Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Aaaand that’s over 2k posts on this thread. I’ve never seen one this big here. This issue is affecting a TON of players, we may never know how many because a lot of people just don’t come to the forums.


I didn’t miss the point. If the Customer Support blue post does not have authority with the company to set expectation, they are not the person(s) to do it. This is not a gripe against CS. It is a gripe against a company not appropriately handling a real issue and then sending the CS folks out there to swing in the wind with no real answers. CS is being set up to fail in this scenario, as they do not have the authority to assist the customer.

This is about a company doing a disservice to their customers when very little on their part would go a long way to preserve customer loyalty.


The fact that Customer Support even dipped a toe in this thread without the authority to give any measurable reassurance is brave beyond measure. It shows empathy for every customer involved here.

It does not, however, excuse the company for not setting expectation with nor following up on progress.


I misunderstood what you were saying, then, and I apologize. :confounded:


No worries, emotions are running high on this one. :slight_smile:


I actually have deleted everything. Could it be that I had an annual sub that has time left??? Noo… Can’t be. FYI I have over 6 months left, but they wouldn’t refund 6 months. I literally have played every Blizzard game including StarCraft: Ghost, and most of Activision’s trash. Deleting games that I already paid for may seem like a waste, but a statement isn’t meant to cost nothing. I refuse to start a single Activision-Blizzard game. Far easier to honor this boycott by deleting. All I’m asking is for others to join the boycott. Unlike joining a Picket line. I’m not getting mad at players who continue to play (crossing the Picket line). However, if you haven’t noticed, in WoW history, whenever players started dropping subs en masse, things changed… quicky. That’s all I’m asking for: a complete boycott of all Activision-Blizzard products for an undetermined amount of time. If enough do this, change happens, as has been historically proven, as mentioned.

Edit: someone start a #boycottblizzard on social media


I have no problem understanding, which you implied I did. Imagine taking your Toyota to the Toyota dealership because it’s having an issue. You don’t hear back from the dealership for a month, and then when you call customer service, they tell you they can’t talk to you because they could lose their jobs. That’s what that loser over in customer service told me. He works for Blizzard. If he can’t provide customers with transparent answers, that’s his issue, not mine. Anyway. The point remains that Blizzard is in the wrong here, they’re doing a tremendous disservice to their loyal customers, and I’m mad as hell about it.


They didn’t. That’s a quote from the Customer Support forum, where I made a post asking for customer support and they locked my thread.

Done with this thread, I just want my guild stuff back. I’m just pretty upset and Blizzard really owes people an apology.


2000 responses and yet still no update on this i had a bank full of rare toot and items no longer attainable probably worth millions just all gone and not 1 word 2000 responses later the forums manager should be very disappointed with him self


It is very well NOT up to any customer service rep or even department. They are told only as much as the company deems they need to know and told what they are allowed to say. The people we should be blaming are the leadership who have NOT given permission or the information necessary to give us any communication. CS / CM are messengers. Shooting them does no good. Them losing their jobs does no one any good. Over the years ABK and now MS has gutted certain support positions incl. QA and CS.

This isn’t that I don’t get what you are saying. We’re ALL pretty damn angry over all of this, over being left in the dark after losing SO much of what we have accumulated over the years, for some, over the span of almost 20 years. Blizzard’s handling of this has been completely awful.

Same as above. Forum managers I’m sure, are told what they are and are NOT allowed to say.

For me, the fault lies with the company that has laid off a ton of people (including those in Quality Assurance), ramped up production (see how quickly patches and expansions come out now, whether they are ready or not) and now, has control of the messaging and has deliberately made it a point to give us no communication. I don’t know if they just hope we forget and move on, I don’t know if they are in over their heads and think that NOT telling us will create some magic wherein a cheap and easy solution will arise, or just terrified that someone might give some false hope.

I think those in the customer service at Blizzard (whether they are called GMs, CMs or whatever) are in a precarious position. IF they know things, they’re not allowed to say it, even if they very much want to, and frankly there is NO REASON that they should be sticking their necks out when the leadership at the company are too chicken $#!% to come out and face us. And they know that they are very replaceable. If they don’t shut up, Blizz will fire them and just get someone who toes the line.

I’m sure the Forum Manager IS very disappointed and frustrated, but most likely, with his employers, as he watches us get angrier, and more frustrated every day and unsubbing, and can’t do crap about it.

And I totally understand your disappointment because it is MY disappointment. My one bank of 7 tabs, gutted. Various others with many blank spots, my actual guild’s bank NOT used, at a time when we’d be busy cleaning it up and filling it with all sort of new crafted items, food buffs, mats and BoE gear that could help guildies. That’s how we usually do beginning of expansion, and it’s been marred by both the technical error that Blizzard has made and the lack of ANY communication in this thread and very little elsewhere.


I don’t know why you’re arguing with me.


Lol. Yes, i feel like this is a support group at this point.


For me, at least, it’s not the value of the lost mats. It’s that they were lost at all. There’s a willing suspension of disbelief that comes along with playing a RPG, and when something comes along to pop that little bubble you can really struggle to get it back.

After half my stuff vanished I looked around and was like … wow, there are a LOT of broken things here that aren’t dealbreakers by themselves but when they’re added all together it’s really not worth my time. So I’m just waiting for the subs to expire and then I’ll lose my posting privileges here.

GW2’s new expansion is pretty dang good if you’re looking for something less buggy to scratch the MMO itch.


Surely if it is “just” a visual issue, the fastest way to fix it would be to copy the list of items from the guild bank, mail it to the GM, delete the guild bank and recreate a “new” one. Then remove the items from the mail and put them back in the “new” guild bank? Would this work for letters stored in the Guild Bank, written by, in some cases, departed Guild members?


It is kind of like waiting on the Nigerian prince to put the million dollars in my bank account.


The only thing Blizzard will respond to is their bottom line ($). It is time to take drastic measures. It is time to boycott all Activision-Blizzard games until they acknowledge and fix this issue. To say they have handled this massive issue poorly is an understatement. If hundreds of thousands or millions of players stop paying them money, watch how quickly this gets fixed. Join me with the hundreds of other players that have already unsubbed and deleted every game belonging to Activision-Blizzard! Time to boycott!

I’m going to repost this every day for at least 30 days. My first post of this was on 9/10/2024.


I think for most players, the losses and bugs that “hit the hardest” are the ones that cause you to lose something which you invested a lot of time into… for example longtime guild bank inventory, lost reputations, lost honor, etc

Time, being a finite resource, can never be gotten back. So when a bug that specifically robs of your time is allowed to go live/persist in the game it is much MUCH more noticeable than say - a dungeon boss mechanic being overtuned, or X spec being overpowered by 6%

The bugs forum has exploded in activity this expansion because a lot of these bugs hit players where it hurts most - lost investment of time

It’s like, I could give a crap about a dungeon boss mechanic being overtuned or X spec being “overpowered by 6%”… but when one of your bugs robs me of already-spent/already-invested TIME (…as represented by a guild bank inventory, reputation, etc), it is especially upsetting

Even though the time-swallowing bugs are the most upsetting (…and arguably the absolute worst kind to have live during an expansion launch due to missed investment/gold-making opportunities), every Tuesday/reset that comes and goes it’s nothing but fixes/Blue-posts aimed at those same above-mentioned “dungeon boss mechanic being overtuned or X spec being overpowered by 6%” style bugs

Depending on the amount of time invested, some of these bugs are basically the equivalent (roughly) of someone who’s like 64 years old and right on the cusp of retiring suddenly finding out their longtime retirement savings account is now showing “$0” overnight due to a glitch - and the bank staff just saying “whoopsie! what are ya gonna do?” and shrugging their shoulder


Probably because they are easier to fix.

I agree with you about lost time. If we don’t get our stuff back, then that was wasted time to gather/save all the stuff.


This is actually a really good idea and solution!


All good points about the lost time.

I’d make another personal guild bank for <Time-Lost Guild Bank> but eh that’s more effort and time than I really want to spend on it anymore.