You have 3 wishes, now fix wow!

Agree with all points. I think the garrison should be account bound, with one bank to keep all your toons boe, gold, xmog, mats, etc. Get rid of Banking guilds.

World quests for old content areas would be absolutely amazing! Great idea!!! Good way to increase rep for that area’s faction also!

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  1. Compress the scaling of gear between raid tiers and make it to where non-M+ dungeons will always give lower level gear than the first raid of the expansion, therefore making all raids relevant throughout.
  2. More (and more robust) non-power based activities for people to put their time into between lockouts.
  3. No more ability to look up information about the game online. That includes parses, talent builds, quest information, datamining etc. The next expansion is a complete mystery and people actually have to go explore it to find out what’s been added.

I’m a casual and I don’t think that. We roleplayers and casuals are paying customers too, WoW isn’t an exclusive club nor it shouldn’t be. It’s a quick way to kill a game if only a small percentage of people are good at it and/or see the content. You just want to be a big fish in a small pond is what that is.

The game is for anyone who wants to enjoy it, this is also a ROLEPLAYING game, so what is your beef with roleplayers anyway?

You probably also think Transmog is bad too.


look at your gear you dont call your self a caual ?


No race/class combo restritoins. No Transmog restrictions. Soloable raids (all tiers) with anima power like solo system.

all pvp activities should be against AI just like how all pve is done against AI
everybodays happy

I only need one!

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  1. delete raiding
  2. delete PvP
  3. console mode with access to adjust every possible parameter in the game

use gold for flying again

use quests for storyline rather than daily chores to keep people logged in (I know this mean more work for you, but that’s what we pay you for)

more dungeons and raids for the high-end players

REMEMBER - you know FUN

It’s hard to pinpoint three! I’d say…

  1. Focus on classes including adding more spell visual variety (player controlled change without the need for DPS rebalancing). I think we all reflect back on MOP/WOD in a nostalgic way in terms of class design… so would ask that people look back on classes then and see what exactly per class was deemed exciting. Glyphs may be a part of this system and they may not be, but I love the idea of a system like this to augment your class–but again, maybe not in a game-breaking, need to rebalance class type way. I would also re-evaluate what races can be each class (I’m ready for a Void Elf paladin or Blood Elf druid).
  2. Return to Azeroth with a revamp. EK and Kalimdor were what defined Warcraft in the RTS and in WoW initially. I personally loved Cata coming and revamping the Vanilla zones, but can understand why this is polarizing. I’d love to see an expansion with a focus on what made WoW great initially - the epic two continents, many large zones that don’t have to be jam packed with linear quest lines, and epic capital cities PLURAL.
  3. Consistent implementation of fan-based feedback a la customization and island expeditions soloing. I view this as low-hanging fruit. I don’t know what it takes technically but there are just certain “things” that are discussed ad nauseam in GD and in game that WoW developers could implement here and there to make people happy (see 9.1.5). They don’t have to be massive “to dos.”
  • All 5 man and raid content viable and scalable to current end game (time walking for everything)
  • Loot vendors sell all PVE and PVP gear bought with a single currency
  • Single currency is earned in all end game activities and time walking instances (PVE and PVP)


  • All reps are account wide
  • All currency is account wide
  • All achievements are account wide

And poof you have Wildstar 2.0

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• Nothing lorewise that happened after Caraclysm actually happened. It was all a dream. The next expansion after Cataclysm is something to do with trying to rebuild the world while the faction war still simmers under the surface.

• we get new battlegrounds and arenas with each new expansion, no exceptions, and at least one new dungeon with every patch - including .5 patches.

• Tier sets are back and purchasable with valor points. There are less powerful but still useful gear that can be purchased with Justice points for Alts. Craftable weapons and armor are also competitive.


  • cross-faction guilds/instances/parties/raids
  • no race/class restrictions
  • no more time-limited everything, content that’s added to the game stays in the game

A recipe to keep me entertained for decades to come. :3

Newsflash: WildStar had roleplayers (I was one and still do WS rp to this day).

Honestly, sounds like Aco has some strange anti-roleplayer grudge. RPers haven’t done anything to hurt the game. XD

As of right now:

  1. Allow cross-factional tagging of mobs in shared zones, such as Korthia
  2. Have a Korthia neck piece drop for me.
  3. Balance the mission table

cross faction grouping, blah blah “but it’s WARcraft” blah blah, cross faction grouping would fix 99% of population issues.

and yeah, that’s pretty much the biggest thing wow needs to do.

oh and tone down the scope of the storytelling a bit (it’s too late to do this, I know), but none of this cosmic war stuff has been handled well, at all.

Just on the off chance it hasn’t been mentioned yet:

  1. Destroy the Horde
  2. Destroy the Horde.
  3. Destroy the Horde!

That way, everyone wins!

(except the horde)

Add more BG’s to the game. No reason we can get all of these dungeons, but can barely get any new PvP content, unless it’s Arena or WPvP.

Remove all borrowed power systems.

Remove AoE cap.