Graphics Update

I would pay $100 for moonwalking Activision please read this!

Oddly enough I don’t care about the graphics when it’s optional. I played a lot of Dark Age of Camelot and they have an option to toggle between classic graphics and character models.


Yet, instead of using the SEARCH function you made this thread anyway…


Some observations:

  • Classic actually DOES have some modern graphics in it - Crank the graphics options up to “10” and you get longer view distances, Retail lighting and water effects and better ground clutter. It looks better than Vanilla ever did. (At least this is how it was during the stress tests).
  • Classic does NOT have some requested graphics updates though. It lacks increased texture resolution, new character models, and new spell graphics. I think implementing new character models would have been easy as they could have been ported over from Retail. However, higher texture resolution on the terrain would have been hard to implement. In Retail, Blizzard only updated the terrain textures when the world was revamped in Cataclysm. Many terrain elements were changed from Vanilla then.
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I love the stocky jog of the orc from vanilla days. Felt like it had real weight to it.
Not this new, plucky bounce they seem to have in their stride in retail.


What makes you assume we want to attract the largest number of people possible?

I do not.

No, most people aren’t interested.

This not a game you play for graphics (although beautiful imo), you play it for people.


Stop spreading misinformation! People need their shadows on max, it looks good. They should also turn up every other option, <20 FPS is actually ideal for PvP.

Next thing we know you’ll be telling them to hotkey their interrupts instead of using the more reliable screen click option.

This may be a trick of the eyes. They specifically curtailed the 8.0 engine’s draw distance in Classic because it was thought (correctly) that being able to see further in PvP might alter balance.

The same amount of ground clutter was actually possible in the 1.12 client using console commands. It didn’t make the grass wave around you as you ran through it, though, which Classic does do.

You’d be surprised the kinds of silly conflicts that can come up in trying to do things like this. And implementing the UI to control it (and the store front-end to pay for it, if that happens) is also work.

Actually, the textures themselves already exist. The problem is that they have to deal with Vanilla’s world geometry and meshes. An artist could easily (but tediously) repaint Classic using textures that are in BFA today. But once again, work!

Having played the Classic stress test and Retail both at max graphics options, my conclusion:

  • Retail looks better - especially noticeable when looking at the new more detailed terrain zones or close-up at any character models.
  • Classic does not look that bad - During normal gameplay when I’m looking at my toon from behind it looks fine. The low-texture resolution and polygon count only looks jarringly bad when looking at my character model from close range. Mainly this comes up at the character selection or character creation screen.

Summary: Classic doesn’t look great, but it does seem to be good enough.



Don’t drink the kool-aid kids. The old water was a single texture that repeated like a quilt over the entire surface. The new water textures are pseudo-procedural textures that have far more “life” to them because they flow like actual water.

Look at all those squares.

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Oh, I totally agree with you. I would never call Classic insufficient. I think a lot of it is our modern hardware. But also, Blizzard’s just gotten better over the years in everything from overall engine architecture all the way down to color precision, and that definitely comes across in Classic. It runs like butter compared to 1.12.

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Too busy having fun to notice.

Unfortunately you will get your obligated “#nochange” folk who for their own reasons feel Classic should remain classic, including the low poly avatars we used.

Does it make sense to redo classic using the updated engine and graphics while keeping everything else as it was? Sure it does.

We already are going to be using the improved engine when it comes to creating / using macros, not to mention a ton of addons that are already being allowed in thank to, yes you guessed it, the new engine!

The decision was already made though by Blizz that they would keep the graphics as they were in classic, so for this time around at least, that is the way things will be.

Who is to say we wont see a new Classic+ at some point down the road utilizing the newer graphics. It would certainly be a great mix of using better technology, better graphics, and still maintaining a classic balance and feel.

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No it doesn’t. And for just one reason. There are many of us here who don’t want new models. Why do you think your preferences should take precedence over ours?

We have been told, by Blizzard, that Classic will be as close as modern architecture will allow to the Vanilla game. Very many of us are thrilled with that.

You and those of like mind are free to lobby Blizzard for a changed version of the game if you wish.

Took my literally two seconds to go into the top right search box and type in “Graphics” and I came up with. Not hard look it up, mate.

That’s the thing about well designed games. Graphics mean absolutely nothing in the long run. So this point is null and void.


Go play retail if all you care about is aesthetics. Again it’s about game design not graphics. Graphics mean nothing in the long run. All graphics get outdated with time.

This is all conjecture.

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Maybe in the future instead of quoting only 1 line, you actually read my entire post response and notice at the end I actually do state that perhaps this is something we can look forward to in the future.

Some players take things so personally #rollseyes

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But, no one is. Please see this excerpt from the OP, my emphasis added:

The real question is how would other people having the ability to exercise a preference different than yours affect you?

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I’ll be happy just to see the Westfall vultures actually flying in the air again, rather than skimming the ground as they are now.

To your first point, telling me that all I care about is aesthetics… What part of what I said gave you the impression that all I care about is aesthetics? The entire first line is all about how great the game system and the community was in the original game.

As far as conjecture goes: Perhaps you are right, but this is a Discussion board…

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