GMs threatening to close accounts over faulty rulings

If you were not playing at the time, Tenchu, it is very possible that your account was compromised at the time. It wouldn’t have been Blizzard charging you out of the blue, but they would have been charges caused by whomever had access to the account and enough information to initiate those transfers.

Looking at the notes on the account I don’t see anything in 2008, but I do see a compromise at the end of 2009, which included some transfer abuse, which was reversed.

I’m not certain what kind of revisionist history you believe may be happening but we’ve never denied that we have had a phone number that was used to contact Customer Support.

Yes, that is one of the reasons that we moved to other methods of contact. The hold queue just to get into another hold queue to talk to someone was often extremely lengthy. Just getting in that queue was a challenge and folks had to try to get through the busy signal to get that far. Even though the contact number was specifically for account and technical issues, it often filled up with other matters that our staff couldn’t address or was better addressed via a ticket.

I’m not certain how that is relevant, other than you seem to be implying that our Support was outsourced. It was not. America is full of a variety of folks, some of them have accents.

This is where you lose me. Appeals aren’t handled via the phone, I don’t have any record of such a contact and what I do see is a lot of clean up from an account compromise. Those kinds of notes don’t indicate that we blamed you for the penalty on the account, other than account security is your responsibility. We would have, and did, provide what corrections we could, including addressing the transfer abuse. I am sorry if you felt whomever you spoke with said anything of the kind though.

I don’t believe there is anything productive that can be gleaned by leaving this open so I’m going to close it up. Thanks, all.