Gold buyers and banning them

Even the boost and boost with side cosmetics packages are kind of cheap.

That is usually more a year out thing.

It’s crazy IMO

Classic package price cuts
20% DF Sale
40% DF Sale
I believe two free DF trial weekends
A promo to buy DF and get a month of WoW.

Only argument I make as to why they are doing this beyond financially floundering is they are actively working on boosting specific metrics ahead of the microsoft deal. That’s not really my wheelhouse so not sure if it really makes sense to do, but given they recently posted a massive MAU drop it doesn’t seem all that likely even if it’s a plausible reason.

My take is Holly needs to sit both her boys down. Ion and whoever took Brian’s spot.

And give a nice get their head of their butt’s chat.

Even D4 team got a clue. Druid came out bad in beta. Which it was. The only thing uglier than the druid female looks was druid game play lol.

D4 called up some peeps, gave them later level special access to comment/stream on. And I am told while druid does suck in the level 20 max tested, it gets real good later.

D4 saw some bad druid reviews, read feedback. And got proactive, they are trying to fix the not-so-great press on druid… Retail and classic at this point I don’t think can spell proactive.

I was on a random toon on one of the big servers when I saw an advertisement that was for Uld-25 HM run including Alg. When I reached out, the poster confirmed the run was being sold for 170K or USD 200.

Do what you may with the information. The RMT is already here.

I don’t think the development team is entirely responsible. I’m sure they’ve made legitimate design mistakes they thought were good, but I assume a lot of their stumbling is due to being given difficult work situations by bean counters that are less concerned with making a good product than they are with maximizing profits.

Companies will do hella shady things to maximize profits. It’s not below them to ship an inferior or incomplete product if it means bigger profit margins due to cut costs. People have speculated the forced return to the office they are enforcing (which has sparked plenty of resignations) was done to get people to willingly quit over having to fire them which results in severance packages, potential unemployment benefits, etc.

Again why bother using 3rd party and risking a ban - just buy the token from them direct and sell it for the gold. When they made the token it was to put these guys more or less out to pasture. No risk, no shady things going on AND they get the money directly. The current pricing / AH issues is more or less directly related to the introduction of the WoW Token for gold in the AH.

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