82% Damage Difference from the bookends of PVP

Templates maybe, but I feel like they should do matchmaking based on iLvl. Low ilvl players with each other, higher ilvl players with each other, etc.

I’m sure there is an argument to be made that it would effect queue times, but for me personally, I do not care. As it stands now, the wait time is more entertaining than going into a non-rated BG only to spend most of my time in the graveyard. Somehow always die with 28 seconds on the spirit rezzer. Screw that noise.

I’d do normal BG’s more often, and wouldn’t have an issue with my perception of “lack of content” if the matches were more even.


Just so I’m clear

-bring back templates
-iLVL queue
-remove rating lock on gear
-be less

What else should be added?


It would be fine if the time it takes to get a full set of 229 starter pvp gear was much faster. Every bg should have you buying or upgrading 1-3 pieces of honor gear.


Why is there a rating lock on gear in the first place, when I can’t even get rating because my gear sucks?


So a new recruit is going to wait against a war hardened general and you want them to be equal? You got to put in work son.


Absolutely not.

That would destroy Q times, Standardize gear in unrated BGs , scale gear to the mmr you’re in for Rated BG’s.

I actually like the rating locks, better players should gave better gear that’s how MMO’s work. Standardize the gear while in instanced PvP but let there be power progression for everything else. hitting everything that wasn’t a player like a wet noodle in WoD was trash.


Ion was being somewhat deceptive

The power difference is a combination of things for pvp.

You have the raw gear difference which he claims is about 1% per ilvl.

You hav the entire borrowed power system which is easily 20-30% beyond all of that

And you have the burst abilities and raw survivability which GREATLY exacerbates a ‘mere’ 1% per ilvl difference

Ion is just a PR guy. He rarely tells the whole truth and he is never fully transparent.


Everyone should be the same ilvl in pvp. skill>Ilvl, not the other way around


I have no idea why people PvP when such is the case.
Well other than wanting to out ilvl their opponents when it’s their chance.

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PvP is a game of who’s on top of the food chain. If you are just ilevel 177 right now, good luck on you.

I honestly think they had PvP fixed in WoD.


I’ve been inspecting the profiles of everyone and i haven’t found anyone that does pvp outside of causal BGs.

Would be interesting to get the perspective from someone on the other side of the spectrum.

What I can tell from this so far is people are just tired of being farmed in battlegrounds when they want to just randomly que up for one every other week or so.

I think the question is if the work is worth the reward.

To many, that does not seem to be the case.


Ion doesn’t know jack about pvp lol


It is, but all you morons keep on forgetting to acknowledge that Ion brought that up specifically in a PvE/single-target scenario.

It’s almost certainly different for heavy AoE, 2-target cleave, and different types of PvP. But Ion wasn’t talking about heavy AoE, 2-target cleave, constant chain-pulling, or PvP.


You new to the forums? We take a grain of information and run with it completely out of context.

You think all these negative opinions just come easy ?? We work hard to hate the game we love


That’s just gear alone. If you add in upgraded conduits, filled out soulbinds, legendaries, gems, enchants, proper stats, etc. it’s way more than 82%.

  1. I did RBGs through about March
  2. What perspective do you need from hardcore players on 82%? it’s not open to interpretation.
  3. Shouldn’t they be tired? If Blizz HQ can’t even sort by ilvl it’s a pretty non-entity in terms of game play. What people want may or may not be valid. What is happening right now is irrefutible.

Why are we morons but you’re talking about something you don’t know. “almost certainly”? Why would it change from PVP to PVE? Do you have any information you can cite?


Precisely the reason I stopped doing BG’s and turned my flag off. I used to always have it on but I don’t feel like being cannon fodder for the hardcore pvpers in the game.