Getting False Reported (I can't close or delete this thread, can a GM please do so? Thank you.)

I think that it intentional, to give Blizzard room to maneuver.


Isn’t Ion also a lawyer? I know most business’ tend to use very loose language when it comes to a lot of things, especially because when you sign up to play the game at all it states you can be banned at any time for any reason or no reason at all.

I’d just like a clear stance on “spam” so that I can just play the game the way Blizzard intends me to.

Which you are not gonna get.

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That’s literally what the warning does, is warn you that people are reporting you. It gives you a heads up that it’s happening.

Maybe take the warning as the warning that you’re looking for and cut down to posting one paragraph at a time when the system tips you off that people are getting irritated.


Guys were just going in circles here i think we covered how to handle this last night.


Until a squelch happens because of what players thought.

I’ve also made over 100 people happy with my crafting. As far as I understand it it only takes 10 or so reports to receive these warnings. 100 > 10. For all I know, and am starting to believe, its someone trying to sell the same item/items as me for a higher price and I’m taking his business away, so he is getting his friend/guild members to report me so I can no longer post for awhile.

I’d still rather not be squelched for not breaking any rules, which is why I’d love it defined to what “spam” is.

So a GM can investigate the reports if I open a ticket and see when I’ve been reported and the line of chat that was reported?

Sorry, I interpreted the original statement as in I could be held responsible in-game because someone else used a bad word. I know on the forums I can if I post a screenshot, which is why it was promptly edited out.

Enough reports and the char name, server, logs, etc are collected by the game and sent to the GMs as a report. That gets reviewed. A few reports and an automated warning is not something GMs see or access.

No, there is no difference these days.

It is defined sort of as “you annoyed enough people that many paying customers reported you for spam”. On a slow server that might be once ever 10 mins. On a fast paced chat server you might be fine with posting more often.

If enough people report you and it gets escalated to a GM, they very well may agree it is spam. If not, then you never even hear about it…the GM does not tell you that the report was dismissed.

NO. No they can not see what you were warned for. Only if it gets to the point that it files an actual report.

Two different things in the system, from what we have been told.


More than half of the two full paragraphs that you’re posting is flavor text. Sure, it’s snappy and stands out, but when you see it over and over again over the course of 20 minutes, and because it’s two lengthy messages at a time, people are probably feeling spammed.


For the issue you linked? Like it said:

It can’t get any clearer, or any more defined than that.

The looser definition is when you’re using the correct channel, but might be doing it too often. Yes, your realmmates do have a say in that…through reporting. If Blizzard thinks it’s borderline, but players on your realm are constantly reporting you, then they may make a determination to action your account. Likewise, if they think it’s borderline, but it’s one or two people reporting you a single time, then they may let it go and not action your account.

No, Blizzard is not going to clearly define anything, if only to make sure players aren’t doing an end around the rules. If you have any concern that you may be reported, then that may be a sign to slow down. If you are getting warnings, then that is definitely a sign to slow down.

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Which is what? Around 10 or so reports? Judging my what I charge and the amount of gold I’ve made I’d had over 100 happy customers who also send their friends to me for crafts because of my low prices and how helpful I am. Seems to me more people on the server appreciate my posts than think its spam, but these 10 people are somehow more important than me and my 100+ customers?

I post every 10 minutes or so on a fast paced server. If your suggesting that its because I’m selling 2 items then I’m sorry but thats nonsense. If Blizzard allowed me to make the message long enough to sell 2 items in a single post I’d happily do that, but I can’t type a message anywhere near long enough for something like that.

250 customers and growing, all in just about 2 weeks. Seems like plenty of people are happy to me :person_shrugging:

I’m just gonna leave this here for you.

This reads an awful lot like cyber bullying to me. “You may or may not be doing anything wrong, but you should stop anyway because other people say so.” These other people don’t pay my sub, they don’t get to dictate how I play the game. Also its not like I’m being reported for “spam” anyway, its language.

Adding this to this post as well. 250+ and growing. If anywhere near that amount of people were reporting me I’d have been squelched long ago. Clearly the “community” has spoken.

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And if nothing was wrong, the squelch gets removed. That doesn’t mean the reports are “false” or that Blizzard needs to change anything.

Any system can be improved, and they are always willing to take suggestions/feedback. But the simple fact that you might get squelched incorrectly doesn’t seem to be a compelling reason to blow it up and start again. The squelch exists for a specific reason, and the positives outweigh the negatives.

Not sure why you think this matters.

That is all speculation, as Blizzard has never given specifics here. But even if this happens to be 100% accurate, 10 people reporting your advertisement is quite eye-popping. The number of people you have crafted something for has nothing to do with it.

Of course. Because you don’t want to listen to what the players here are telling you.

It’s your choice, Bagnus. You say you want some kind of clue as to what is going on, and you’ve been given those clues. You’ve been given the warnings by your realmmates. They are telling you they don’t want to see your advertisements as often as you are posting. What you choose to do with that information is up to you. Adjust how often you post, or don’t and see what happens as they keep reporting you.

No one wants to be squelched. But if you don’t listen to their warnings, it’s very possible that it will happen.

No, I mean when your realmmates’ reports come up to a GM for review. They reported you, so a GM will be reviewing those reports when they come up. In the time between the warning and a GM reviewing it, there’s nothing they can tell you.

For what purpose? No one said you weren’t using the correct channel for the type of advertisement you are posting. The issue is likely the length of the message, and the frequency in which you are posting. Also, if you are posting the same message over and over, it will likely gain negative attention. Try having 3-4 different messages that you rotate through…less frequently.

Players feel you are breaking the rules, and are asking Blizzard to investigate. It’s not “bullying” at all. :roll_eyes:

Some might say that forcing your sales pitch through so often, filling other players’ screen with it against their wishes is closer to bullying. Consider other players here. That’s all the warning is asking you to do.


Then you do not understand it at all. Those metrics have never been revealed. All that floats around in the Reddit coms and other places are player-based assumptions. Blizzard has not and will not ever release anything that exposes their metrics that make the systems kick in. That is exactly what people will use to try and weaponize things.

I may be shooting myself in my own foot for suggesting this, but there are add-ons out there that will allow you to make longer posts. This can still get you hit with the people reporting you, but these kinds of add-ons do exist.

I personally use Emote Splitter, but a lot of folks use UnlimitedChatMessage.

We’ve seen this before. People report but they’re often times too lazy to actually read and pay attention to what is causing the report. Language is first on the chat reports selection interface. If it gets to the point of you getting full on sanctioned by a silence (not squelch) or suspension, then it will be focused on the real reason a GM agreed you’re breaking the rules. If you’re obviously not using language and there is enough murky area around the repetitive nature of your posts? Then that is where you should focus. Just slow it up some. If people need your services and it’s not right there slapping them in the face, they should be well capable of being able to scroll back to the chat to the last post.

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OP, I am sorry for your frustration. I tend to agree with Ruffle on this one. It is most likely the back to back messages

I know you would like clarification, but please understand why Blizzard leaves the rules vague. It is not to torment you. It is because people will argue and say you said it is defined as ABC. I did XYZ, full well knowing what they are doing. Much like when they tried to filter certain words. It took the playerbase less than 5 minutes to find a workaround.

Sadly, the immature minority ruin it for the majority.


If it gets removed it never should have been there in the first place. We have different ideas of whether or not squelches are a punishment. I think they are, you don’t.

This is why I think it matters. The people who have bought from me clearly outnumber the people who consider it spam. They are paying customers too, and if I were to get squelched the people who haven’t bought from me yet might not get the chance because I won’t be able to advertise. If I had never posted in the first place these 250 would have had to go elsewhere, and most likely pay more. I’m just saying if we’re going by “what the community think” then clearly more of them appreciate or at least don’t care than those who do.

I’m going by videos of people testing it on YouTube. A raid of 10 people seemed to be enough to trigger a squelch if memory serves me correctly.

Or because its just what likely makes sense to me considering the reports are for language and not spam. I believe the language report is intentional because they see it as a bigger issue than spam and more likely to get me squelched with less reports than reporting me for spam would.

Actually this whole thread was just me wondering if I should have a GM investigate a potential harassment through false reporting going on, but from what I can tell Blizzard and me probably have different ideas on what harassment means.

I have actually gotten no proof whatsoever it has anything to do with how often I post. It could very well be for posting at all. Some people don’t want to see profession services in trade chat, even though thats where Blizzard said they should be. Posting them anywhere else I’m sure would also trigger reports by people who don’t want to see them in that channel. At least this way I can say I’m just doing what Blizzard says to do.

No one but the people reporting me.

I misunderstood then. Apologies.

Its within what Blizzard has coded to be the maximum. If Blizzard wants it shorter then they can shorten the maximum length of a message.

Which is not defined anywhere. So it can be argued posting more than once a day is too often. I can’t go on “frequency” if I have 0 clue as to what “frequency” is acceptable. The most common length I’ve seen is 10 minutes, and usually its more than that between my posts. The biggest thing is I sell 2 items back to back, and even then I try to wait a few seconds to allow a message or 2 in-between.

As I’ve already explained, I’ve worded my messages the best I can as it is. If anything I wish they could be even longer. I have enough people still having to ask me questions as it is, and trying to explain the crafting system to 5 different people at once, when they want different items at different item levels, is really frustrating. Maybe in a few months this won’t be an issue, but right now it is. Heck, I still have to explains to people how to place an order sometimes.

People are reporting me for language when I’m not using bad “language”. I think we’re forgetting I’m not even being reported for “spam” in the first place.

I would, but my 250 customers and growing are more important than the less than 10 Karens reporting me.


People test these things in YouTube videos. The exact number may not be known, but its around 10 or so, maybe a little more. There are plenty of people who have tested the report system using their alt accounts because they believe that a “squelch” is an automated punishment, even if some other people do not. I personally believe a squelch is a punishment for example, and until Blizzard changes what a squelch does, no one is going to convince me it is not a form of punishment.

There were people already doing this in RBGs to get an enemy team member disconnected during a match. I believe Blizzard issued bans to these people. But considering RBGs are 10 vs 10 I’m gonna lean towards it requiring roughly 10 reports to get someone squelched, which is far far too low in my opinion. Should take at least 50 but I’m not here to argue this.

Yeah for now I think I’ll just make sure my 2 posts have another message or 2 from someone else between them, which isn’t hard during peak hours considering theres almost a new post every second. Making it longer than it already is, even if I’d love to, sounds like a bad idea.

I’m sorry, but when this is the case then to me a report never should have been filed. If your too lazy to even click the correct option then whatever the person was doing clearly didn’t bother you enough to warrant the report to begin with. This is why I wish they’d bring back the old report function where you had to fill out some page to report someone. If people aren’t willing to do that then the report in my eyes is frivolous.

So I could get warned for language, think to myself “well I’m not swearing so I’m fine”, keep getting reported and warned for the same thing, and then get actioned for spam? A lot of good those warnings did me to stop my behavior.

Do you play on a high pop server? Do you know how fast trade chat can go sometimes? I’ve had several people message me saying it took them awhile to scroll up and be able to click m name after they saw it as it is. At peak hours I think Proudmoore reaches 1 message a second, if not more.


Unfortunately, if it gets to the point where an actual Silence is applied, you won’t be able to sell to your customers. What we’re trying to say here is maybe see it from an outside perspective. If it means changing things to prevent anything from happening, maybe consider that.


We all know you are allowed to advertise crafting in the trade channel. What you can’t do is advertise so often it become spam. You can keep reposting the same thing over and over, but that does not change the spam rules. Heh.

No, they pay their own subs. Those paying customers get a say in what they want to see in chat. Spam, is a sub part of the language rules. So yes, other players who pay to play this game do get to report you and it may impact how often you can advertise.

Stop annoying realm mates and you won’t keep getting warnings. I have been telling you this for days now, both in this thread and your duplicate of it on General.

Also, how many customers you have plays no part in this.


A squelch would prevent this as well, which is my worry. I truly don’t think I’ve done anything to warrant getting action taken, hence why I was originally asking if I should ticket a gm to do an investigation. If I truly believed I was doing anything wrong I certainly wouldn’t try to get a GM to verify anything.

Because spam is not defined its not possible to do that. Some people’s perspective is that you shouldn’t sell anything in trade chat ever.