Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Bumping to keep this thread from being buried far down the list. Almost 2k posts here. Let’s make sure they don’t take the stance “give it some time, and the players will just give up.”


My ticket was closed but the issue persists. All the items missing from my guild bank four weeks ago are still gone.

At this time, I agree with comments saying the biggest loss was of trust in the system. Even if this gets fixed tomorrow, with all items restored, neither myself nor my guildies will want to deposit anything for a very long while. We endured the start of the expansion with no guild bank access, no mats and massive gold loss as a result of this bug.


Reopened my closed ticket which didnt address my issue and got what appears to be a real response! Not super helpful but at least it seems like someone read my ticket (and typos in response imply someone actually wrote some of this out themselves)


Thank you greatly for reaching us out in this regard. First of all, I would like to apologize for the long response waiting time: at this moment we are receiving a large number of player contacts, and every query’s handling time may be increased accordingly.

Quite a situation indeed! Our Development team recognized an issue with Guild Bank not displaying their content and preventing players from interacting with the items previously put into Guild Bank in World of Warcraft and the Devs are investigating the issue with this as we speak…

Not to miss anything, I have added your case into our ongoing World of Warcraft issues information pool. If you haven’t done that yet, please be sure to submit your bug report in-game as described in this: support article.

Right now, I am afraid there’s no timeline we can share in terms when to expect a possible fix. While this is not something that can be tackled by Customer Support alone, the issue had been recognized and hopefully it won’t be long before we hear about a solution.

Thank you so very much for reaching out and for finding the time to write us about this now. Please keep an eye on our Forums: to see whether the issue is fixed, and not to miss anything while the problem with Guild Bank content and items, and how it is displayed, is still ongoing.

You can use your Guild Bank in the meantime, but we cannot guarantee your deposited items will be available until the issue is fixed.

Bug reports do not imply any direct feedback from the Dev team. Gameplay issues cannot be fixed immediately upon a bug report submission, they are addressed deepening on developers’ internal priority queue.

It had been a pleasure to happen to be nearby today. Certainly, I hope this inconvenience with Guild Bank in World of Warcraft won’t cause you too muchb trouble, the issue shall be resolved soon enough, and I’m looking forward seeing more of your adventure in the game soon.

Once again, thank you so much for contacting us today, please have the best rest of your week out there! And please do take care.

Interesting they want people to continue to submit bug reports about the issue (i have not yet cuz it was a known bug)


So will it ever get fixed???


That response should be made into the gold standard for Blizzard in terms of how to respond to players. I mean, some of it reads like the grammar equivalent of bad kerning, but $#@^, I’m not gonna be that picky myself.

I’m glad you got a proper response! :slight_smile:


Yes, saying they aren’t doing anything wrong and then locking the thread before a response can be made is crap. This thread has literally thousands of responses asking for updates and has had nothing directed to it for weeks. The majority of people effected that are concerned are gathered in this thread, yet there is no update or assurances HERE!

I’m not sure how much more tonedeaf a company can be to the pleas of customers.


I think you miss the point of what Vrakthis was saying:

(Guild banks empty for a month - #3 by Vrakthris):

They could lose their jobs for giving out unauthorized information. What about that is so hard to understand? They aren’t doing anything wrong by not giving out unauthorized or incorrect information.

Thread locking is a common thing when trying to consolidate a slew of individual posts and corral them all into one main thread.


Coming up on a month since this issue began. The lack of communication shows the dearth of respect for the customer base; this disrespect for such a large quantity of player is egregious. I can safely say this will be detrimental to number of resubscribes these next few months. At this point even a full restoration, an apology, and additional compensation would be unsatisfactory, imo. When is this new unionized Blizzard going to implement a satisfactory Customer Relations/Outreach division?


I’ll defend individuals but I will not defend the company. This silence is not voluntary on the part of the CS agents, and it’s a mark of bad company policy which seriously needs to be addressed.

+1. I said weeks ago that they could square me away for one-shotting raid bosses for the next ten years and it wouldn’t be enough. Compensation is one thing when the individual hasn’t been inconvenienced, but while this starts at ‘inconvenience’ it definitely goes way beyond even the ‘broken trust’ milepost.


No, not at all the fault of the customer facing staff. I imagine that they are pleading with upper management to give even a minute amount of recognition to this issue. But there is apparently some sort of rule in place that forbids them to respond, that is as disheartening as much as it is infuriating. Managements priorities seem to be skewed, this should have been a IT War Room issue (google it), not triaged and neglected.


No one is blaming the people that monitor and respond in Customer Support. We are blaming the people that do the authorizing of info that is released to the public. We are blaming corporate heads. We are blaming the coders that don’t know what they are doing. The guys that have to be nice to poop-heads in the forums all day are not blamed.

But if we don’t complain here, we have nowhere else to complain. And, if by chance, the forum blues’ boss happens to come along and ask how it is going, the blues can relate that people are still pissed about the guild banks.


How is this still a problem, and with zero communication? This is on a level of unacceptable I’d expect from some tiny studio from a 3rd world country.

We don’t even know what the problem is, only that they are “working on it”. Meanwhile, I’m rebuying mats I had plenty of already, missing out on sales I could have made.

And the worst part, the WORST part is the absolute evisceration of trust that has occurred.

Blizz should be ashamed of themselves. Shame for lack of communication. Shame for such shabby treatment of your players’ trust.


I was also told by a GM in a response they could “see” all the items in my banks. If this is the case, and the vaults are no longer going to lose anything. How about mailing all my stuff to me?

Yes, a pain it would be to spend all that time running back and forth to the mail box, but I would deal with it.

I would prefer Blizzard just remove the “blinders” from the affected guilds. But at this point, I just want to use, with confidence, my guild vault again.


Seems like providing information and being transparent with your customer base would be a pretty easy way to avoid that. If you’re arguing a billion dollar company doesn’t have the resources for two departments to talk to each other and then provide information to consumers then you’re not a serious person.


That is not my argument. What you quoted was specifically regarding the CS agents, and the CS agents only.

What I am saying is that the individual CS agents are working within limits handed down from wherever.

What I am saying is that the company should institute better, more consumer-friendly policies regarding said transparency and stop tying the hands of their CS agents.

Without defending company policy (which sucks), complete transparency is one thing and giving out information that could look like a promise of complete resolution is another. How would you personally feel if they promised ‘You’ll have all your things back on [date]’ and then they completely missed that date?

Making promises, or anything that sounds like one, where it pertains to a date, is like giving the angry portions of the playerbase a lit match; no one throws napalm on a fire if they want to keep their eyebrows, as I’ve said before.


I think what this generally comes down to is the lack of acknowledgement, and the suspicion that the issue is being intentionally ignored internally, as evidenced by the removal of the “Known Issues” bug page. The customer service agents who are on these forums are just the messenger; they are here to deal with the customer on behalf of the developers. The developers may not have any general idea when the issue will be fixed, but that still leaves an issue of PR management from the company itself. I think most people would have been satisfied with transparency, even if that meant them saying they don’t know when or if they can even restore things. The fact that there has been general silence about this entire issue, the removal of mention in the known issues and bug section, and total lack of acknowledgement from outside sources (like WoWhead and MMOchampion), is very concerning. The forum customer representatives, like Vrakthis, are only here to convey what information they are authorized to, and we are grateful for that, but the deeper issue is how the company as a whole is choosing to handle this internally, and it seemingly shows little concern for the negative effects it is having on their customer base. People are getting tired of being swept aside and ignored when they have legitimate concerns, and this just happens to be one of the most serious ones that has affected a large percentage of players. I’m losing count of how many people, both relatively new and veteran players, are unsubscribing and quitting over how this issue has been handled publicly or lack thereof, because I am reasonably convinced that the majority of them are more upset over how the issue is being handled, than over the issue itself. Blizzard needs to recognize this and make some serious changes to how their customer service, or furthermore, how they allow their customer service to engage in helping their customer base, otherwise I foresee this unsubscribing becoming more prominent in the future, if this indeed is going to be the considered standard for how Blizzard deals with serious issues that come up.


People are not mad at the blue folks here, they are mad at the people in charge at Blizz HQ´s.

Nobody wants a blue to lose his or her job, what people want is that those responsible for the situation come forward.

But sadly as we know, this is a common issue in our society that the big fish in the pool, doesn´t show up to admit it´s mistakes.


My personal guild on Azgalor is having the same issue. Had a ton items through out all 7 tabs just vanished. Just the entire guild bank, empty aside from the gold.

Redoing this comment cause I messed up with the first two.


All 3 of my guilds have been affected by this issue. Two on Aerie Peak realm and One is on Galakrond. All tabs are missing almost all items.


Adding myself here … my personal guild bank (all my toons) has been ravaged. I’m mostly pissed for the scads of mats lost. I’m a lowly altoholic. I’m not trying to make money on collecting goods. But when all of these mats I’ve gathered to level professions are just poof gone, it really hurts my bottom line. Plus, I feel totally conflicted putting ANYTHING I have into any bank, guild, personal or warband. So I’m running about with overstuffed bags and having to stop and sell every two minutes to make space.

Honestly, I’m terrified the only was to fix this is a reset, which they won’t do. So we’re out whatever. Blizz, you have to make this right.