Guild Bank Missing Items Bug -- Aug/Sept 2024

Quarantining this thread in the bug report forum away from general discussion (much like corralling negative or damaging posts into megathreads in places like Reddit) is a way for mods to reduce topic visibility, make things harder to find through search, and facilitates the burying of discussion.

It speaks volumes that the green cat came back to unpin this topic but in the 5 months between the first Friday afternoon post and unpinning never once did the blue cowards come back or lift a finger to offer any sort of updates or detailed explanation about the problem and how they’d prevent such situations in the future.

Nor did they come back to answer for their lies about “old crafting materials.” I made a post detailing what I lost in two of my guild banks and it wasn’t at all mostly limited to old crafting materials. Paying customers were asking legitimate questions about status and were greeted by the now patented blue wall of silence.

If only Team Blue kept their hands off the forum when I harshly criticized and mocked their team for allowing yet another data loss/character reset bug to creep in with the first major patch of TWW. That seemed to hurt their feelings and apparently it triggered them even more when I pointed out their removal of the post along with those made by several others.

Let’s have a post-11.1 summary of some of the bigger bugs shall we?

This is a new one where a player in one of the threads reported being told by a GM they will not be compensated. Business as usual.

Next is the bucket full of data loss bugs. At some point I figure if they want to be dealing honestly, they really need to remove the “Continue where you left off” line from the character select screen because their Mensa team can no guarantee it.

  • Characters are being locked because people are losing all of their quest progress.
  • Characters are (still) getting reputations reset to zero.
  • Warband currency transfers are disabled again, due to currency improperly disappearing.
  • Bronze celebration token conversions are disabled, due to currency improperly disappearing.

All that’s left is for the company to ghost people for another 4 weeks, follow up with a statement announcing a “minor oversight” with the patch, and then tell the customers they can pound sand and go do loremaster again.

We also seem to have the following issues, which are similar to previously seen problems from 7 months ago. It would be fortunate for the victims if these turn out to be merely display errors and not more data losses like the issues listed above. My condolences to anyone who will lose a valuable item to the soulbinding error with no compensation.

It’s tragic. Pretty soon you’ll be logging into a game after a big patch and half of it will be disabled because it’s destructively broken. That doesn’t seem farfetched now.

They obviously didn’t learn to be more meticulous with testing and QA after their disastrous TWW launch. They’ve continued to show their distaste for transparency and communication after big screwups. No one there likes taking ownership and responsibility. They’re all waiting for things to blow over.

Gross incompetence, malice, and indifference at all levels of their development, communications, and management team is the new normal now. I think it clear the failures of the last 6 months weren’t a small road bump but indicators of far more systemic problems within their machine.

VP Holly Longdale pays lip service to hearing and fixing problems but she and the game directors don’t say a lot or do a lot about these multiple ongoing dumpster fires do they? People stupidly thought the Microsoft buyout would be the antidote to slow the en—tification of the game but seems quite the opposite.