GDKPs banned in SoD. Let's see how it plays out and if good, do the same for Cata. Or personal loot

No, it won’t. It will just become guilds selling runs. They have no need to take it to discord.

Nope, they haven’t. They don’t have a spreadsheet. Any monitoring that will be done will be automated.

You don’t ned to trade within the instance.

No, it won’t. If that is the case people wouldn’t RMT. There would be no bots. There is no such thing as a shockwave of fear. Just a wave of PR that does nothing.

No, they won’t. I’ve already told you exactly what will happen. This will have the exact opposite effect you are seeking.

Yeah “illicit players”… you think Blizzard is going to purge themselves? No, but I guess you conveniently forget that Blizzard employees including the former president participated in the next step that will occur in retail.

No, it won’t make anything better. It will actively make things worse. The only thing that it making better is the pocket of GDKP host as they change it to selling runs from a guild. Which happens even with personal loot. Which is a terrible idea, that no one liked, which is why they allowed people to choose to not use it. The only thing personal thing is good for is LFR… and we are already fighting against that.

A retail-like lockout system while beneficial would have no impact on this… any impact it would have would be beneficial to people selling runs. Why you ask? Because a retail-like lockout system encourages players to jump in and out of runs. So you’ll have things like PuG fall apart more often. You’ll have any PuG Leader being far stricter in their recruiting method because they will have even less control over getting people to stay in the run. They won’t be able to take any bad player. They will become a lot more “Have good logs, or you don’t get an invite”.

Bots, yes. RMTers, yes. GDKPs, no. There are going to be Bots and RMTers no matter what you do. Look at retail. They had no GDKPs. They have more bots and more RMTers their classic all of whom were far more blatant in their boting and buying and nothing was done.

Yes, that is why you ban the gold seller… GDKPs. You don’t punish the 99% for the 1% that doesn’t make any sense. Especially when it is easy to tell which host are selling gold and which are not.

GDKP or not. These “businesses” will stay in business. They will adapt… especially when the alternative system already exists for them and has been legitimized by Blizzard themselves.

Yep, and the same thing has happened with what will replace GDKPs. You aren’t solving an issue. You are putting a bandaid on a gushing wound and calling it “fixed”. You aren’t addressing the issue. You are making the same mistake Blizzard has constantly made in your thought process.

Stop thinking bandaid solutions are going to fix anything. All they ever do it punish those who aren’t doing the things you accuse the majority of. All the while making it more lucrative for the 1% by making things harder for the average player.

Any item trade for gold will be reportable, if they’re willing to ban the people that run those runs which they’ve never did much before this should be able to make a lot more people afraid. Only need to prove that you were there with a bunch of people doing an illicit run and you all get banned. Only need to have a couple people motivated to infiltrate those discords and they get all those people banned.

I thought that banning just advertising would be heavy, this depending if they act upon it will be rivers of blood.

  • Make money from being in GDKP
  • Use money to buy from GDKP to gear character
  • Once character is geared from GDKP, make money from being in GDKP
  • Create next character
  • Dungeon level next character
  • Make money from being in GDKP
  • Use money to buy from GDKP to gear character
    etc. etc.

I thought the whole point of Classic was to relive the adventures of the past versions of the game. If someone sold me WOW Classic as the above gameplay loop I’d probably have quit the game at level 70 (back then I wanted to see the world at least) let alone WOTLK.

I think the major problem with GDKPs is that they became the Meta and how some people can’t imagine an adventure rpg game without them. At best for those people its a gameplay loop that allows them to try out different classes, at worst its an addiction.


Yeah, it isn’t an illicit run. It is a run that Blizard has come out and stated it okay. That they themselves do. GDKP and a Guild Selling a run aren’t the same thing. The only thing Blizzard is against with Guilds selling runs is the advertising of said runs in the LFG Tool.

The banning of GDKPs does not equate to the banning of buyer gear from raids.

GDKP is a very nice loot system. For the most part. And it would have remained “nice” if it wasn’t for a number of illicit players abusing it.

If all gold transactions were to remain legit, GDKPs would have never been a problem. But given how some chose to opt in into swiping, it had drastically inflated pricing and thus have created a much higher demand for gold.

Following the rise of pricing, for a lot of players it became hard to keep up via traditional means, so more and more have decided to opt into swiping. Some more than others.

All of this has led to even further rise in prices. And the demand for gold RMT kept going up. So botters/hackers kept deploying more and more bots to keep up with the demand for gold.

And it’s a never ending loop. The prices will keep going up. The demand for gold will keep going up. The number of bots will keep going up. More and more legit players would quit on leaving.

This happens in every game. Such illicit behavior needs to stop.

GDKP runs are at the center of it. Without said runs, the demand for gold would basically be non-existent. Because as it’s been pointed out by multiple people earlier, you actually don’t need gold outside of 2 flasks + a stack of pots if you’re into parsing, and all of that gold can be obtained in 1-2 days of dailies.

I have nothing against GDKPs as a loot system. It’s all right. The issue is that it has become the “organized crime center” for all of the botted gold. Again, not everyone RMTs, but enough people to encourage botting in such high quantities.

You can’t sit there with a straight face and say that RMT is not an issue for Classic.

They stated
“We’re defining GDKP as any raid or dungeon run where items are awarded in exchange for gold. Please note that we have multiple detection methods for GDKP that are effective both inside and outside of dungeon or raid instances.”

Any system that tries to sell loot for gold in dungeons or raids is affected by this.

They also stated
“To go along with this policy update in Season of Discovery, it is no longer permitted to advertise gold bid/GDKP runs in Trade, LookingForGroup, or any other in-game chat channel.”


This was one of my original thoughts. Perhaps they are testing this on SoD before they add to Cata to see how well it works. They did say that SoD was basically a beta so why not use real world players to beta test out new ideas such as runes, lock tanking, GDKP detection tools, etc.


Yeah. They prob understand given that SoD is seasonal, it will die out eventually. Meanwhile Classic prog + Retail are the 2 main branches.

But if you look around Reddit and even on here, people are happy with the ban of GDKPs.




take a look at dis guild asking for da gold cap to be raised.
Gold cap too low . plus da same guild asking for nerfs Nerf Ulduar .

a guild officer dat also sells gold on a discord while also running a gdkp discord. note da ranks n color of their name in da discords.

imgur. com/a/YdnNCOj

haha. here is a photo of a guilds guild master telling buyers in da gold selling discord how to get priority spots in da gdkp discord. note da ranks n color of their name in da discord. green is gdkp leader.

imgur. com/a/yboW7Pw

screenshot of dat same guilds gdkp discord promoting da same gold selling discord. haha. note da ranks n color of their name in da discord. yellow is leader.

imgur. com/a/GyQcgZf

haha. so funny.

haha 150,000,000 gold sold through dis gdkp in wotlk. real life money earned now up to 750,000 usd if not more.

750,000 minimum usd earned through tbc n wotlk from da one gdkp n gold selling operation. let dat sink in.

:axe: :axe: :axe: :axe::axe::axe::axe::axe::axe::axe::axe::axe::axe::axe::axe::axe::axe::axe::axe::axe::axe::axe::axe::axe::axe::axe::axe::axe::axe:


How is it ruining the game, they are the minority raid type…Plenty of MS>OS and SR raids…No one is forcing anyone to do GDKP.

You aren’t selling gear for gold. You are selling a position in a raid, but go ahead and stick your head in the sand… pay attention to nothing that has ever happened in WoW.

discord channels on how to buy gold are kinda hilarious but also mad cringe

By your logic, botting is totally okay. (bUt iF yOu iGnOrE tHem iTs fInE)
Aimbot in CSGO is totally acceptable too. (nOoNe fOrcEs yOu to PlAY CSGO)
Arena scripts are definitely a good thing. (nOoNe FoRcEs YoU tO pLaY aRenA)

:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:


You can argue it how you want it, they won’t care if gold has been traded and that they get gear.

Your free to do those at your own risks.

Interesting read.

Again… you aren’t listening. Guild Runs are something Blizzard Employees do. There is a reason why it was worded the way it was. Selling a raid clear doesn’t qualify under that statement.

And Blizzard has decided that guilds runs for gold were not allowed. I do not care how you wish to twist it around.

The rules are simple, if you pay gold and get loot you are concerned by that ruling.

That the gold is given for any external reason they won’t care. If that’s what the game sees that’s what happens.

If you can trade before or after the run gold then GDKPs would just do that. That you pay the gold before or after doesn’t stop you from being concerned by this.

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#1 guild on Mankrik for all of Classic used GDKP for their loot system lol good thing they folded I guess

Ya it’s not hard to monitor 3 realms when the majority of the public will be reporting for it



Save your RP for in-game please