DK PVP Rep Sad

Disturbing representation DK numbers for SL S2 thus far.

There are only 151 DKs in the world over 1.8k in 2s and only 334 over 1.8k in 3s.

At the extreme other end… 1100/1244 for Wars.


here’s my perspective as a casual:

the mog looks alright this season, however the gearing system is atrocious, atm im about 230 in pvp, if i were to go into 2s i’d start running into carries and 250+ tryhards at 1400. i’ve steamrolled plenty of glads in wpvp and epics and i’ve done 2s before to get mogs and hitting 1800 was relatively easy. so why then would i want to bash my head against the wall taking pointless loss after pointless loss just because i need to slowly build up my ilvl to get to the point where i can hit 1800. it took me like 40 or 50 games to hit 1800 before, why would i want to play ten times that many games to get the same rating?


I mean, I get what you are saying. See here

But when it comes to rep everybody has the same problem so this is not really a gearing issue, it is an Outlier (warrior) or gimped class (DK) issue.

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maybe if we had more damage mitigation? seems like offensively we are okay if we get our damage going, problem is we are dead before that happens, monks, wars, and pallies will wipe us out before we get ramped up, through defensives sometimes. that could also just be my ilvl, but i’ve got 65k buffed and still get taken to the cleaners by 45k monks and other FOTMs.

one other thing i think might be an issue for rep is we have no clear build winner, especially for unholy, we got lots of fun new pvp talents, most if not all of them viable, same with our talents, you can take basically anything and slap together a viable build, this makes building for DK fuzzy and confusing for non-mains. compare that to other classes which have obvious build winners.

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I think this more has to do with how out of control scaling is in this xpac. Arms has at least six defensives plus a near-permanent 20% damage reduction, sure, but Monk runs the risk of exploding if they’re caught out at the wrong time too. The thing with Arms/Ret/Monk (and to an extent DH) is that they can pump so much damage in such a short time that you have to respect them the instant they get close to you. Frost has more setup potential and Obliterate crits, but they’re not nearly as scary as the other melees because they’re not loaded with layered damage multipliers like Monks/Ret or chock full of easy defensives like Arms. Unholy doesn’t have the burst to trade into other melees at all. Ferals are special because they have a ton of self-sustain; I swear I’ve spent more time than anything else this season staring at bear and deer buttholes as they jump around the corner to heal themselves.

As for gearing, there aren’t actually as many ilvl 230+ players in the 1400-1800 range as you’d think. Where you will struggle, though, is if you don’t have a steady arena team to play with. Your only other option is to pull from randoms in LFG, many of whom are undergeared alts or new players. As a result, you have to deal with both a knowledge gap and a gear gap.

That’s where the current gearing system really hurts casuals. Players with consistent teams don’t feel it as much and will just tell you to network better, when networking at lower ranks is difficult because it’s a skill/gearing wasteland. Either you risk tanking your rating by playing with an ilvl 203 Mage who can’t cross poly, or you risk pissing off someone ranked/geared much higher than you by tanking their rating. There’s no in-between in middling league.


Staring at bear and deer buttholes!!! So funny man! Your post was spot on though. DK damage just doesn’t pack the upfront punch like the other classes. I’ve been advocating a long time to remove CS and put all that damage back into FS/Obit where it belongs and used to be. We’d be plenty bursty then.


Skill Caped stated that dk is the worst class of the current season, there is no reason to get a DK on your team since you can get a better comp playing with something else

I leveled and geared a hunter, it was so freaking easy to get 1.8k and I never pvped as one before.

on the other hand, with the dk that I play since 2013 (I guess) it was the first expansion that i got on my nerves to get the elite pvp set. I finally got 2.1 today, now I’ll try to get with the hunter.

I mean. Why would I pick a Dk to a comp if a warrior can surpass everything that a dk can do? They have better burst, deffensives, cooldowns to help your teamate, etc.

Very well put

I have an opinion.
To my knowledge, there’s no class in the game that has to do what we do when we hit our Cool Downs: Alternate between two different abilities to proc rime, etc.
When a warrior hits Go, it’s just go. DK has to get the timing right. If things get hectic or the DK feels overwhelmed, it’s easy to fall off the timer and Frost Strike twice, or Obliterate twice.

Need more physical mitigation I don’t think its unrealistic for DK’s to have a fear like intimidating shout that warrior’s have. I know one of Emeni’s conduits does it but it’s when you’re already down to 20%.
Bone shield could be a class thing. Or some kind of few seconds of physical immunity. Which would be like disarm except not a disarm but it would reduce damage in the same way.

What we really need is our presences back.

This would fix we being the bottom of pvp ladder.

Blood Presence - Increases threat generated, increases armor and stamina, and lowers damage taken and restores a percentage of damage dealt as health.

Frost Presence - Increases damage done, reduces threat generated.

Unholy Presence - Increases attack and movement speed, reduces threat generated and reduces the global cooldown on all Death Knight abilities.

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we’ve been asking the same thing with unholy and army of the dead. changing it to reset on boss means the rest of our damage is balanced around having army up. problem is its not allowed in rated and generally useless for pvp to begin with, so we just sort of hit like wet noodles.

for unholy at least for easy explosive power change necromancer’s bargin to remove all wounds from the target and add a stack of crypt fever per wound. this means up to 48% on a 3 gcd setup with unholy assault. closer to retadin, still nowhere near monk, but monk is broken atm.

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Frost would be nothing without the freeze leggo. All of the damage outside of the very avoidable chillstreak is loaded into one button, and seeing a DK press pillar just means cc him in some kind of way whether it be disarm or something else. There’s so much cc in the game it’s almost guaranteed that pillar will be stoped and once it’s gone we are back to being a useless punching bag.

Didn’t mean to post on alt^

Our boy flarkness just posted this video


Great vid! A few responses.

FDK Glacial Advance:

Flarkness solution is to make it a cone. It would be an improvement but the talent would still be worthless. Maybe making it a cone and having it apply 5 stack of razorice immediately if using 2h would make it useful.

Earlier in the video Flark states Frozen Pulse should be tied to PoF. This would increase the power of Ice Cap. Going along with this sentiment… I think removing GA and replacing it with Frostwhelps would be better. Restores two dead talents with one fix.

Or best of both worlds… Have Frostwhelps replace hypothermic presence and buff GA.

UHDK Necromancers bargain:

Flark said he would nerf the CD reduction but add back the summoned ghouls. I do not like that. Currently, Army of the damned + Necromancers bargain + Harbinger of doom makes it so you can keep 6 stacks of necrotic wounds and Magus of the Dead up almost full time. It is a pretty rewarding playstyle.

UHDK needs a baseline nuke button. Apocalypse should be as scary as it sounds! Either buff its initial damage by a ton. Or have it buff Festering strike, scourge strike, and death coil while active making the above build dangerous.

UHDK Pestilence:

I would replace Pestilence with Cankerous Wounds. Wouldn’t it be nice to feel like we are using a 2h weapon again?

Removed stupied BoS comment.

officially we have army of the dead. unofficially, gripping someone through a line of reanimation zombies like a pool trickshot is as close as we get to a big nuke. hopefully there is no AoE.

as for Nbargain, idk that i like Flark’s idea any more than any other idea, which mainly means we all agree that it needs something.

i definitely dont like losing the 45 second CD.

pestilence is so bad you could replace it with the romantic picnic basket and that would get more play. Cankerous Wounds is a good idea to replace it, provided it maintains the additional festering strike damage. this would make your choice in that row between ST, pet damage, and AoE. also maintains the strikes, pets, dots theme.

a buff to FS would be nice. I’m not a mathmatician, so I dont have any idea how the numbers all work. But frost just feels super weak outside of pillar. For pvp, chill streak is super high damage, but pulling it off is tough. what other class has to jump through such hoops to burst? Manditory lego, blind, grippy hands, chill streak, etc. pray to wow jebus they are in range long enough to work.

My cave man mind says, buff the HELL out of FS and oblit damage outside of pillar and maybe even give FDK a mortal strike.

someone mentioned something about having chill streak being able to bounce off you, but will prioritize enemy targets if they are in range. I feel like that could work well. I wouldn’t mind seeing the range increased a touch too, like 4-5yards…its so easy for people to walk 2 steps away from each other and end the streak.

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