Guild bank missing items - what happened?



Never received any restoration at all on any of my major guild banks. Only a matter of time before blizzard locks this thread since restorations already rolled out for very few players.


This is the EU post where the blue posts have been updating since August:


Blizzard’s lack of response in what they are doing about it and lack of what they did about it
are clear signs to me and many others that this game has made it’s way to the “NEVER ME AGAIN” road of life.



There is an on-going Class Action lawsuit against Blizzard for sharing lots of personal data with 3rd parties without customers knowledge or consent. If you have a Facebook account, I would urge everyone to go see if you qualify to join the lawsuit. You can find it on ClassAction dot org. Look it up in the search bar as “video games” then scroll down to find the one with Blizzard. Maybe you can get some compensation one way or another.


I received a e-mail today with one item stack. No mats from old xpcas, no pets. Just 20 units of one piece of item (the scryers rep books), Just that was restored until now. All tabs full of things, 2 tabs of mats, and the only thing I received until now was junk.


All tabs full of mats that I was hoarding from my alts to make transmog items, If the Blizzard response to this is restore one stack of item, I am done for Real, I will quit WOW and never be back again.


OMG that is bad. This is why when people are like “welp, this doesn’t affect me. I don’t hoard stuff in guild banks” they should STILL be interested. Maybe their thing isn’t collecting stuff to keep in storage. Maybe it’s getting achievements. Maybe it’s mount collecting.

I’ve had friends lists go POOF sometimes. I mean, that too is data, and a pretty important one.

This could have broader ramifications beyond just “oh my rep doesn’t look as good anymore.” There may be items that you want to get using the rep. Or what if they add another rep achievement mount? Not that it matters as those (mounts) could just disappear as well.

Those were some long-gone days. Back when I’d be playing and I’d get that little black box with the Blizzard logo pop up in my chat so they could clarify something I wrote in the ticket or to actually ANSWER it while I was online. Or the time I was SO confused about where I left off on a quest and the next time I logged on, the GM had actually MOVED my toon to exactly where I should be. Or a friend was not able to get a holiday achievement (torch juggling) on ONE toon. And the GM actually TOOK CONTROL of that toon to try to do it, and when he or she wasn’t able to (because of a bug) my friend just got the achievement. Back when they welcomed tickets, instead of sending you to the forums full of their white knights ready to knock down and bully ANYONE complaining about the game, or sending you to a THIRD PARTY site which CANNOT help with the kinds of problems most of us write tickets for. Back then, while perhaps they weren’t perfect, we knew they were trying and I appreciated that.

Best way to keep people from complaining is to give them nothing to complain about.

If this is true then it’s definitely bigger than some people (outside of this forum thread) would like us to think. A lot of sites and content creators report bugs of various kinds, and have been critical of the game many times. If Blizzard is going out of their way to FIX problems with any influential person who might report on this, then it must be really serious - more serious than people losing a bunch of pets and stacks of cloth. (I mean, to all of US HERE, it’s very meaningful - not trying to minimize that. For me, it’s devastating, but to Blizzard . . . would they go through this much trouble for something THEY feel is trivial?) While it may not be illegal, it sounds pretty corrupt to me.

That or is it the way MS likes to strong-arm people? ABK wasn’t a great company (see all the stuff that happened with the workers) but maybe MS is a lot more of a control-freak about what kinds of information gets out?

The entire handling is not only BAD but really fishy.

  • NOT acknowledging the issue in the forums, except in the EU.
  • NOT giving any consistent direction on what to do with the guild bank while they are “resolving” it.
  • Not a peep from content creators, streamers or high-profile guilds.
  • Removal of the information about this that they previously had (such as it being a “known issue” for a VERY brief time before that was removed).
  • The length of time it even took them to acknowledge this directly to those of us in the NA forums.
  • A claim of “partial restoration” when I wouldn’t even call it that. Not when I seem to be getting back stuff that was already left in the bank after the “disappearance.” I mean not even a SHOW of effort here. It was as if the point of the “restoration” was to give all of us a giant middle-finger.

“An Illusion! What are they hiding?”


Checked back again today on my guild master character - still no mail at all. Still 7 completely empty guild bank tabs. Sad day.


Disappointing isnt it guys?

Blizzard has lost all trust with US some of us have already left the game over this some are debating on leaving and for those that have not left. This heads up at the start of this issue I was among the 1st just scroll up.

In the beginning I warmed guild masters to disable all depositing into guild banks and to empty those not afffected yet and for my efforts I had my posts removed from for and warned to be banned

Sry you cant wash ur hands with this BLIZZARD

we as a paying customers had our stuff STOLEN by the very comany we paid to collect this STUFF


Blizzard has said in post that it was a crossrealm crossfaction that casued the issue to happen

Tech question about this issue If I were to kick all the 131 toons out of guild would it fix the glitch?

Just logged in today and did receive mail from Blizzard, but it was only eleven items. Most of it was easy junk you can farm like runecloth, a few Rousing Orders, and old-world gems.
All the important materials I wanted wasn’t recovered from the guild bank. Looks like it’s all gone, and knowing Blizzard, you’re not going to recover it. I even logged off for a bit and waited to log back in to see if there was any more mail, but there was none.


There is no crossfaction or crossrealm toon on my guild, so I somehow doubt that caused it.

I can not stop thinking that they are not telling us the full story. I also noticed that my personal bank has about 5 blank spots, I don´t know what I lost but it also happened there.


Well definitely not the issue, on Suramar everyone is on the same realm in our Guild and and on Ysera it’s just me with my three toons… so yah absolute crap.

I logged in after this post checked both Suramar and Ysera, we got nothing. All seven tabs of Suramar are empty and I’m the GM, no mail.


Something else caused it, because my guild banks had only my alts, from the same faction, and same server. All three suffered massive losses anyways. They also have unique names, that don’t exist on other servers, if that counts for anything … so it isn’t a case of mixed up names in the code either.


thank you guys for ur posts I was about to kick them all


Imagine what will happen with personal banks when they start to change them, like they promise. Remember that one of the plan is to get rid of the bags and have tabs in personal banks, When they implement that change what you guys think will happen?


One more thing, Blizz you want some of my prints from my bank logs, to mail me some of the materials listed there? ( at least the last ones deposited) Because 20 stacks of books is really a bad joke.

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The thought makes me ill. :face_vomiting: :scream:

There is no good reason to change it. And since they completely BUNGLED the issue with guild banks, seriously, they need to just leave it alone. They probably want to do it so they can charge 10,000,000 gold for the last tab, hoping people will just buy gold tokens to pay for it, rather than buying bags from tailors (or if they are in my active guild, asking their tailor guild leader to make bags for them. :slight_smile: )


/sigh . . . finally :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Maybe go comment, but be prepared for the trolls and white-knight bullies, as is the norm for all things WoW. But let them know that it impacts more than “a few players” with their own bank guilds.