As of todays patch, I reached 7500 rep with multiple TWW factions and it reset back to zero but no Overlowing Trove was awarded. There is no graphic on the UI and no quest for the drove at the faction quartermaster.
This just happened to me in Shadowlands as well, reputation reset to 0 after hitting 10000 instead of awarding a paragon box.
I had the same issue today. Hit the 7500 rep mark with Hallowfall Arathi, but it reset back to zero.
Yep, so it looks like it’s a new bug with the new patch, i just finished the Ven’ari paragon bar and got no reward
I just had this happen with the Council of Dornogal.
Same issue here. Went over the 7500 threshold with Hallowfall using the world quest weekly reward and the paragon icon never illuminated in the UI or appeared on the quartermaster.
I put in a ticket and was told to make a bug report.
Same with Unshackled 10k and no quest for the chest.
Happened this morning with Army of Light as well.
Entered a ticket and was told that clearly this is working because I opened a paragon chest a week ago. Updated the ticket with more details and am awaiting a response again.
Same here just now with Death’s Advance. It just rolled over with no paragon offered. Silver lining: Everyone loves Korthia.
Edit: Bug report submitted.
Had this happen yesterday with council of dornogol. I did the complete 10 WQs weekly, chose them for the renown, rep bar went over 7500, I have I think 250/7500 now, never got a trove or a quest from the renown vendor.
To the top with this one. Both Council of Dornogal and The Weaver boxes ‘missed’.
Posting that this happened to me. At first it was with the spider guys so I just thought the 2500 from world quest weekly just didn’t apply, but after doing stuff in Ringing Deeps and pushing that over the 7500 threshold, it just reset and kept going without awarding any paragon box.
Same here. Just turned in the WQ weekly and picked The Vizier. Chatlog shows I got the 2500 rep, but can’t get the actual quest for the box which also means I don’t get the 2500 for the Severed Threads itself.
Also experiencing this. Have had all 3 of the Severed Threads sub reps fail: two had quests Tuesday night that said they gave rep but gave 0, and the General just flip over from 2500 to 0 with no turn in just a few minutes ago. Also had main Severed Threads and Hallowfall flip to zero with no quest or box.
I reached exalted with the Rustbolt Resistance yesterday on my level 10 mistweaver monk and today on my level 11 fury warrior. Doing quests and whatnot has not resulted in any paragon reputation being rewarded.
I thought maybe it was because of their level, but now I’m not so sure.
Happened to me just now with the Archive in Korthia. I was looking forward to my chance at a mount. -_-
Posting to say I had the same issue. Weaver and now Hallowfall. Please fix asap.
Came here looking for the same thing. i should have Dornagal, The General AND Hallowfall troves but havent be able to loot ANY of them… How will this get fixed??
Yep same here… No bag =(
Same thing here. I farm gold in shadowlands with paragon boxes and it happened twice… -7k gold