Gearing - Easy fix

Sad thing is, I know for sure any substantial fixes will not happen till 9.2, if at all, which is much further away than I’m willing to suffer.

Are token sales so high that they can afford to hemorrhage subscriptions which are a more dependable source of revenue? I’m not sure about that. I think people are reaching for an explanation of why the game is in such a poor state when it can be fixed relatively easily. See OP. Tokens are one possible reason I guess.


Well the token thing may have been profitable but there are not too many players left over all.

Imagine thinking that players would stick around and keep buying boosts instead of just fixing the problems that have players in subbing by the millions.


nope. PvP ranked gear should be on par ilvl with end game raiding. if mythic raiding is 259 (just picking a number) then 2.4 should be 259 ilvl. There should be absolutley NO scaling (when I zone in my ilvl increases)
PvE should not have verse on it.
Keep ranked gearing for different levels achieved. I like that. No way a duelist should be running around in the same pvp ilvl as an unranked player. If thats the case how come people who dont raid should have the same ilvl as mythic raiders. Whats good for one should be the same as the other.
Don’t put hidden math in PvP! Carries are always going to be a part of WoW. It’s not due to ranked gearing system its because people can just buy wow tokens and pay people ridiculous amounts of gold for boosting. It’s part of the WoW economy now. Blizz designed it that way.

Worked just fine in cata-wod and wod/mop are constantly brought up as the best gear system expansions. I have duelist gear on my main and I still would rather go back to the wod system no rating lock on gear. Only people that like this system are the sweats.


I saw a vid about how they are making more $$ now then ever thanks to the fan boys that buy all their garbage and tokens


This makes literally no sense in a competitive environment.

You don’t put a casual or new and learning boxer in the ring with Mike Tyson and then give Mike a set of brass knuckles. Legit Mike would rather tie one arm behind his back so he actually has half a challenge.

No game or sport anywhere does the better player also get an advantage. Other than dead af wow PvP.


Last season i was in duelist gear and the last place u would find me was a random bg.
I dont think duelists are ruining the pvp game. And right now u can just buy pve gear with verse on it. Pvp gear is not competitive at all.

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Count how many threads and post like this at forum PVP.

They just dont care bro.
Adapt with the game.
Like the game adapt with losing players.


There was a massive thread on the 9.1 PTR forums begging for Bliz to change the way PvP gearing is done, but it was utterly ignored. This is the kind of crap people are sick of, and why millions of players are quitting the game.

If impactful changes are not made, either to the game or the development team, then for all intents and purposes, WoW will be dead in another year. Good luck selling tokens to 100k people instead of 4 mil.


You just killed me lol. Think I have like 300 conquest and 6k honor from the weekly ‘lose in bgs until you get 1500 honor.’ I don’t even queue anymore.


This is all besides the point though. PvP should be about skill, not gear. PvP or PvE gear. The point is this is the only game in the world that puts better people vs worse people and then makes the worse people play at a disadvantage :rofl: it’s such backwards thinking.

We already have wod scaling in the game. Blizzard just needs to actually get off their buts before PvP dies any further and scale the gear properly.

Questing gear 220
Honor/m0-9/normal raid 230
Conquest/m10-15/heroic raid 240

PvP becomes instantly more enjoyable and maybe PvP doesn’t continue to die at the rate it is.


pvp was booming last season. what happened? oh yeah…the put verse on every pve item they could think of.

Is this not because in season 1 the best PvE gear was PvP gear (ilvl wise)? Once Dragonslayers lost a reason to PvP participation fell off a cliff. Is this an incorrect assessment?

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Definitely an easy fix.

With that said they should also do this in PvE. M+ and Arena should only be for Titles, Mounts and Cosmetics. There should be a Valor vendor again and you take your Valor and just buy and item. These Vendors are supposed to feel good.

PS- Remove Versa from the game. Give us Resil again please and thanks. The PvP gear is terrible because you can’t get enough Crit/Haste and Mastery. Which means I have to farm PvE gear. It’s seriously annoying. Where is the Haste/Mastery PvP gear or Crit/Mastery.

False. PvP was booming last season for the first couple months. Mid season was dead as a doornail.

PvP gear didn’t scale so it was exceptional in PvE so every pver and their mother was pvping so that they could go back to Pve. Once they maxed out and started getting all their PvE gear they stopped pvping and PvP died mid season.

None of them pvped this season because PvP gear now sucks in PvE and they left pvpers to enjoy a garbage rating locked system. I would legit que on 4 different characters if I was guaranteed poop gear on 3 of them while pugging in lfg.

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LOL, yes it. My Ret is 227 with 7% vers he would get deleted by this toon I am posting on.


Lower item-level PvP gear will now scale to a higher item-level in PvP situations than before. This should reduce the power level gap so that new characters can feel that they’re able to compete in Battlegrounds and Arenas more readily. This change will not affect high item-level PvP gear."

We may have done it fellas. Hopefully it is done right.

It is if you want to assume every player quit playing pvp because the meta gear pathway for “dragon slayers” no longer resides in PVP. Sure this is why some people quit. But, no way it represents everyone. I’ve seen many people in these forums complain of the gear gap as game breaking mechanism. I’ve heard of people quitting because of the carries that gone. I’ve also heard of people on the forums quit because the LFG is so bad. Some people quit because of a combo of all three. Some people quit for pure political reasons because they dislike the bad press blizzard is getting.

Or you can pretend that everyone quit for the reasons you want it to be.

Player versus Player

  • Lower item-level PvP gear will now scale to a higher item-level in PvP situations than before. This should reduce the power level gap so that new characters can feel that they’re able to compete in Battlegrounds and Arenas more readily. This change will not affect high item-level PvP gear.

  • Additional PvP Titles and Item Level Ranks have been added to provide a more granular upgrade path for players climbing up the ranks.

    • New Rating - Title - Item Level
    • Rank 1 Unranked - 220
    • 1000 - Rank 2 Combatant I - 223
    • 1200 - Rank 3 Combatant II - 226
    • 1400 - Rank 4 Challenger I - 229
    • 1600 - Rank 5 Challenger II - 233
    • 1800 - Rank 6 Rival I - 236
    • 1950 - Rank 7 Rival II - 239
    • 2100 - Rank 8 Duelist - 242
    • 2400 - Rank 9 Elite - 246
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