GDKPs banned in SoD. Let's see how it plays out and if good, do the same for Cata. Or personal loot

I dunno man, you tell me.

What would you need to RMT 200k gold for otherwise. Tell me.
Or 100k.

Remember, no one is saying that every GDKP player RMTs. God no. But there are plenty that do.

For someone who said I can’t read, apparently same applies to you. The very next sentence has explicitly said why.

You mean this? I already talked about this earlier.

If he’s bad, he’s not getting into a run, no matter how much gold he has.

I remember some auction house recipes going for that much during Sunwell in TBC.

But in the absence of GDKP they would spend it on…

Ticket runs, buying a spot in a raid for gold, all loot for your spec being funneled to you.

Carry runs, getting mounts and achievements.

Even then, cheaters will find a way to buy these runs without gold, direct to paypal. The swipers still swiping and getting bis loot, the only losers in a gdkp ban situation are people who don’t swipe, who lost one their favorite option for raiding.

oh yeah he is. Cash cows always make into runs, unless it’s a prog group. Because yes, those do exist. And those groups are not for the payout. Those are for prog.

But the remaining 9/10 GDKP runs are for milking cash cows.

If RMT wasn’t a thing, such prices wouldn’t even exist. Such prices exist only because people swipe. And someone would swipe for it.

If Swiping wasn’t a “trend”, same recipe would go for 10k.

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I don’t think that is the case.

I believe these bots will still run, only now gold will have less demand and be even cheaper for swipers to grab.

I guess we will just have to see if they actually move on or not.

People with a lot of gold and nothing to save for or spend it on could have an even worse affect on the auction house prices.

Bots will continue to exist. No one is denying that.
But by eliminating GDKPs, potentially bring PL and retail lockout system, all of these things in combination with each other, will revive pug scene.

By having a healthier pug scene, people will be inclined to swipe less.
There will still be underground GDKPs. For sure. But hopefully Blizz will crack down on those as well and actually perma ban them.

Pugging Heroics/Mythics on retail is ALOT easier comparing to Classic. I know this because I was a retail player until DF launched.

If gold buying was an actual perma bannable offence from the getgo, GDKPs as a loot system would have been fine. But it’s been abused and misused by enough people over and over. GDKP is also monopolized by large groups who control most of the runs.

It’s a real business to make money for them IRL.

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They are not going to do anything to “carry” runs, they do exist on retail. Go to any big servers that are left out there and spend 5 seconds you will see the river of “carry services with all the loot given to you”

They wanted to get rid of gdkps but those will adapt and turn into carry groups just like has been happening on retail.

Yes, they do exist. And they do funnel loot. And you can swipe for that service.
However, the vast majority of people run normal pugs. In Classic, 90% of runs are GDKP runs. So unless you have gold, you’re not getting in.

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Just read about their detection methods for detecting gdkps.

I can’t wait for people to still run these raids and start bidding with Black Lotus or some other in game item instead of gold lol. This is just something dumb I thought of in 10 seconds, I am sure others will be more creative.

Imagine a gdkp org selling people a bunch of thorium bars for a set price each, people bidding on items with the thorium bars, and then selling the thorium bars back to the organizer for their “cut”.

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In my opinion this is an extremely bad move by blizzard. I feel that the benefits of GDKPs outweigh the positives. Gold buying has existed in WoW for as long as I can remember, and I remember participating in GDKPs all the way back in original Wrath of the Lich King.

First off, I feel that by making GDKPs unavailable in SOD, you will severely hurt the community of people that enjoy making alts. In SOD, I have every class to max level as of now, as do many others, I’m sure. Part of the reason I was so excited for SOD was that I would be getting to try out all the new runes for every class. With the raid reset being every 3 days, it’s hard to find the time to raid with a guild or in pugs for every character, every reset. Due to this, the gear of some of my characters has fallen behind, and now that GDKPs are unavailable, players will judge your worth in a raid based on gear score which my characters wont have.

Second, I feel that the reason blizzard is banning them is to attempt to fix their already broken economy. As in any economy, if you take out things to spend money on, the things that you can still spend money on will raise in price. The pool of wealth that has been generated in the game isn’t going to magically disappear, and botters and high end players will find other means of making their money, whether it be through increasing the price of BoEs and consumes or any other means. Theyre really just sticking a bandaid on a bullet hole, and I dont think this is going to fix the problems at all.

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I was just reading everyone’s thoughts on it, and yours is the only one I was willing to comment on, because your logic makes sense, if you look from a very narrowed perspective.

The problem with GDKPs and what you’re saying, it’s gold you made, which is now legit gold, and it’s clean, it wasn’t botted gold, or bought gold, all things against ToS, because it was cleaned in the entire process, so it becomes difficult to track, you can’t very well get it out of the system once it has been used and gave to a legit player, because the botter already got their real life money, the player already got what they spent the gold on, and then you’re stuck holding the gold. So no one in that scenario loses out, you ban the botter, the player doesn’t get a ban, because they can’t prove it was bought gold, and they can’t do anything to you, because you didn’t know it was bought botted gold. This means inflation goes rampant, and it doesn’t matter how many botters the do ban, there’s still gold they can’t remove, and bad, cause of it. It’s called laundering, and you were all baited into it.

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They won’t ban GDKP in Progressive Classic. It’s the main reason to buy the token. Era and HC maybe, but they’re not going to do anything that drives purchasers away from it.

and no one is banning GDKP participants.

GDKP, just like you said it yourself, is a method to launder gold. Botted/RMTd gold gets funneled into GDKP to later then distribute it amongst the players, along with an admin cut to keep a portion of it to sell it later.

So, if GDKPs function as a mechanism to launder said gold, the right path is to ban such mechanism.

No one actually buys tokens for GDKPs. Why? Swipe card and get it at 3/10th of the price or whatever the current cost is. Especially when you know you won’t even get banned for it.

RMT has been practically normalized in WoW at this point.
There is no “one solution to fix it all”. But there are definitely a number of steps/actions Blizzard can take to minimize it. And in combination of all of those things, the situation is ought to get better.

Yes, there is RMT on retail, but after YEARS of retail, I can assure you it’s not nearly as blatant and obvious as it is in Classic. RMT on Retail is practically invisible and full blown RMT carry runs only happen to filthy rich, as normal players can just do things the normal way, as there are others who want to do it the normal way.

90% of Classic raiding is tied into GDKJPs. It’s the norm. The standards. For every newcomer/returning player, GDKP remains the only suitable option. They swipe. They get in. And they leave with gear.

GDKPs with legit gold are fine. But it’s been gutted with RMT.

I mean they’ve clearly said it was a test on SoD, it could come to progressive classic.

We will see what the results are after a season on SoD.


Yeah. Hopefully they develop good strats on their end and apply same practice across all of WoW.

Goofy and incorrect

Removing the loot system thousands upon thousands of players use for pugging weekly, thereby removing the incentive that loot system gives for geared players to keep raiding, and removing the incentive for people to organize those raids, will revive the pug scene? PL sucks, btw.

Blizz doesn’t care about rmt, they care that they’re not profiting from rmt. Hence the token.

While this is true just want to point out u can make the gold for epic flying in bc zones easily just turn off exp off at 70 and do smv and netherstorm quests. . Unless its a persons first character cold weather flying is 900g for the book.


Hoping they do it for cata. Test it p2 SOD put it in for cata.


Quite a few people have received suspensions for participating in GDKP runs.