doesn’t make this better. :frowning:

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Please add me to the list of people affected. I just logged on my personal bank guild with character Bankertroll to guild on Mal’Ganis to find the majority of 7 tabs of guild bank wiped out. There has definitely not been anything mailed to replace these items, which are items/transmogs/crafting mats back through WotLK. This is a big bummer, to put it lightly, and could find no way to put a ticket in game no matter what options I chose.

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