Got called a slur then kicked

nope, no one died nor was any players character harmed at all and generally speaking i dont pull more than i think i can safely pull meaning i dont think anyone will die in the process of my pulls. mind you i have accidently pulled too much and players characters have died to include my own but more often than not im just trying to clear as many mobs as i can and watch the numbers fly as we (hopefully) fly through the TW dungeons as im mostly there to farm badges, collections tab stuff and rep


Looks like it’s going to be Sunday all week.


Pretty sure you can report their speech in the WoW interface, kind of easily. I think you just right-click.

So, if you are upset about the word they used then just report them.

However, as a DPS, you should not be pulling, and I AM glad they kicked you.

These two concepts are both pretty clear, and not related to each other in any way.


You’re just pulling mobs waiting for them to start, which you handled yourself. There’s no warrant for such behavior. Sounds like a group with control issues who think only the tank should be allowed to pull.

It’s better not to be in such a group, so be glad you got out fast and hopefully you will get a message soon about them being removed from the game.


If people in the dungeon are in combat then other people might not be able to join the instance. Just let the group gather next time and I think you’ll avoid situations like this.

This point is… kinda terrible. A person should be able to do what ever they want, the issue isn’t that he was pulling mobs it’s that Blizzard made it so others can’t join the instance while people are in combat in the instance. If that roadblock didn’t exist, no one would care that he killed some trash mobs. Again… terrible point.

I don’t know what a reverse report is, but if you were intentionally blocking people out of the instance by staying in combat (this might only apply to bosses, if not all combat), that would be report worthy. If you weren’t, then they were full of BS and maybe it was a misunderstanding.


they were all in while all the mentioned happened, no one was locked out of the instance due to my actions

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I forgot about this. Might be what caused them to rage; however, not everyone remembers this nor does it excepts the other party for using slurs.


Epic gamer moment :sunglasses:.

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This story doesn’t quite add up to me, it comes across as something someone might make up for attention.

It’s not that I doubt there are toxic players out there, we all know jerks exist. But you mentioned you reported them, which shows you’re aware that Blizzard doesn’t tolerate that kind of language. So why come to the forums with a post that seems crafted to provoke reactions? It feels less like a genuine concern and more like an attempt to stir the pot.


Absolutely was warranted. :slightly_smiling_face:

The group decided they didn’t like him pulling stuff before they even fully loaded into the instance. I don’t blame them. That’s not teamwork. That’s just disrespectful impatience.

If OP wants to be that guy, OP can find friends or another group that’s okay with him being that guy. Otherwise, that kind of behavior has a chance to get anyone kicked.

It doesn’t warrant their comments to him, just to emphasize that.


No it isn’t mostly AI.

Did he also claim unicorns were real?


Nope. There is a tank for a reason. This is why most tanks no longer pug and we dps spend posts crying over it on the forums. If I was the tank I would boot them as well.


No it’s not allowed, but there is also no Minority Report system that can prevent people from breaking the rules. It’s entirely reactive.

So if the tank dies, what happens? Does the group just wait to die? Or do they scramble and adapt?

There is no reason why DPS shouldn’t be able to do what ever they want, as well as healers and tanks. Just because a tank holds threat doesn’t mean they run the dungeon or your life… life free Hunter, live free.

We don’t cry, you do. I don’t care if players do unorthodox things because IT’S A GAME. It’s a literal game that’s been around for 20 years. If after 20 years people still get upset because some random DPS pulled a mob… they have substantial psychological issues.

I feel like too many people lack patience and empathy now a days… certainly lack any level of patience. MUST GO FAST, BUT DON’T DEVIATE FROM THIS VERY STRICT PATH! Yeah, people need to grow up a bit.


Moon Guard Goldshire patrons sweatin :eyes:


WoW seems pretty lax compared to some other games, at least blizz goes with player reports. ESO is currently using AI to scan chat typed in game when it detects deragatory language, whether private or public then suspend/ban the player. Its currently wiping out the RPers even through whispers or inside of homes, 90 day bans within 24 hours.

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That only happens for a boss encounter.

I generally consider when someone posts in outrage over something that happens in a dungeon that resulted in them ending up getting removed, that we’re getting only half the story. Or less than that.

So you’re okay with some dps pulling everything in the dungeon, making it take everybody else twice as much time, because you see that as creative?


hope they get banned from chat for good


But that isn’t what what happened, is it. No one cares about your hypotheticals. Try and stay focused.

Really? There are at least a half dozen “There aren’t enough tanks!” topics a week floating around the forums. That is ALL we do. Tanks are fed up from players that “Do what they want because, it’s a game”

You are a shining example of why tanks and healers don’t pug.


Report ignore move on, all you can do with the trash in this game