Ugh... the graphics again

I just leave this here:
(left side full of sarcasm if you didn’t get it)

I played Stress test today (again). And yes. I still think that graphics are outdated. I loved everything (except few inconveniences which will be covered by addons as they were 14 years go), the walky quests, the quests which return you to the place you’ve already been, the killing time taking forever™, inability to wear green for few dozens of levels and first green being an epic in my eyes. The constant queues for spawns between players. Constant jumping around cause you have nothing to do but wait. BUT THE GRAPHICS. IT SUCKS (okay, for me personally) .
Blizzards I beg you give us the toggle to use new models and new animations. I can’t stand that my character just STANDING THERE when picking apples, I can’t stand dirty low res textures on models, I want to experience the GAMEPLAY, it’s what makes Classic — Wow with a taste of vanilla, not its visuals.


Then do so and quit fussing about the textures. The way you’re whining, you’re not even trying to experience gameplay because you’re so obsessed with how things look.


The new textures are better there’s no doubt, but people want vanilla as it was. Maybe one day they will let you swap to the new character models.


By your activity history it seems that you are doing the same job here as everywhere else. Doing nonsensical inputs.

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If the devs feel like giving additional graphical options later on (leaving the original graphics models as-is by default and always keeping them available), I’d be fine with that. At this point, I just want the game released.


I’d actually be cool with a toggle for people who wanted current graphics, but honestly, I was really impressed with how well the graphics stood up in the beta. And the gameplay, one of the reasons I’ve played wow for so long is because of how polished the movement is. A lot of other MMO’s like guild wars 2 or the star wars one I can never remember the name of I didn’t like because everything felt so twitchy and jumping looked so unnatural lol.


They probably could’ve added in the new models for people who wanted them, as a toggle. Assuming they didn’t mess with the old models like they did when the new ones came out. I mean, it hurts no one.


Imagine wanting to play as a disney pixar looking mofo


Like you don’t. Why do you wear clothes or looking in the mirror every day? Why do you shave (if you do) or wash yourself? Why not just be a garbage ape with garbage looks. It’s cheaper and you could save so much money on stuff that you buy just cause it’s visually differs. New games, new cars, new clothes, new watches, new style. You also obsessed with how things looks. You are diddling on something you fetishise. Only because it has visual representation and your brain likes it.
Don’t make yourself look more rational and smart than you truly are.


I don’t think they suck, but I hear what you’re saying. A toggle that doesn’t affect gameplay would be fine by me.


The models look fantastic in the Beta. Well done, Blizz.

And a toggle? Why would anyone think there should be a BfA Toggle mode? Those models exist in a different game. You can go play that game. But Classic means Classic.


And based on yours all you care about are the graphics. Looks like we both are wasting our time on here.


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It’s funny how defensive people get, when people are just asking for a simple change, that doesn’t even have to affect them and how they play their game at all.

There doesn’t need to be any hate.


Man the people of these forums are so damn bitter. It’s very sad.

I agree, 100%, would love to have toggle on/off for updated graphics and animations. I dislike the older graphics.


As long as long as I don’t have to see the new animations, fine!

Please don’t break my vanilla immersion.




I wear clothes because societally we have laws, and weather isn’t always warm enough to enjoy bare skin to sky. I don’t generally “dress up” because clothes are functional for me. I look in the mirror mostly to be sure I look presentable for work. Weekends, why bother. Mostly that’s about making sure my hair isn’t trying for a full Einstein.

I don’t shave, actually. Quit doing that a few years ago and it’s the best decision I ever made. I wash myself because of hygiene and health - I don’t like to smell dirty, I don’t like to itch, I don’t want to be sick.

None of those things are me trying to follow the latest fashions, which is really what you’re asking for. You don’t like the bell-bottoms that the faithful restoration of the 1960s show included and want skinny jeans, while claiming it’s the plot of the show you’re most interested in.

That’s a two-edged sword you just used, and you might need to go deal with your wounds.


I respect you, you seem really cool. The OP posts about nothing but the graphics and he gets hysterical about it. And the thing is, the game is getting close to release, and the people for whom this graphics thing is a gigantic make-or-break thing are pretty obviously in the minority–at least enough so that no one wants the game actually delayed so that y’all can get this toggle or whatever.

Again, you seem like a nice and cool person and I personally have no problem at all with a toggle. I do have a problem with the devs focusing on that this late in the development stage because I think it’s unnecessary–it’s not game-breaking. And I can’t stand when people like the OP throw tantrums over it.


I’m playing Classic for the mechanics, classes, talent trees, etc.

I wouldn’t mind if the graphics were updated a bunch.


art style is generally more important than graphics, not considering graphical fidelity
vanilla, tbc, and wrath had better art styles than cata and onwards

i wont even bother explaining why a switch from old models to new models wouldn’t work and would, in fact, have an impact upon non-graphical gameplay in manners that don’t involve your video card or processor speed or however; someone else can do that for me