Guild bank missing items - what happened?

If somebody somewhere within the company would have just come right out and said hey, it may take some time but eventually we will get everybody their stuff back, I would never have canceled my sub. I was so looking forward to the new xpac. I spent hours sorting through 50+ alt banks, bags, etc, consolidating all my gold from 4 guilds into the Warband bank (which was a huge pain since at that time there was a bug that only let you withdraw as much gold as your current character personally held), getting rid of unneeded things, rearranging, etc, but I hadn’t gotten to the guild banks quite yet when all this happened.

Personally, I think they put too many irons in the fire. We had MoP Remix going on, TWW Beta, Radiant Echoes pre-patch, etc, all these limited time events that made me feel rushed and frankly at one point started making me feel more like I was working rather than having fun. Constantly having to pick and choose as to which was more important to get done which is why I put off sorting through my guild banks and consolidating items into the Warband, that and the prohibitive cost of the Warband tabs.

I’m starting to feel like a drug user in withdrawal. I’m making an assumption here as I’ve never been addicted to any substance before, but I’m daily finding myself wanting to re-activate my canceled sub just so I can play and I’m constantly having to argue with myself and say no since massive numbers of people canceling their subs seems to be the only thing that gets Blizzard’s attention.

Speaking of canceling, I’ve figured out that if you’ve already commented on a particular forum post you can continue to post to it but if you do not have time on your account you cannot comment on any new forum posts. I’ve also been able to upvote (love) any post regardless of whether I’ve commented on it or not.


I also have a 1 man bank that is about 95% gone! Hours of grinding and millions in gold gone!!!


May be my last post soon as my sub will be over…as the days go by I’m getting deeper in to the new game I’m playing and loving it…I’ve always had the feeling when I’ve left wow a couple times in 19 years for a month or so that I was being “unfaithful” and wanted to go “back home”. As the days go by and I distance more and am loving the new game…who knows if I’ll be back. It’s amazing to me the inability to address our concerns with a post other than making the poor GM’s give overall “form” responses…they try I do realize that! I came back to maybe add to the list and see what was going on…when I scroll to the bottom and the last post is 2 min ago…that is not good!!!

I’ll be back on another day
to check but I’m not holding my breath and thats really sad!


Like many of you, I’m watching this thread as well as the EU one that multiple threads got condensed down to, along with some others.

As I’ve mentioned in my couple previous posts, it’s the lack of information about the issue itself that I see as the problem. I’ve got characters in 5 or 6 guilds, and I have refrained from clicking on a guild bank on some of them, because nothing has been passed along to us on what caused (or causes, or still causes) the issue to happen. So I have no way of knowing if those guild banks are safe, untouched, or empty… and I’m not willing to Risk finding out without Blizzard supplied direction.

This of course puts me at a disadvantage because that means I haven’t submitted an in-game ticket about them… since i don’t know their current status. Will only guilds that had a ticket submitted be “restored” should that ever come to pass? Will only guilds that the guild master submitted a ticket be helped?

Again… lack of information and direction from Blizzard on how we should be handling this. It seems from the 2025 posts here that a majority of people just… want… some… communication… about… the… issue… from someone that isn’t a Blue that has no power or authority to talk to the situation.


Welp, just checking back in today to see if there’s been any update. hahahahahahahah Yeah, didn’t think so. My guild bank still sits empty and sad. What’s another month or two of waiting and hoping?


Yeah, I’ve been watching this thread too, and checking every week.

I have a personal guild on Winterhoof/Kilrogg that’s nothing but my alts. Every tab is empty, despite the logs clearly showing items being deposited, but not removed. I’m afraid to use it at all, which is putting me in a bind as to where to store all the stuff I’m accumulating this expansion.

One of my characters is in a different guild, and their tabs seem OK.

Wish we could get come communication on this.


This happens and I’m out. 20 year veteran, 8 active wow accounts, this would be the straw that breaks the camels back.


We can’t even get them to respond, it’s more like everyone in the bank ignoring you like you don’t exist.


“we can’t guarantee that it will be possible” may as well be “sorry, losers!”

It reminds me of when you were a kid and you asked your parents for something and they said “maybe.” You knew that it was just a more “diplomatic” way of saying no.

I know nothing at all about programming or code or anything like that. But surely after over a month, they must know what they can and can’t do, right? I just find it hard to believe that we’re still in a “trying to work it out” phase.

About 2 weeks ago I made the prediction that Blizzard will continue to stall and leave us hanging with little to no communication, until those who were minimally effected move on, and those of us who won’t “get over it” are a small enough minority that we can be safely ignored.

Sadly, I’m feeling more and more like this is still going to be the case. If they ever DO come out and admit there’s “nothing they can do,” I doubt we’ll even get a sincere apology, let alone any attempt at compensation.


I agree with you - I guess at this point if they at least say Oops, sorry, you can’t get all your items back but it’s safe to use the guild bank now again we fixed it… Even that would be better than nothing! I’m so tired of all my alts having full bags and having to mail stuff around because I’m not shelling out millions of gold for additional space in the warbank.



When this game began 20 years ago, a bug report would be answered in the game chat within 10-15 minutes. The Blizzard person would discuss your problem and provide important information for you. Now, the the total world has changed. It has degraded into
a lost world of decay. Moral Compass…gone, Work Ethic…gone, Personal Respect…gone,

My personal guild, E PLURIBUS UNUM, on Elune server has had it’s guild bank gutted for almost a month now. (this toon is my bug reporter on a different server)

I have 14 toons with all professions and I used my personal guild bank to store and transfer all items needed for each of them. Each expansion for the last 10 years, they have all been exalted with all main factions within that expansion. Over half of them for close to 20 years.

This issue involving guild banks, world wide, shows how far the people who run this game have sunk with their weak character and lack of social relevance and identity.

I own a personal business, this game WILL be seeing me delete my account and let my 32+
million game gold vanish into the void if this issue is not addressed and corrected soon.



I was a day one player at SWTOR and despite many bugs and unfinished zones, I kept my sub and did support the company. They promised so much but kept so little…

Then EA decided that merging servers is cool and my preorder realm was also affected. After the merge, I lost my main char into the void, a char that I did invest a lot of time into. The response was that they try to get it back, but they have no ETA and that I could just start from scratch again. Here is some gametime and a bit of currency to help you out.

I send them an email that I am done with the game and never returned.

Years later, I received an email where they told me I could play a year for free and that my char has been restored and as a day one player I would get some nice benefits and that they were sorry. I still have not played the game again.

Losing trust is a big deal for me, right now I have zero believe that something like this may not happen again.

I always saw the deal with MS as a bad move, as these big companies don´t care about niche products and WOW is such a niche, with a few million players worldwide.

Rushing the new expansion the way they did, shows there was immense pressure from MS and I guess they will continue that way. I feel sorry for the devs who truly want WOW to shine, but under the guidance of MS this seems impossible to achieve.

I would not be suprised if the forums are closed down in the next few years, like with Lost Ark and Amazon.


Just checked my guild bank and nothing has been restored but nothing has “leaked” out of it yet after deciding to use it again, so that’s a little piece of good news I guess.


I haven’t check this in about a week now and not a single fix. I’m so glad I unsubbed. On the other hand, Satisfactory 1.0 is amazing and FFXIV is way more fun. Sucks to start over from scratch after 16 years of wow, but already having a much better time. I’m 1000% happy I am done with Blizzard as a company. Follow my initiative and leave. 2000 comments and no updates from a blue? They obviously don’t care about any of us. At this point, the wait is futile and a waste of time that you could be playing other games.


I’m still holding out on buying TWW because of this disaster. I’m losing hope that it’s going to be fixed. I’m gaining fury that it hasn’t been addressed even ONCE by now…a month later.



Unless there’s some magical resolution to this that is VERY apologetic, I don’t think I will ever purchase a product put out by this company ever again.

I know I’m just a drop in the bucket, but it’s the only actual thing I can do. I urge others to follow suit.

I’ll certainly be getting all my friends and family that play their games to quit giving them money as well. And man, did my nephew love the shop for mogs and mounts. Not anymore…


This has gone on too long.

Change org petition, not that it’ll do anything:

/20 chars or whatever


Seriously still no response or fix… 19 years of collecting/hoarding/7 full tabs of handy stuff/MOGS/ Potential GOLD making items including rare pets and Mogs.
Come on BLIZZ :frowning:


Okay, I have some breaking news!

After much pestering of customer support to try to get in touch with someone who is able to share information pertaining to this issue, I have been able to obtain the answer to many people’s questions here.
Hopefully, I won’t get in trouble for sharing ticket info, but in this circumstance, I think it is really necessary and vital for people to know, so I am going to take the risk of posting this. According to what I was told, “Yes, the guild bank bug is fixed, and it is safe to use the guild bank”, and “Yes, players are having their items restored, it is just taking longer than expected”.

imgur dot com/a/Atkwfyy

So, if what I am being told is accurate, the bug is fixed, and items should not be disappearing anymore. The guild bank is safe to use to deposit items. Furthermore, they ARE restoring every lost item, it is just going to take a long time; longer than they expected. This is honestly no surprise, considering how many people and their banks were affected, which constitutes a massive number of items needing to be restored, which no doubt would be leading to a complex and time-consuming resolution. I don’t know why Blizzard could not officially put this information out, but at least now we have some piece of mind and hope that this problem will be righted in the future.

I also want to thank the customer service representatives who were patient enough to deal with me and answer some of these questions. :slight_smile:
Some of them are good guys, but in a difficult position of being told to keep their hands in their pockets about certain issues. Their job isn’t easy, and I think they deserve a bit more empathy than they get about certain issues. Try to keep that in mind, when you are frustrated with something.
In any case, if I hear anything else about this issue, I shall keep people updated.


Thanks for this. As I said in my earlier post, stuff isn’t disappearing anymore from my bank so that part seems true, at least for me so far. I hope we see our stuff returned soon but if it takes a while, then so be it. As long as they’re still working on it, I can wait. It would have been better to tell us here or in some other official post, but at least we have SOMETHING now.