Gearing - Easy fix

-Removing rating requirements for conquest gear.
-Make rating requirments for cosmetic gear.
-Make honor ilvls 226/246
-Make conquest ilvls 239/259

Not sure why this is so hard for these clowns at blizzard to figure out. It would solve most issues and we can go back to complaining about class balance. Unbelievable.

Anyway. Unsubbing soon because gear wins and has created a toxic carry culture.


That would make too much sense and would make the game fun/good

so won’t happen


I whole heartedly agree.
Doing this would clear up the boosting pollution issue we have been seeing for quite some time now


Yes please.

Could also make conquest cap variable based on rating or making some of the conquest cap only obtainable via doing rated content (e.g., cap is 350 from any content, + 100 for 1.4k/1.6k/1.8k/2.1k. So 2.1k gives 750 conq per week and unrated gets 350 per week).

Rated used to just help you gear up faster back in the day. That would also slow down how fast you could obtain a heroic ilvl set from unrated pvp similar to how it was in BFA.

Or could make the conquest caps higher and just remove PvP stuff from the vault and make it full deterministic gearing. So unrated cap is 500 and rated cap is 1k or something.


I think they should keep it like it is, but just lower the item level gap big time.

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This is a horde-only problem - Alliance players usually don’t really see Conquest points.


Dude , don’t you get it ? Allowing players to purchase conquest gear would drastically reduce the number of tokens purchased.

There is no other explanation as to why such a dumb system was put into place.


Because they dont want to. That gear would upset the pve koalas

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LMAO! Good one.

For me, the honor gear ilvl being tied to renown is just bad design. Honor gear should match last seasons conquest and you should be able to earn like 100 conquest for your first bg win of the day so that you can gear for rated/arena. The time gating thing really just crushed how I used to enjoy gearing and farming honor. I haven’t queued for a non rated match in forever. If you want to make 1800 the mark where you get a slightly higher level weapon or something then I could live with that, but tokencraft is losing me. Sad because I really enjoy playing with people that I’ve queued with on and off for years, but they’re leaving and we all know how lfg is. And alts??? forget about it.


They had a system that worked. The queue system works when you can gear people approximately equal.


This is most beautiful thing I have seen on this forum. Thank you.


According to a youtuber called Bellular, he claims to have data that shows half of the community has stopped playing pvp. If that’s accurate, which I believe it could be, that would be a much bigger punch in the pocket book then token sales.

Also, just wanted to say I really like the original posters ideas. PVP is more like chess. People just like to play it. Most players don’t need or want a large gear as an incentive to do it. Imagine giving the white chess player a few missing pieces because the black player has earned a higher rating via skill or a paid for carry. It doesn’t make sense in PVP. It might work for Raiding, but PVP is a completely different animal.


This made me lol. Thanks!

The only way those item levels would work would be if you brought back resilience. PvE players would feel like they would need to play BG’s if you could get honor gear like that. Blizzard listens to those PvErs and even if they didn’t you’d get randoms full of whiny players that didn’t want to be there.

I don’t like the gear gap either, but if you make the top gear too low, then PvP gear isn’t BiS, make the bottom gear too high and PvE’rs will complain. Just scale everyone’s ilevel in PvP, IMO.

The first number is the pve ilvl and the second number is scaled ilvl for pvp combat.

This was a purposeful decision and I think those ilvls are more than fair. Best pve gear is still best for pve. PVP gear is viable for pve. If anything gearing is still slanted at playing pve as well as pvp.

In the end, gearing is balanced, player pool is increased, carries are diminished, alts are played, and overall player retention is increased, GG.


But… that would mean people stop paying for boosts!! And if they stop paying for boosts, they stop paying for WoW tokens!! BLIZZARD WILL LITERALLY COLLAPSE WITHIN DAYS!!!


Here’s how I look at it:

The PvP gearing system is supposed to mimic the gradual upgrades that are received by getting higher level gear in raiding, without actually taking into account any of the factors that make PvP competition not like raiding.

You unlock a rating and are now permitted to use honor earned in bgs to get better gear and upgrade it. This would be the equivalent of a raider unlocking a higher tier of gear by killing a certain boss (required benchmark) and then being able to farm a valor-like currency to buy raid gear and upgrades by spamming normal dungeons.

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Rating should just be about how much faster you earn conquest, like before.


none of this will happen they are all about selling tokens

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