Report Appeal System Needs to Be Changed

Yes because while hindsight is 20/20 it was a totally new virus that had no data. I like to look at things from a top down perspective. Lets say it was another Spanish flu. There was a lot of information (call it misinformation) that had conflicts. Those conflicts needed to be resolved. Order above all must be kept with 8 billion people on the planet. I mean lets say it was reversed and lock-downs never happened, and people got really really sick and started dying. Who gets the blame? The government for inaction.

thats my opinion on the subject while I’m in this thread.

I mean if you buying I’m down, pretty sure bill burr is on tour

I can’t speak for anybody else, but personally, I’m just bored of your topic. It’s taken on a bit of a ‘stream of consciousness’ thing for me.


so the venue needs to be made for your opinion to be shared.

i dont have bill burr money but im seeing sam morril

The irony is spectacular.

You believe things that are not based in reality, and ask for reality to be changed to match the ideals in your head.

I don’t really feel the need to respond to you any more, your arguments are entirely cyclical and nothing new has been added to the thread from your perspective in 100 posts. Needless to say, I am quietly confident in my knowledge that there is a precisely zero percent chance that the system will remotely change in the manner you request.

Again; you believe you’re being sneaky and nobody realizes that you hold the positions you hold, but they might as well be tattooed on your forehead. This discussion is nearly parallel to discussions on “free speech” in twitter, meta, and whatever other digital forms of communication exist, where certain elements believe that they shouldn’t be held to account for the things they say, because “mah free speech”.

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Do you ACTUALLY believe a Blizzard employee… who gets hundreds if not thousands of these situations to sift through a day, is actually taking that much time and effort to go through each and every report like that to make sure they’re doing the right thing. Even if you think that you would do that I assure you that most people, after years of doing that job, would not put as much effort into making sure that they’re giving a fair punishment.

Which is why I am suggesting that people be able to respond to their appeal themselves so Blizzard doesn’t have to piece together context by themselves.

Someone reports me for breaking a rule I factually didn’t break and then a lazy Blizzard employee doesn’t check thoroughly enough and accepts the report at face value.

That simply isn’t possible.

As if I’m going to believe the words of a Blizzard PR worker to tell me the truth of what kind of hiring practices they utilize.

Me thinks the Blizzard employee doth protest too much

Feel free to leave then. I don’t think anyone will miss you terribly.

it was proven false by youtubers aswell

Then kindly make another thread where you can discuss your preferred topics rather than derailing mine. Is derailing with off-topic political discussion reportable?

No idea what this means, actually.

Well, forgive me if I don’t take “Youtubers” word for it either. Not that I’m married to the idea, but I see no real evidence that Blizzard doesn’t outsource their work. Considering what a large, international company they are, it’s hard to believe that they wouldn’t. And I’ve seen more convincing evidence then Blizzard PR agents doing what they’re supposed to do and random people on YouTube. But like I said… I’m not married to the idea.

wrong it had ways how to address count and handle slave, therefore it was part of it.

you would be surprised to know that we indeed have stay very far away from the ideals of 300y ago.

so yeah take your L and work hard to not break the rules

It means nobody cares about you or your topic, and unlike your definition of free speech, people can offer whatever non-abusive opinions they like in a given thread.

Imagine making a thread with this context and then trying to dictate to other people the way they are allowed to discuss it.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


(But not in my thread, gtfo I’m reporting you)

to clarify, it was proven that it was either outsourced or fully automated.
well there test was pretty on point tbh.
its either outsourced or automated.
they did this test via 2 am west coast where no one was in office and mass reported a streamer/youtuber.
youtuber recieved a ticket saying they where silenced with a gm signature on the bottom.

Well, there are several hundred of those employees, and (not for nothing) ticket response times have been hovering right around two weeks just lately. Not the sort of thing that happens when the priority is churning through tickets as fast as possible without regard for integrity or ‘doing the right thing’.

It definitely didn’t. It was later on added with the 3/5ths compromise in regard to voting but that was it and that wasn’t the work of the founding fathers.

As long as freedom to bear arms, freedom of speech, and freedom to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness is left in tact then we haven’t strayed too far yet.

I doubt that’s what that means.

I asked them to stop derailing my thread. Last time I checked, asking someone to do something, politely, I might add, doesn’t equate to “dictating”

I just asked a question if it was reportable or not. I haven’t, and probably won’t report anyone for anything.

Ah, well… I would have to watch the videos to see if I believe it or not. But that wouldn’t surprise me at all.

Well… that proves that GM’s are working around the clock if anything… Though ofc it’s doubtful American GM’s would be up at night doing that.

It is if the volume of tickets is so gargantuan that not even hundreds of employees can get through them. I think it’s rather foolish to assume that just because ticket queues are long that that must mean that Blizzard employees are doing their due diligence.

Not surprised, really.

It means I’m happy to follow whatever tangent the conversation follows, as long as it’s more interesting than yours. That’s how we went from whatever you were soapboxing about, to free speech, to covid, to whatever other interesting topic comes along.

As I said, you’re boring. You are going to believe whatever it is you want to believe, independent of any evidence one way or the other. I’m not interested enough to argue or try to convince you.

That begs the question why you find it necessary to do so in my thread and not somewhere else.

Oh nothing really, just a draconian and immoral, automated system that treats people like numbers on a screen rather than human beings seeking to de-stress from a stressful world.

That’s rich coming from you. You’re just making up whatever labels you wish to be true and sticking them to me because you dislike what I have to say. Simple as that.

That’s a failing on your part. I’m more than willing to refute what you with a tailored response each and every time. Well, at least I was… getting a bit sleepy now. But your proposal that I’m a lazy non-responsive ideologue is based on vapor.

First, you’ve already made the claim that you only report people for ‘abusing the report system’, whatever that means. Second, you can report anybody for anything. Doesn’t mean they’re doing anything wrong, or that they will be actioned for whatever it is you think they’re doing wrong.

TL;DR - If you want to report, then report. But you don’t believe Blizzard is actually reading those reports, so why would you bother?

YOU called me a screeching harpy. What label have I hung on you? Quote it.

Wait, I remember… I called you boring. If there was another, I’m all ears.

Oh… the fact that they don’t read them is a perfectly good reason for me to want to report you derailing my topic. Because, as I’ve proposed in the past, the automated system heavily favors the reporter, and not the reported. So, if that’s true, it would greatly behoove me to report you and preserve my thread from being deleted for being off-topic or whatever nonsense excuse you and your cronies would want to use to flag my thread with.

If you’re implying that I’m using the word “label” to mean an actionable offense (like insults) you’re mistaken. I’m just pointing out the fact that you’re making up things that have no basis in reality and insisting that it applies to me.


I think that’s literally their job.

And I think that if someone got lazy about their job and just started approve-approve-approving every report that then got appealed and went to another GM for another review and had the second GM look and say, “Wait, nothing like that happened?” They’d find themselves without a job pretty soon. My source: I am a human being who has been possessed of jobs that primarily depend on reading through high volumes of previous written communication to get the gist and responding with a judgment call.

It’s really not hard at all. I imagine that filters built in to the GM’s toolset do the heavy lifting. Like, if someone reported you for saying something against the TOS in this thread, all they need to do is filter it by everything that you said, because (as previously mentioned) it doesn’t matter what anyone else said or did. Only you. That’s extremely easy to go through. They also have a flag placed in your chatlogs when a report is made so they know about where to look, and pull history from before and after the flag also.

My source: I hang out on the Customer Support forum for fun, and I’ve seen complaints like yours (and also literally yours) about a billion times, and the responses of the Blues. It never ends up going like you think it will.

As you’ve already seen before.

And as I’ve mentioned above, there’s no time when context would matter, because it doesn’t matter what other people say and do when it comes to you being reported. Only what you said and did.

If you factually didn’t break the rule, then a review of the chatlogs by another GM will show that. There’s no context or additional information needed from you. They only apply actions based on the things that you said and did in the game, so all they need to see is what you said and did in the game, something that they can easily pull and look over.

I think you misspelled “Person whose job it is to intervene in items posted to the Customer Support forum as necessary.”

I pulled multiple instances of the claim of outsourcing being refuted because people bring it up a lot, based on whatever makes them feel like they’ll turn out to have been misunderstood and in the right. If you’ve got evidence to the contrary beyond “I bet they do” feel free to share it.

In what way? You and ten friends report a post and all that happens is it’s sorta hidden. Anybody that wants to see it can still click a button and see it. If it doesn’t violate the rules, it will be ‘unhidden’.

No, I’m not implying anything. You said I labeled you. I want you to show me the labels. Me calling you boring is absolutely based in reality, though.