Gold buyers and banning them

Avoid attracting what? Gold buyers secret method? This is an secret that most are still trying to hide but now it’s out of the bag. Gold buyers are using guild banks to avoid getting banned and undetected. Gold sellers are using guild banks to money launder. Are you mad in some capacity that I spilled the beans on your secret gold buying method? The ones that are defensive here are probably the ones that use this method to buy gold.

Telling you your thread is pointless isnt being mad, its stating the obvious. People using gbanks has been talked about years, its not some unknown secret. The fact you are telling history about this dude but yet wont out him is humorous. I myself have never bought gold, nice baseless accusation


You’re playing checkers and I’m playing chess.

You literally could of changed who you’re posting on to a different sock puppet since I get it you’re hiding because your parses are bad which is fine.

Post on a different toon, GDKP payouts are typically ALWAYS public info on the discord.

The gdkp discord prolly has over 100+ people in it, you could of literally just not said you were in the gdkp and copy/pasted the pay out sheet here to showcase your point about people spending huge sums of gold that could of been gotten with money and literally no one would of known who you were since again that discord prolly has over 100+ users. But I’m the dumb 1?

Instead you went the dumb route and said you were in the gdkp and you can’t post anything.



The actual tone of the post makes it seem like you lost out on an item to someone who bought gold and you wanted to come to the forums to whine about it really


That’s some Star Trek 4 layer chess happening for sure.



u r not wrong. botting n gold buying r big problems in da game right now.

da bots n gold buyers need to be banned.

take a look at dis guild asking for da gold cap to be raised.
Gold cap too low . plus da same guild asking for nerfs Nerf Ulduar .

a guild officer dat also sells gold on a discord while also running a gdkp discord. note da ranks n color of their name in da discords.

imgur. com/a/YdnNCOj

haha. here is a photo of a guilds guild master telling buyers in da gold selling discord how to get priority spots in da gdkp discord. note da ranks n color of their name in da discord. green is gdkp leader.

imgur. com/a/yboW7Pw

screenshot of dat same guilds gdkp discord promoting da same gold selling discord. haha. note da ranks n color of their name in da discord. yellow is leader.

imgur. com/a/GyQcgZf

dis one gold farming operation had 45,000,000 gold sold in tbc classic with da price of 12 usd dollars per 1000 gold.

540,000 usd real life money earned through one gdkp selling gold to people. no one can say dis does not ruin da spirit of classic n promote pay to win culture. too much gold in da game from bots.

think about all da other gold farming operations on da classic servers. dis is just one example.

u see not only bots in da open world, but also in bgs n instances.

haha. so funny.

Ayyy Mcg where ya been?

Dang that’s actually a copy/paste, you were really upset when my guild gkicked you huh?

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That’s Mcg he posts on his 60 priest, he was in my guild but they kicked him.

He never recovered

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No! I bought gold cap 4 times with my mommys credit card, i dont wanna be B4nn3d

My Google feed is filled with you people. Stop. Please. Its pathetic.

I got banned for buying gold :frowning: haven’t played wrath since. Which is why they probably don’t do it too often.

Ban me participating in raid night gambling

I went from 120k to 500g :sob:

That’s 500g account wide

I’m about to start a go fund me :sob:

Damage is done. Gdkps have become the ultimate washing of gold. Once it filters though them its become clean. Some of it even filters right back to the buyer as clean. The people putting them on like gold buyers. Gold buyers like them. People that join them for a cut like them. Then it all filters back to higher prices which feeds the sellers more.

If gdkp wasnt so rampent you would be suprised how marginalized gold buying would be. You dont need a ton of money for consumes in an already hugely inflated economy. BOE market isnt big in the inflated economy. Repairs are meaningless. Honestly you only need like a couple thousand gold a month to raid and a good chunk of it just comes from the raid itself.

Gold selling is fueled by gdkp. Its the only reason anyone needs so much gold. Its a less social experience then rdf ever would be. While human nature is whats actually to blame here… the sad truth is the gdkp is what enables it to this degree. Would people still buy gold without gdkps? Sure… 100%. Would it be the expansive world wide empire that has taken over the whole game without gdkps? No. I dont think so.

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Gold is already cleaned when you get it.

You’re either going to get flagged or not get flagged.

The gold doesn’t just disappear cuz you joined a gdkp.

You can’t “clean” gold as it is a currency that blizzard can trace at every point, it’s just up to them to actually look.

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Sorry you got declined to a GDKP. Better luck next time.

You can one bot, three more will come back. That’s just the reality. Yeah, “just ban the bots” is easy to say. You do realize they can just make another account and continue on…

It actually already is allowed - albeit indirectly. Buying tokens on your retail characters to send to a retail character in exchange for game gold from that persons Classic account is not against the terms of service. So, long as the RMT is filtered through Blizzard token buying, in kind transactions to Classic are allowed.

It’s allowed but it’s not conveniently facilitated.

Yea I have traded gold for gold in WoW before. Blizz allows it as long as it is done within the same region. But Blizzard told me that they allow it but also are not able to help if me or one of my friends decides to rip the other off.

Takes me about a month to get gold cap in Classic. Takes me a few days in retail.


They could really make an impact on people’s willingness to buy gold if they’d just close accounts or at least enact 6 month long bans as either of these punishments would STRONGLY discourage people from risking it, but they won’t because WoW’s profitability is in a state of crisis at the moment. Literally look at how many sales they have been running since DF’s launch so they cannot afford to permaban people or otherwise ban them in a meaningful way that may mean they don’t come back.