Automatic Conversion of Bronze Celebration Tokens to Timewarped Badges

is Anyone having problem with Automatic Conversion of Bronze Celebration Tokens to Timewarped Badges ? I had 228 Bronze Celebration Tokens, they disappeared WITHOUT any conversion after 11.1 update and my number of timewarped badges remained unchanged.
Note: Autoconversion was mentioned in the blue post below:


Yes I had 684 tokens and now I have zero with no time warped badges conversion. Iā€™ve asked about this and no one seems to have a clue. Itā€™s all on wowhead in a blue post stating any bronze celebration tokens you may still have will be automatically converted to time warped badges at a rate of 20 badges per token when 11.1 goes live. This never happened and Iā€™m kinda of angry about it.


I truly donā€™t understand WOW devsā€™ ignorance and/or incompetence. They donā€™t seem to get anything right. I am totally fed up with this nonsense. After 20 years of supporting Blizzard, I have given up and cancel my all WOW subscriptions.
Enough is enough!


I had 459, now nothing. Youā€™d think they would give more information with an update like this instead of leaving people up in the air, especially when they failed to do what they originally statedā€¦


I also am having issues, wanted to post in support.


After 11.1 onboard, my Bronze Celebration Token is missing without converting to timewarped Badges.

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Replying because I am also having this issue.

Hello I am experiencing an issue where my bronze celebration tokens were wiped out but never converted into TimeWarped badges upon the release of 11.1 as stated in this blue post

Any guidance would be appreciated.

I never looked, but now that you mentioned it they did not convert for me either. Should have gotten over 20k.

There are a few people reporting it Iā€™ve commented in a few other threads with still no answer from blizzard

Weā€™re looking into an issue where some players did not get the Timewarped Badges from their Bronze Celebration Tokens.

As we look into it, weā€™re making a change that will disable any new characters from trying to convert until we have a fix.

Thank you for sending us your reports. We hope to have more info soon.

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Thank you for the response!