Gold buyers and banning them

1 million gold pots??

Those are rookie numbers.

Your GDKP-infested realms are compromised. It’s a shame transfers provide avenues for theses nests of cancer to spread. RiP in Peace

no one can legitimately earn this much. ban you too

Posting in a poor person thread


You can take the player out the trailer park so on and so forth

Yeah real smart show ledgers and therefore revealing my identity. Believe or not I could care less there are others here that know about the guild bank method. I have no reason to make that up and no reason to make up stuff about the person who brought that item for 350K++ and more items in the range of 150k+++. People who buys gold spend like there’s no tomorrow but people who earned it legitimately are more likely frugal. This is common sense and human nature.

Block your name out. Who you are doesnt matter

Are you in witness protection or something?

Snitching yes I should be in witness protection.

You participated in the gdkp and now you’re mad cuz the pot was too big??



All these people that come out with drama and accusations stating they have proof yet they never show it

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No I’m mad people are cheating against legitimate players like myself. I think you can tell the difference now right? There are players who cheat by buying gold and there are players who earned their gold through playing the auction house. You know the difference right maybe? One swipes his credit card the other doesn’t do I need to break this down further for you since you are unable to gasp this concept by now. Do I need a translator because you can’t understand English.

There are people who swipe in every aspect of this game, it’s irrelevant.

It doesn’t do anything.


The moment I post that screenshot they will know who. I have the right to preserve my identity I have more to lose than to gain here quite honestly. I cannot edit out the photo without revealing who I am in some way. They will pin point it. The photo shows the names of the buyers, the items specifically, and the amount of gold spent on it. The background when it was screenshotted isn’t blacked out it shows the persons UI, him in dalaran, and other specific background details in that picture. Even if I edit everything out to that one specific item you still can see a hint of his UI and other stuff. They do browse this forums and my identity isn’t exactly safe believe or not it’s a you problem not mine.

usually, such whales get top prio to be slotted in the gdkps ran by ranking guilds

You scared they gonna put a million gold bounty on your head??



More likely get kicked out/banned from every gdkp server and the guild. Like I said man I have more to lose here you still don’t know or very dumb at the least. It’s called getting sh**listed or cancel cultured. I think you know these terms very well.

Make a thread about gold buying.

Tells us all a story.

Can’t back story up with anything.

Calls others dumb.


You should of just stayed quiet then. Wtf is the point of this thread??



Hey it is what it is don’t believe it not my problem. I have no reason to troll or make up some random story. I gave every possible information that I could without revealing myself. Not sure what else I can do.

Right, like report them and post the evidence to the hacks team. There is 0 to gain from this thread except inadvertently attracting attention youre trying to avoid