Graphics Update

This really isn’t the hill you want to die on… if that’s a deterring factor then you probably didn’t really want to play

a graphics update would push away the people this is meant for. This game is literally meant for people who want Vanilla WoW as it was and nothing more. It was stated they dont care if 1 million people play it 10 people play, its meant to honor Vanilla WoW.

I personally dislike WoW’s modern graphics, it just doesnt feel like Warcraft anymore. They look good but they took away that iconic feel that anything past Wrath just doesnt give. I would just go back to private servers if they up the graphics more then they already have.

We’ll need WoW: Classic+ or WoW: Classic Reforged for this to occur.

The new character models lack any individuality or difference in features that the old character models have. The faces all look pretty much the same on the new models. The old models at least had variety.

Modern WoW is too bright. Duskwood and Tirisfal Glades are supposed to be dark and grim, and the new graphics are anything but.

Agreed, but I’d really like to see a complete revamp of graphics. Not just an update to retail. Duskwood is (and always has been) my favorite zone. Dark and eerie is exactly what I’d like to see. With particle effects and fog and ground that doesn’t look like a texture on a flat plane. Better, more dynamic grass, less two-dimensional fences and gates, but maintain the cartoony fun feel. I’d love it!

What do you mean “too bright”?

Duskwood in Vanilla at night:

Duskwood in BfA at night:

Duskwood in BfA with an Inky Black Potion:

One question. If graphics for you meaningless. Why do you care if people who DO care about graphics will get what they want?

If I understand you correctly you don’t care about which graphics you use, so it will be win for us (who want new graphics) and win for you, cause a lot of people will play in Classic and enjoy playing side with you or against you in opposite faction. So why are you against those people like me who want an update?


They don’t care what you think about gameplay. I have the same thread created out there and almost all people who against toggle are seeing your posts like so:
What you write:

“I love Vanilla and will play no matter what, cause I love them design and balance and I love being trashed and smashed as a garbage I’m, but graphic could be better and I would love to play as a new Model Orc”.

What they see:

“- ---- ------- — ---- ----- – ----- ----, ----- - ----- ----- ----- — ------ — - ---- ----- ------- — -------- – - -------- -’-. — graphic SUXK SO MUHCH OGME GAWD and I would love to DELETE ALL THE OLD STUFF AND REPLACE IT WITH BLOOD ELVES1!1!”.

There is no point to explain for them why do you love better visuals. People like them can’t even understand that all we ask is optional and they will never see it themselves.


The only way the graphics in classic could be better is if they were utterly pixel for pixel identical to 1.12 and not a close modern approximation with SSAO and water effects that look like smurf mercury (which I am aware you can turn off).

No bfa graphics, No overhaul, Just good old WoW

I can’t speak for Tornos, hopefully he will chime in.

As for me, a win for you means the game is deviating from the way it looked during Vanilla. I want as close to vanilla as possible - even in parts of the game that I am not personally invested in. No changes. No new models or animations.

yes lets do it 4k lets see it lets seee it

That is the problem where I can’t understand your point.
You telling me:
“I’m against what you do in your house even though I don’t see, hear or even know it, cause I want everyone else living by rules I personally think is righteous”.

This leads to all sorts of issues on social level when you don’t like this and that and people like that in counterparts, but they can’t get it even if they are “playing” it on other side of the planet under ten locks at night, only cause you can’t explain why you don’t want them to have it.
It’s like a extreme christians will dictate gays not to make sexy times at at home on other side of the planet, cause holy books of fables told them that this is bad stuff.

Graphics are not why I play the game. That said, I want a game that is as close as possible to the Vanilla game. Consequently I want no graphics change and no toggle. Whether that seems fair, or selfish or non-sensical to you is not relevant to how I vote. I am in the no-changes camp and I don’t care how un-impactful you might think your change is - no changes.

If you want a version of the game that includes access to the new models and animations, then I suggest you get a couple hundred thousand signatures on a petition to that effect and present it to Blizzard.

Meanwhile your entreaties here on the Classic forum are going to largely fall on deaf ears. We don’t want changes, including your evident need for cosmetic changes.

Vanilla WoW is a beautiful game, but the graphic experience of it is largely insignificant to many of us. Just not important. That said - we don’t want anything changed. Leave the game alone. We don’t want it “improved” in any way whatsoever.

I agree with OP. While I know it is an unpopular opinion with the “no changes” crowd, I would love to see an option to use improved art assets. A checkbox that toggles the new player models, and uses higher resolution models/textures. Since it would only affect the player who checked it, I really don’t understand how even the “no changes” crowd could argue against it.

I created this character day 1 of release during Vanilla. I’ve already experienced vanilla as it was back then. If given the option to do it again with modern graphics… I would check that box, hard.

The reason I want to play vanilla again is for the gameplay. I find the gameplay of retail WoW to be unengaging. If I can have the original WoW gameplay paired with modern graphics, that would be perfect.


I understand that. But I just wanted to present my points. If some blizzard employee saw that point and maybe hand it over to people responsible and they kept it in mind. I’m more than happy.
When I will be THAT much missing the new graphics I will create a petition. Right now it is just a mere suggestion and asking for a favor, nothing more. If they can’t do it now, I’m willing to wait the times when they will.

Who “we”?
There was a poll that said that almost 71% people aren’t against new graphics. So who are those “we” are you speaking of?

That. Here. THis is the point you making over and over. “I don’t care, but you can’t have it”. WHY?
If we get our toggle and you will get your UNCHANGED graphics by default, you will not even see the new graphics for you it will be perfectly “vanillian”. FOr us it will be a few more actions: go to menu, tick the toggle to “use modern graphics” and press Apply. It will not turn YOUR game differently only ours.

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What it boils down to is rejection of any change. The game was great as it was, warts and all. No changes means we are not interested in entertaining exceptions - there is simply no reason to do so.

If you want a change, even a cosmetic one, you don’t understand the drive that has finally given us classic.

You keep saying “we”, when you should be saying “I”. You don’t speak for the community. “You” don’t value improved graphics? That’s fine. If they had a checkbox to enable improved graphics you could “choose” not to check it. How would “you” be affected by it?

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Are you 8? No one owes you a ‘why’. What we gave you was a NO. And that won’t change. No matter how much you whine and how much you insist that the change won’t impact anything. We are not interested in any changes to the game.

Sometimes life isn’t fair.

If you can’t bring yourself to play the game without the cosmetic changes you are so invested in - then don’t play it. We don’t care. If you want to play the game as it is delivered to us, then come on in. But don’t expect us to entertain your need for some empty ‘improvement’. No thanks.

Have you seen the beta? I (we - the no changers) win. You lose.

The issue is already settled. Classic does not have the new character models. Most of us are thrilled with that reality. Why would we start to negotiate with you now? We have gotten what we wanted. You have no leverage. You have nothing to offer us or Blizzard.